Do you want Petitti starting at RT this season?


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lspain1 said:
So Dooms, this comment means you should be OK with TO because he's the guy that can get out there at his position and perform at the highest level. Yes?

I want Petitti to succeed because he's a nice guy. I want the Cowboys to win and have high standards/good conduct while they do it. It can't always happen that way, but it's what I hope for.

I did not think there was a question or doubt TO would be a starter. I expect TO to perform at a very high level after all that is why he is getting the big bucks. My concern over TO has to do with this actions in the locker room and his knack of running down teammates to the media which can cause a lot of problems on a team. As for Petitti I don't doubt he is a nice guy but he is getting paid to do a job and if someone else shows they can do the job better I expect that person to be playing once we hit reg season. See I'm not aginst these guys but I want to see this team win and to do that you must put your best players on the field. If Petittie is that then great if not then you go with who ever is the best on your team

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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MikeCowboy3189 said:
LOL it was:

"No, you drive that old busted joint. I drive... the new hotness. [pointing at K] Old and busted. [pointing at himself] New hotness."

And I can imagine Petitti saying that to Fabini

opps lol thanks for getting the actual quote


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I honestly think that we are expecting way too much from a late late round draft choice.
What's wrong with letting the guy sit back and learn? If he blows the competition away, then hallalujah! But if not, then let him sit down and learn - he has his entire career ahead of him.

But we just can't afford to get Bledsoe killed this year, first off because we don't have a legit backup quarterback. So we don't need to be taking chances, unless like I said, he blows the competition away.


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I gotta tell ya... at times last year I noticed and even used the word "turnstile" when it came to him blocking d-linemen....

but with that said.... if he has gotten better and is the BEST man for the job now and in the future then YES

BUT if he is more of the same as last year.... then NO


just trying to get better
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Instant evaluation is a dangerous thing.

Mark Tuinei's situation was a little different (having played defense in college), but Mark Tuinei was in the NFL for 7 years before he became a starting OT. 7 years!

Can't Petitte get at least two or three years before people pronounce him dead?

28 OTs were picked during the 12 rounds of the 1983 NFL draft. Tuinei wasn't one of them. He was a free agent.

The 6th round is a heck of a lot better than going undrafted in a 12 round draft.

It would be great if Petitte beat out a veteran like Fabini and won the job this year, but if Petitte doesn't, it is still way too early to make pronouncements about the rest of his career.

Several have voiced concerns about Petitte's foot speed. Surely he worked on that this off season. And in any event, better technique (not to mention healthy ankles) will help him play quicker.

I don't know how things are going to work out for the guy, but at least I know that it is too early to know.....


The Duke
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billknows said:
3 men competing .best man win .Petiti can only be better to compete next year. fabini,columbo or Petiti best man please,it's too important this yr,....No favortisim please.....Also we did sign Columbo and Fabini for a reason?..I would not rule out Columbo .he also has serious upside .and fairly young............
What favoritism?

Based on the question asked and the answer I gave the only favoritism I showed was for the long term good of the Dallas Cowboys. If that's favoritism then color me guilty as charged.


The Sarcastic One
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I have absolutely no problem with him being the starter. However, I am expecting much more of him this year....and I was hard on him last year.


Displaced but Dedicated
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Whoever is playing at the highest level come the season opener should be starting at RT for us.

Whether it be Petitti, Columbo, or Fabini.

Sure you'd like to see Petitti win the job, but you cant just slot him in there if he's not the best option at the time.

If he's up to snuff, he'll earn the job.


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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
I don't know, it's just my opinion. And my opinion is, his footwork will need atleast 1 more year or so to be able to contend with fast shifty pass rushers.
Its pretty rare for fast, shifty rushers to be playing at LE.

LEs vs Cowboys this year:

(JAX) Reggie Hayward 6-4 295
(WAS) Phillip Daniels 6-5 290
(TEN) Kyle Vanden Bosch 6-4 278
(PHI) Jevon Kearse 6-4 265
(HOU) Anthony Weaver 6-3 282
(NYG) Michael Strahan 6-5 275
(CAR) Julius Peppers 6-7 283
(ARI) Chike Okeafor 6-5 265
(IND) Raheem Brock 6-4 274
(TB) Greg Spires 6-1 265
(NO) Charles Grant 6-3 290
(ATL) Patrick Kerney 6-5 273
(DET) Cory Redding 6-4 295

Strahan and Peppers are certainly elite ends, but speed isn't their game. I see some good ends, but none really stand out as fast and shifty.

edit/ I noticed that the Cowboys don't play any base 3-4 teams this season. Hmm.