Do you own a gun?

I own two:


Boom Boom Firepower!

ummm... sorry.
Actually I have a lot of guns. Lots of duck hunting growing up. Also, my dad collected shotguns, so I have a couple of excellent collectors items. I also have an old Colt M1911 .45 that is probably valuable.
Wimbo;3320831 said:
I own two:


Boom Boom Firepower!

ummm... sorry.
Actually I have a lot of guns. Lots of duck hunting growing up. Also, my dad collected shotguns, so I have a couple of excellent collectors items. I also have an old Colt M1911 .45 that is probably valuable.
I have a shotgun that has been appraised at between 5 and 10 thousand dollars. Only 8 of this model were ever made. I have the only one in North or South America.
BrAinPaiNt;3320821 said:
I just have a bunch of knives...however I am thinking about buying a hand gun sometime this year. Just so I can go to the range when I want something to do.
I'm a knife person myself even though I never started up a collection. My dad has some magazines with some knives in them that make me drool.

When I first got to Houston, I was 17 and used to sleep with one of these. I was a bit scary. ;)

WoodysGirl;3320834 said:
I'm a knife person myself even though I never started up a collection. My dad has some magazines with some knives in them that make me drool.

When I first got to Houston, I was 17 and used to sleep with one of these. I was a bit scary. ;)


I have a bunch stashed around the house.

The coolest one I have is actually a WWI German bayonet. I used to cut down small trees with that thing when I was a youth.:laugh2:
WoodysGirl;3320834 said:
I'm a knife person myself even though I never started up a collection. My dad has some magazines with some knives in them that make me drool.

When I first got to Houston, I was 17 and used to sleep with one of these. I was a bit scary. ;)

You slept with a plastic meat cleaver?
Hostile;3320840 said:
You slept with a plastic meat cleaver?
Lol. No, mine was very real and I kept it sharpened.

I lived in an apt on the other side of town from school and didn't know anyone. That was the only protection I had.

I actually still have it. I just keep it in the drawer now.

BrAinPaiNt;3320836 said:
I have a bunch stashed around the house.

The coolest one I have is actually a WWI German bayonet. I used to cut down small trees with that thing when I was a youth.:laugh2:
You know you still go out there and try to cut down something for old times sake. Lol.
WoodysGirl;3320834 said:
When I first got to Houston, I was 17 and used to sleep with one of these. I was a bit scary. ;)


Already having bbgun problems huh.
Taurus 9mm 15 rd clip
308 Winchester
Remington Model 870 12 gauge
and 1st ever gun folks bought it for me at christmas when I was 10 a Browning 410 shotgun
Hostile;3320840 said:
You slept with a plastic meat cleaver?

Haha, I was gonna say the same thing.

I'm into weapons of all kinds. Well pretty much anything that is built for a single purpose. Something about that inspires clean, efficient design.

I never bothered to purchase any though, I move too much and I'd never use them for anything.

One of our favorite past times when we were little was to watch those late night, knife shows and think about the type of people that actually call up to buy a 250-Piece Knife Set. Especially once they started throwing the "specials" in there.

It'd be like 250 knifes, 1 broadsword and two highlander katana replicas.
Doomsday101;3320851 said:
Taurus 9mm 15 rd clip
308 Winchester
Remington Model 870 12 gauge
and 1st ever gun folks bought it for me at christmas when I was 10 a Browning 410 shotgun
I have a .308 Winchester too. Is yours the Model 88 lever action? I practically stole mine.
I'm down to two, both given to me by my dad when I was growing up. They're very special to me -- a Browning .22 rifle, and a Remington 20-gauge shotgun.

My brother has dozens of guns.

I grew up on a farm and was in a very rural school district, and our school parking lot was full of pickup trucks with gun racks. Most teen-age boys had a gun for hunting.

Boy, how times change.
Hostile;3320855 said:
I have a .308 Winchester too. Is yours the Model 88 lever action? I practically stole mine.

Yes it is. I inherited it from an uncle who has passed away a few years back who I had gone on many hunting trips with
Doomsday101;3320885 said:
Cause your TNT your dynamite. :laugh2:

Oy Oy Oy...I take it you were singing the AC/DC Classic but when I read his post I was thinking of Love Gun by Kiss.:laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;3320901 said:
Oy Oy Oy...I take it you were singing the AC/DC Classic but when I read his post I was thinking of Love Gun by Kiss.:laugh2:

You are right. :bow: I'm not surprised that you thought of KISS Love Gun seeing how your mind is in the gutter. :laugh2:

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