Do you think Cowboys are trying to trade 3-4 players?

I don't think this FO has the knowledge and smarts to pull off a trade that would actually be a net positive for the team.
A player can be active and not count toward the 53 man limit a total of three times before they have to be elevated. That means we can wait on Maher and whichever QB until Week 3 -- at that point we may have more candidates for IR.

So here is a thought. Grier and Rush are one in the same basically.
Both are on the PS. They can rotate activating them. Giving it 6 weeks. :muttley:
I'm pretty sure under some new rules they can call up players from the PS on gameday and essentially have a 55 man roster for the first 3-4 weeks so I think that's what they are doing. I probably got something mixed up but I think that's the gist.
I'm pretty sure under some new rules they can call up players from the PS on gameday and essentially have a 55 man roster for the first 3-4 weeks so I think that's what they are doing. I probably got something mixed up but I think that's the gist.

Sounds about right. Also last season they could have an OL as an emergency player. Not sure if that counts as one of the 2 they can call up or not.
Last season I believe it was mandated one had to be an OL. I have not seen if that is the case this year.
The Cowboys need to activate a back-up QB, and a Place Kicker for the September 11th game. Stashing the QB's and PK Brett Maher on the Practice Squad allows those players to practice, but they'll need to activate them before the game on September 11th. So, the only rational reason they are not already on the 53-man roster is that the Cowboys are trying to get some value out of some of the other players they have on the roster.

It stands to reason that the Cowboys will try to trade at least 2 of the players on the roster now for future draft picks. Also, if the Cowboys sign a Veteran Offensive Lineman, such as Jason Peters, they may wait until after the Sept 11th game to sign them, so that their entire 2022 salary is not guaranteed. But that would require them to either cut or trade another player they have on their roster.

Finally, it stands to reason that Carlos Watkins would prefer to be on the active 53-man roster making around $1.03M ($60,882 per game) instead of the $11,500 he'll earn on the Practice Squad. Chances are he has a handshake deal to allow the Cowboys to park him on the PS this week, while they try to trade one of their other young Dlineman - perhaps Trysten Hill.

All of that adds up to the Cowboys planning to dump 3-4 of the players on the current 53-man roster before September 11th. It will be interesting to learn who the Cowboys are dangling as trade bait, and if the Cowboys find any customers, or if they just cut some more young players this coming weeek.

They could be holding on to some players to trade them, but it's also possible they are just stashing players they could get to the practice squad knowing that the roster will shake out over the next few weeks. If there are any injuries in the first three games, they can move a player to short-term IR and bring up Maher or a QB or even Watkins. No reason to rush it.

The new PS and IR rules really favor doing what Dallas is doing.

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