Do you collect anything?


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Recently I've gone through my old NFL/NBA card collection, and having fun looking to see what they are worth.

Had people in my family with some interesting collections. One had a giant stamp collection. I guess this will soon be outdated soon? Does USPS still release collectors' stamps? I used to work at my uncle's coin auction business and being into history, this was always fascinating. This was a long time ago, and maybe they are now worth more, but I was amazed at how he had some coins from Roman Times, and even more amazed that the Ancient History coins were worth less than the rare American coins.

I'm sure some of you have some cool Dallas Cowboys collections. If I had the money to restore and secure, I'd love to have a car collection. Had a buddy who collected Fords and had a lot of Mustangs from different eras including Shelbys. Very cool to see and drive first-hand. Had a buddy who was an entomologist and had a sizeable bug mount collection. Not my thing, but point is I think there is a collection for just about everything.

What do you collect? Any good pictures?

These pics/videos below are NOT my collections, but some interesting collections I've seen on the net.

Bowling Ball Collection

Milk Bottle Collection

This couple have the record for biggest Dallas Cowboys collection?
Arrow heads. I've collected them since I was a kid and inherited both my grandfather and father's collections too. I've got a few spear heads and broken hatchet heads as well. I live in an area of Texas with a lot of Native American history and my dad taught me early to keep my eyes on the ground. My favorite is a tiny arrow head made for small game or birds made out of pink granite that I found backpacking in Big Ben NP.

I wouldn't say I'm a collector but I've got a bunch of neon too. Dallas Cowboy's Budweiser, the Lone Star beer boot, Icee, Eat Here, Texaco, Live Music, Mercury Outboard, and Drive In Liquor Store to name a few. If they're original and work I'll buy them.
Arrow heads. I've collected them since I was a kid and inherited both my grandfather and father's collections too. I've got a few spear heads and broken hatchet heads as well. I live in an area of Texas with a lot of Native American history and my dad taught me early to keep my eyes on the ground. My favorite is a tiny arrow head made for small game or birds made out of pink granite that I found backpacking in Big Ben NP.

I wouldn't say I'm a collector but I've got a bunch of neon too. Dallas Cowboy's Budweiser, the Lone Star beer boot, Icee, Eat Here, Texaco, Live Music, Mercury Outboard, and Drive In Liquor Store to name a few. If they're original and work I'll buy them.
Cool deal on the arrowhead collection. I used to collect tribal artifacts. Mostly Asia, SA and Africa. Had some Native American items too. I stopped because I wasn’t traveling as much and it’s cheaper abroad. Always wanted to visit the National Museum of the American Indian in DC but haven’t had a chance yet.
Video game collection

Autographed baseball collection, even has Babe Ruth

Mercedes collection

Batman collection

Peter Jackson’s (director Lord Rings) world class movie prop collection
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I collect Superhero DVDs - current and past. Whether animation or live action film.
I'm looking for the Incredible Hulk 1980's series.

DVD collections such as this example:


Still have a good share of my comic issues, a great deal of them got toasted in an apt. fire back in early 2000's .

Finally found an very hard to find " All-you-want- to know-about-Martial Arts catalogue that was lost in the fire.
Bought 4 of them online since. :)
1. Guitars
2. foreign language vocabulary
3. foreign films (especially French ones)

I only own four guitars, but I guess you can call that a collection. I know some people who own 30 or more. I think Ace Frehley owns something like 200. But I feel blessed to own four very nice guitars.
1. Guitars
2. foreign language vocabulary
3. foreign films (especially French ones)

I only own four guitars, but I guess you can call that a collection. I know some people who own 30 or more. I think Ace Frehley owns something like 200. But I feel blessed to own four very nice guitars.
I sometimes go to those Hard Rock Hotel/Casinos (I think they're in the restaurants too) and have fun looking at all the collectors music items. Famous guitars, gold records and concert apparel on display from early 20th century to today's musicians.

The apparel is what always amazes me because they'll display them on life-size mannequins. Just like actors, some of these musicians are so much smaller than you realize, since you're used to seeing them on video or stage.
Guitars and books. I’m not setting the world on fire in either department but I am always looking to add to both. 4 guitars and 2 builds that are in the beginning stages of a very slow process. lol I do have a lot of books, the oldest a 1st addition Washington Irving. All the short stories from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow published in 1845. Not worth much at all.. still keeping an eye out for a 1st addition Moby Dick but I don’t have a spare 40 grand. If you know anyone with old books just collecting dust, they could be sitting on a mint.
Guitars and books. I’m not setting the world on fire in either department but I am always looking to add to both. 4 guitars and 2 builds that are in the beginning stages of a very slow process. lol I do have a lot of books, the oldest a 1st addition Washington Irving. All the short stories from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow published in 1845. Not worth much at all.. still keeping an eye out for a 1st addition Moby Dick but I don’t have a spare 40 grand. If you know anyone with old books just collecting dust, they could be sitting on a mint.
I regret not holding on to all the books I've had in my life. At one point I just said to heck with it, sold them all and went with Kindle, but it's just not the same. Nothing like the feel of a classic book collection, and a personal library/office/shelf for it.

