Do you want Petitti starting at RT this season?


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ninja said:
What kind of question is this? I realize there is little football news out there right now, but come on, give us a break. Come up with something a little bit more interesting.

Pettiti is one of my favorite Cowboys. He played at my alma mater Pitt. He's an underdog 6th rd pick who started all 16 games last year. He works hard and gives it his all. Yeah, I hope he's the starter.

Has there ever been a Cowboy rookie OL to start and play in all 16 games? That's a more interesting question, IMO. How about how does Pettiti compare to other rookie OL last year? Or how did Pettiti's play compare to other rookie OL in past drafts? Pettiti sure did play better than Mike Williams. I haven't heard much from Oakland's Gallery.
Greetings Ninja!


The Great Communicator
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I most certainly want him to be the starter. IF he is our starter it will be because he has indeed made the improvements necessary to have become our best option at the position. He will have held off the challenge of an established talent in Fabini and the team will have the RT that we have been in need of for years now.

To say NO at this point is to be hoping against the Cowboys...end of story. No other tackle on the team right now has as much upside as Pettiti. He is young and will fill our RT needs for years to come; Fabini would not. Pettiti winning the starting job will leave us with one less worry this year and well into the future.


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JackMagist said:
I most certainly want him to be the starter. IF he is our starter it will be because he has indeed made the improvements necessary to have become our best option at the position. He will have held off the challenge of an established talent in Fabini and the team will have the RT that we have been in need of for years now.

To say NO at this point is to be hoping against the Cowboys...end of story. No other tackle on the team right now has as much upside as Pettiti. He is young and will fill our RT needs for years to come; Fabini would not. Pettiti winning the starting job will leave us with one less worry this year and well into the future.
You have a point, I just don't see how he can improve that much, that he starts over a veteren Tackle.

I think he will be stronger, but I still don't think his feet will get the job done against the speed types.. However; like you said, if he does start, that means this guy has come leaps and bounds and that's good for us Cowboy fans.


I've got moxie
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Long term, it is probably the best option. However, if he isn't any better than last year, then no.

Give it to whoever plays best in camp. If its close, give it to the young guy and have the established vet be the swing tackle on game days.

I certainly don't spend my days with my fingers crossed that he wins the job.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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to quote Will Smith from MIB 2

old and rusty to new and hot? it should be as easy as hitting the broad side of a barn with a ball...unless your McFlabb

big dog cowboy

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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
I think he will be stronger, but I still don't think his feet will get the job done against the speed types.
I would like to know why. We all know we can't judge him based on last year. So what do you know? Please share!

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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didn't he shut down Freeny in college? or was it Peppers?

Da Hammer

The Natural
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I vote No based on last years performance but if Bill Parcells decides that Petitti deserves to start over Columbo and Fabini based on their performances in training camp and pre-season then he deserves to start. I don't care if its the young guy Petitti starting or its the old guy Fabini starting, all i want is whoever starts plays like a solid starter


Mr. Buckeye
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Only if he can beat out Fabini.

I have absolutely no allegiance to Petitti...If he's better then he starts...If not he's a backup...Which I think he is.

Deacon Moss

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I like the fact that the kid is busting his hump to improve his strength & conditioning and overall get his body in better playing shape, but with that being said (and I could turn out to be wrong), I dont see him being nothing more than a serviceable back-up at best!!!


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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kowboys 05 said:
to quote Will Smith from MIB 2

old and rusty to new and hot? it should be as easy as hitting the broad side of a barn with a ball...unless your McFlabb

LOL it was:

"No, you drive that old busted joint. I drive... the new hotness. [pointing at K] Old and busted. [pointing at himself] New hotness."

And I can imagine Petitti saying that to Fabini


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Hostile said:
Why wouldn't we?

Oh I'm quite sure that some on here don't because they have this petty jealousy thing about his Dad being a member here, but for the life of me why wouldn't we want this?

If he ends up as the starter and does the job we could be set for 10 years or more. That isn't going to happen with any of our other options.

Him being our best option at RT and doing a good job is a win/win situation for the Cowboys.

A vote No doesn't make 1 lick of sense. Period.

3 men competing .best man win .Petiti can only be better to compete next year. fabini,columbo or Petiti best man please,it's too important this yr,....No favortisim please.....Also we did sign Columbo and Fabini for a reason?..I would not rule out Columbo .he also has serious upside .and fairly young............


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big dog cowboy said:
I would like to know why. We all know we can't judge him based on last year. So what do you know? Please share!
I don't know, it's just my opinion. And my opinion is, his footwork will need atleast 1 more year or so to be able to contend with fast shifty pass rushers.


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There is only one really good pass rusher who rushes from Rob's side of the line on a consistant basis....unfortunately he is also a future hall of famer, Michael Strahan. Putting that aside, what almost all posters on this board are forgetting is that almost no player on the offensive line comes in and is dominant his first year. Not Flozell, not Larry, not Nate, nor any of the other olineman that we all consider great. Offensive line more than any other position in football requires continuity with your fellow mates. Knowing what the person to your left and right is seeing and how they will block. Rob was thrown to the wolves last year and although he didn't dominate he did persevere to come back stronger and more importantly smarter this year. We need him to be the starter so that we will have that extra year of continuity and i think everyone will be pleasantly surprised at both Rob's growth and the growth of our oline total. Peace be with you :starspin


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I voted no only because for me I want the best guy out there if that is Petitti then great but right now my favorite is who ever can get out there and perform at the highest level
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With what Pettiti went through last year, I think he deserves a chance to start. You will note I said "deserved to start" which translates to him being the best performer at the RT position. If someone beats him out, so be it!
Having said all this I still really like the kid and desperately hope that he can fulfill his mission. Like my man, Hos, stated, it would be great to have him manning the RT spot for the next 10 years!:)


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MinnesotaCowboy said:
With what Pettiti went through last year, I think he deserves a chance to start. You will note I said "deserved to start" which translates to him being the best performer at the RT position. If someone beats him out, so be it!
Having said all this I still really like the kid and desperately hope that he can fulfill his mission. Like my man, Hos, stated, it would be great to have him manning the RT spot for the next 10 years!:)

Does not matter to me if he starts camp as the #1 as long as he earns it in the end. My hope is that he gets a lot of competition for the job and ends up winning it because of good play not winning it by default because everyone else did poorly.


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Doomsday101 said:
my favorite is who ever can get out there and perform at the highest level

So Dooms, this comment means you should be OK with TO because he's the guy that can get out there at his position and perform at the highest level. Yes?

I want Petitti to succeed because he's a nice guy. I want the Cowboys to win and have high standards/good conduct while they do it. It can't always happen that way, but it's what I hope for.


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I voted Yes. I would like to see him earn the starting job based on his long-term potential. I was encouraged by what I saw before he was beaten down last year. He's a year away from losing all that weight too. That will make a huge difference.

Another interesting question might be the value of that 6th round pick a year later. I'd bet he'd bring more than that right now. I think he would be worth a fourth. Pretty good value IMO.