Do you think Wade should bench Romo if push came to shove?

CowboysFanSince88;2967391 said:
But as a coach in the NFL, doesn't Wade have to say to himself at some point if Romo keeps struggling-"what can I do as the coach of this team to make him play better?

Steve Young was benched in his career
Joe Montana was benched in his career
Donovan Mcnabb was benched in his career

So why can't Romo be benched if he is continue to perform at a low level?

Ok let's go through those examples for just a moment.

Young got benched in a game that they were getting absolutely friggen killed in. They had ZERO shot of getting back in the game and he was benched/pulled more because of that, and to protect him, then for his play. If that game had been a 3 point game at the time I can assure you that Young would never have been pulled.

Montana got pulled when he had another darn good QB behind him in Steve Young. It's one thing to pull Montana, while struggling, for a guy like Young than it would be to pull Romo for Kitna. That isn't even on the same playing field in terms of talent. Even without people knowing how good Young would eventually be everyone knew that Young was actually quite good by that point.

And yes Donovan got pulled last year. That worked out swell for the Ravens in that game. Kolb got destroyed. Though I guess, technically, this is the best example of the three cause McNabb played better the rest of the year and his team did make it all the way to the NFC Title game. I'm sure that had zero to do with the rest of the team actually playing better down teh stretch though and had everything to do with McNabb being benched.
Oh and as for the original question of the thread the answer is no. Wade already proved that unless Romo is hurt he'd stick with him at QB.
Bench him for who? Kitna is a backup for a reason and we have no one but a rookie clipboard holder after that.
Bach;2967828 said:
Bench him for who? Kitna is a backup for a reason and we have no one but a rookie clipboard holder after that.
It's not about benching HIm for who or benching him to replace's about maybe, just maybe getting tony lined up in the right direction.

because we know this team isnt going to take us to the promise land unless romo steps up. And for Him to step up He either has to do it on his own( which I hope He does), have something snap him back into shape( benching) or get a better coach under Him.
DallasDomination;2967841 said:
It's not about benching HIm for who or benching him to replace's about maybe, just maybe getting tony lined up in the right direction.

because we know this team isnt going to take us to the promise land unless romo steps up. And for Him to step up He either has to do it on his own( which I hope He does), have something snap him back into shape( benching) or get a better coach under Him.

I'm all for getting a better coach. Guess we'll have to wait til after this season to see if that happens though.

I do see what you're saying about the benching, I just don't think that'll get his attention. I've seen it actually have the opposite affect and cause the QB to digress because he's got in the back of his mind he'll get yanked at the first sign of trouble.

I'd definitely like for us to get better coaches, especially HC. And it would be beneficial, imo, for us to look at drafting a top prospect to compete for the job. It's been over 20 years since we've actually seriously done that.

This year though, I think we'll just have to get through it.
YoMick;2967587 said:
He would have not thrown all those INT's when he saw the game momentum was changing.

Yeah John Kitna of the career 4.2 INT rate would be a much safer bet not to turn the ball over.

Kitna is one of the biggest turnover machines in the league, he is like kurt warner without the ability to hang in there and make big plays. Putting kitna behind this line in a game with this defense would almost guarantee a blowout loss.

and if wade benches romo, I am pretty sure jerry will be benching wade shortly after. All this assuming wade has that authority which I cant imagine he does.
theebs;2967994 said:
and if wade benches romo, I am pretty sure jerry will be benching wade shortly after. All this assuming wade has that authority which I cant imagine he does.

Do it Wade - do it!!!!
As long as it is just pushing, and no on is pushing Romo, I think there will be no benching. But when it gets to shoving and people start shoving things at or in or around other people, then I think Wade should consider benching Romo.
wileedog;2967936 said:
Yeah John Kitna of the career 4.2 INT rate would be a much safer bet not to turn the ball over.

I didnt say talent-wise.

I am referring to the OC calling a smarter game. Less is more.
BraveHeartFan;2967812 said:
Oh and as for the original question of the thread the answer is no. Wade already proved that unless Romo is hurt he'd stick with him at QB.

Well if that's true then he wil not last too much longer in this league
It ain't Wade's decision to make and it ain't gonna happen, so fughedaboutit already!
Early in a season, IF Romo made another pick (throws one up, or does a pattented impulse/gunslinger throw) that ends up costing us the game.....

Well maybe you sit Romo down 1 game to send him the message that things have to change. It is a serious call. You don't do it for a long stretch, you do the attention setting, take a game off, you are being punished for this one specific fault in your game. It is a "wake up call" to say that long-term this can't be tolerated consistently any more as this team will never win in the playoffs under the same circumstances.

Romo is the future of the Cowboys, whether we want it or not (I, for one, want it). We won't likely "give up" on him after this season as our window with Oline and a few other players isn't big enough to bring in another QB and win in the shorter term years. But if Romo doesn't show the ability to limit the bad picks, I can see a QB being drafted high in a couple of years to be groomed to take over. Maybe not 2010 draft, but 2011.

I think Romo has a minimum of 2 years chance to get it done still. I think he will do it. Benching a player for 1 game is part of the NFL though, and if that is the only way to get it into a thick head, that something has to improve, I can see the benefit versus the 1 game harm. Kitna should be able to win a game here or there, and is considered one of the best backup QB's in NFL. It isn't like we'd be throwing in a rookie or scrub player while sending a message to Romo.

If push comes to shove, I think Jerry should bench Wade.
If Romo's injury last year and BJ coming in to play wasn't an eye opener, I dont know what is. Yes he has made his mistakes. There will for sure be more. But let's not forget where we are now as compared to where we were only a few years back. Let him grow and become more confident in what he's doing and learn within the offense.

Personally, I have seen Dan Marino and Troy Aikman (vs. Oilers), two of my all-time favorite QBs both throw 5 interceptions in one game AT TEXAS STADIUM. What are the odds of that...and I haven't been to a whole lot of games.

Wow, two Hall of happens.

BTW...put in Kitna and we are basically another version of the Detroit Lions!:omg:
ryanbabs;2968808 said:
If Romo's injury last year and BJ coming in to play wasn't an eye opener, I dont know what is. Yes he has made his mistakes. There will for sure be more. But let's not forget where we are now as compared to where we were only a few years back. Let him grow and become more confident in what he's doing and learn within the offense.

Personally, I have seen Dan Marino and Troy Aikman (vs. Oilers), two of my all-time favorite QBs both throw 5 interceptions in one game AT TEXAS STADIUM. What are the odds of that...and I haven't been to a whole lot of games.

Wow, two Hall of happens.

BTW...put in Kitna and we are basically another version of the Detroit Lions!:omg:

Well if he is that bad why is Kitna even on the team? Backup is supposed to mean you are good enough to step in when needed.

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