Bauman Rare Books. 3 locations in the country - NYC, Vegas and (go figure) Philly. Great store just to window browse. 1st editions of everything from Tom Sawyer to Harry Potter to Benjamin Franklin's Almanac to JRR Tolkien to Malcom X's autobiography. Just matters what is for sell when you walk in.

Show pigs for FFA
Feeder pigs (show pigs that ain't picked)
Calves when I can find a decent deal on them
More aches
More pains
Gray hair
Nothing beats an animal collection or private ranch. I envy you sir. :thumbup:

Go feed the chickens and ducks, take the dogs out, ride the horses, open the barrels for the cows and pigs and so on...

Will never be able to convince my wife for that lifestyle, too much for her, but always enjoyed working on the family farms and ranches.

Every year, my pain collection mounts along with the grey hair collection. That was a collection I didn't ask for. :mad:
I regret not holding on to all the books I've had in my life. At one point I just said to heck with it, sold them all and went with Kindle, but it's just not the same. Nothing like the feel of a classic book collection, and a personal library/office/shelf for it.

Bauman Rare Books. 3 locations in the country - NYC, Vegas and (go figure) Philly. Great store just to window browse. 1st editions of everything from Tom Sawyer to Harry Potter to Benjamin Franklin's Almanac to JRR Tolkien to Malcom X's autobiography. Just matters what is for sell when you walk in.

I tried the e books and just had a hard time with it. Nothing like the real deal. Everywhere I go I’m looking for bookstores or libraries. Didn’t see that coming in high school. Thanks for the recommendations on Baumans, I’ll definitely check that out when I get a chance. Nice to look even when you can’t afford it.
Recently I've gone through my old NFL/NBA card collection, and having fun looking to see what they are worth.

Had people in my family with some interesting collections. One had a giant stamp collection. I guess this will soon be outdated soon? Does USPS still release collectors' stamps? I used to work at my uncle's coin auction business and being into history, this was always fascinating. This was a long time ago, and maybe they are now worth more, but I was amazed at how he had some coins from Roman Times, and even more amazed that the Ancient History coins were worth less than the rare American coins.

I'm sure some of you have some cool Dallas Cowboys collections. If I had the money to restore and secure, I'd love to have a car collection. Had a buddy who collected Fords and had a lot of Mustangs from different eras including Shelbys. Very cool to see and drive first-hand. Had a buddy who was an entomologist and had a sizeable bug mount collection. Not my thing, but point is I think there is a collection for just about everything.

What do you collect? Any good pictures?

These pics/videos below are NOT my collections, but some interesting collections I've seen on the net.

Bowling Ball Collection

Milk Bottle Collection

This couple have the record for biggest Dallas Cowboys collection?

I don't collect anything anymore because at my age there is no point to it. I used to collect baseball and football cards and some coins. I still have about 50,000 cards in my basement and I have no idea what to do with them. The value of cards went down the tubes a few years back. I have a bunch of Barry Sanders rookie cards but even they are decreased in value so much they are hardly worth the space they take up. I also collected copies of Dallas Cowboys Weekly magazine, which was mailed to my house every week during football season when I had a subscription. I still have all of them dating back to the 1980s! I don't want to throw them out but I have no idea what do do with them either.

That bowling ball collection looks somewhat familiar. I bowled quite a bit when I was in my 30s and 40s. League bowling was a lot of fun, and buying a new bowling ball every few months became a thing. It was never about collecting though. The manufacturers released a new ball every few months and of course it was the next best thing all bowlers had to have. I recognize many of the balls in that pile. I am certain I owned a bunch of them at one time. I never had more than a dozen at one time though. I threw all but a couple out about 10 years ago. The last time I bowled was about 15 years ago and I think I broke a bone in my hand!
I used to collect Star Wars memorabilia, but haven't for over 20 years. I don't fault others for collecting things but decided that for me there wasn't really a point. Certain things make more sense than others. Why would anyone need that many bowling balls (unless they owned a bowling alley or two) ?

The best collection so far in this thread (to me) is the rare book collection.
I used to collect Star Wars memorabilia, but haven't for over 20 years. I don't fault others for collecting things but decided that for me there wasn't really a point. Certain things make more sense than others. Why would anyone need that many bowling balls (unless they owned a bowling alley or two) ?

The best collection so far in this thread (to me) is the rare book collection.
I see how much those original Hasbro Star Wars toys sell for on EBAY and wondering why I threw them out.

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