Do you think that with another coach we would have won at least one SB in the 10 year Garrett era?


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No. Because we aren’t losing playoff games due to coaching or QB play. Although we want to pretend we are.


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Well there is a possibility that that other coach could have been worse, but I'll say yes, if for no other reason to validate my criticism of Jason Garrett :laugh:


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Yes, no? and why?

I DESPISE Garrett probably more than anyone here, but I will try to be objective.
I do think that JG wasted the career of many talented players and I truly think that we could have won at least one SB in this past 10 there if it were not for the clapper.

What do you guys think?
Well as OC he had a hand in the div losses to giants and minn, and I think they had a shot to get to sb if they beat the giants.
However if they had beat minn it would have been tough to get by NO, as that was the cheating knock out the qb bounty bowl team.
They did a job on warner then farve.
But if they had they could have beat Indy or had a chance.

But the best chance was 2014 and 16 and both times got knocked out by MM and his GB teams.
Then there was the 3 win and your in games, if they had won those, they might have got hot and went to a sb.

But yeah with a better HC, like if jerry had hired payton instead of wade, then surely more times in playoffs, more wins and maybe a SB or 2.
Romo was wasted, they should have won more when he was younger from 07 to 12.


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I think we had a better shot in 2014.

That was the most physical team we've fielded since the 1990s and Aaron Rodgers hopped on one leg the entire game. The Dez catch and Julius Peppers stripping Murray cost us an NFC championship appearance and we wouldve beat Seattle again. They did not want to face us a second time.
I think we had a better shot in 2014.

That was the most physical team we've fielded since the 1990s and Aaron Rodgers hopped on one leg the entire game. The Dez catch and Julius Peppers stripping Murray cost us an NFC championship appearance and we wouldve beat Seattle again. They did not want to face us a second time.

the Dez catch that wasn’t really overshadowed that Demarco strip. What a perfectly awful play, all of it. You have probably the one guy in the league in Peppers who could actually make that play because of his length and wingspan, completely embarrassing a guy who is as technically sound and efficient as any player in the league in Martin. Coupled with the fact that if not for that incredibly unlikely occurrence, Demarco likely scores easily. Just brutal


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A lot of it depends on how the drafting would have been different with a different coaching staff and how different the schemes were. Do I think the Cowboys might have had a better shot? Sure. But coaching wasn't the only problem. Jerry's culture for the team was a huge part of the issue.


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Looking up some playoff history here...

If Dez caught it in 2014, we have to go on to play the Seahawks to make the Super Bowl and the Patriots to win it. We had an exceptional offense that year but a shaky defense, and both those teams were just too good to not make us pay for that.

If we beat Green Bay in '16, we'd have to play the Kyle Shanahan Falcons in the NFC Championship, and our defense that year was NOT up for that. It would have been worse than the 2018 Rams beating on D. The Falcons put up 44 on Green Bay and infamously went up 28-3 on New England, they could have easily done the same or worse to our D and put Dak in too deep of a hole to climb out.

'18 was probably our best chance to make a run. We kept it at a one score game despite being eviscerated by an offense who knew what we were doing on every snap; that is an extremely winnable game with a different staff. In the NFC Championship, we'd play a Saints team we'd already beat once in a heart-stopper. While the rematch could go either way, we'd already proven that was a winnable game. Then we'd go on to face one of the least intimidating Patriots teams in a while. You never bet against Billy B, but I don't think that game is unwinnable either. It would have taken a lot of breaks, but I think a Super Bowl appearance and victory that year were both possible.

The 2019 team was on-paper a better team than '18, but I think the squad simply mailed it in after the Vikings game. If they brought it all season like they did in the back half of 2018, who knows what could have happened.
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No the only shot we had was with bill parcells at the helm from 06-09 was probably our best shot. But romo ruined his will after fumbling that snap


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No the only shot we had was with bill parcells at the helm from 06-09 was probably our best shot. But romo ruined his will after fumbling that snap

They had to change the rules after Seattle gave us that garbage ball. Romo did what he did, but it was still shaddy. Dont ask me, cause Ill tell you Dez caught it as well.


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Probably not. There’s been plenty of years where we’ve under performed the quality of the roster but I can’t see a year where we had the best team in the NFL.

2014 was probably our best year but we had a D-Line of Crawford, Hayden, Melton & Mincey so hard to see that going all the way. Of course with a different coaching staff maybe the team looks very different.


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If we repeated every circumstance during those seasons with no changes.....same players.....same coaches........,there is a strong chance the Cowboys could have won a Super Bowl. In half of those seasons the ability to move on in the playoffs came down to a single play.

If random luck was changed ever so slightly, the Cowboys could have won a Super Bowl.

Pick a year, pick a negative play in the last elimination game and make it a positive one....the Cowboys could have won the Super Bowl that year. A field goal, a 3rd and goal, a turnover, a catch, a penalty....just one....and Garrett is a football guru, Jerry Jones is legit GM, the Cowboys are tied for Super Bowl victories, Romo is a first ballot HOFer perhaps.

You can say that about half the teams in the NFL. That's how close it all is. The Patriots won their first three Super Bowls by 3 points, obviously meaning three teams lost those games by three points.....that's one play.

There have been some great coaches that just caught the wrong end of luck. Our DC's father, Dick Nolan, lost three playoff games in a row to the Cowboys, two of them were NFC championsship games.

Suppose the Hail Mary never happened. Suppose Romo didn't fumble that field goal snap. Suppose Dwight Clark didn't make that catch. Suppose Jackie Smith didn't drop that ball in the endzone.......One play. We can go on and on with examples of one bad bounce or won good one.

That's what seperates winners from losers. And every year in the NFL ends with 31 losers and one winner.

One play just may have kept Jason Garrett out of the ROH. We will never know.


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I don't know if we would have won a Superbowl or not but I do know that all those 8 and 8 records are all Garretts fault. Any reasonable or a coach with half a brain would have gotten us to 10 and 6. We would have probably gotten to at least 5 to 7 playoff appearances if it weren't for Garrett.

Getting to the playoffs first is the key to going to the Superbowl. Garrett absolutely sucked at it.


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Somewhere between the Phillips and Garrett era we certainly had the talent to win it all. Talented teams don't get there because of either chemistry issues, coaching, or just bad luck.


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I think the guy in the owner’s box is the biggest reason we haven’t been to a super bowl in a qtr century. Sure there are other culprits, but they all run a very distant second to the oldest Jones at the Star.

It’s pretty simple- the last 24 SBs were all won by teams whose owners believed it was important to hire a real GM to run the football side of things. That’s not a great mystery. Except to the 78 year old billionaire with an ego bigger that his “stayjum”.

It all falls on the man running Cowboys Football. He’s been responsible for the coaching staffs , the rosters, the toxic atmosphere and dysfunctional culture of which none are conducive for winning a championship.