Does It Make Anyone Else Nervous...

i remember a washed-up Eddie (Money) Murray coming up clutch for a resurgent early-80s Cowboys team.

it doesn't matter what Cortez did in the past. if he continues to hit his attempts and drive the ball deep on KOs - he'll be our kicker when the league switches to live ammo in September.
CaptainAmerica said:
...the way Cortez looks to the heavens after every kick, almost as if it's a miracle and even he can't believe he actually made the kick? :)

Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Just wondering...
I actually like it... for those that believe you should give praise to the Lord in all things you do and thank him for the ability to do it....
It makes me nervous because it reminds me of Meion. Hope Cortez doesn't get turf toe.
As much as I'd hate to say it... the people who advocate for God are kinda in breach of the 1st Amendment. I'll quickly explain.

When you say something like "Glory be to God" or "God Bless You," you no longer provide the choice that the 1st Amendment requires of you.

You're stating: Believe in the god I do or face the consequences.

When the 1st Amendment requires you to say: I believe in God. You do not have to believe in God or in any kind of deity.

It's a forced acknowledgement instead of the voluntary acknowledgement that people are required to have.

I'm just a little bit passionate about it because of some bad experiences. Beliefs are a good thing to have but it's downright rude to kinda press it on people. I know you guys don't mean anything by it and that's cool and all. I'm proud of you, actually. It takes a lot of guts to believe in something. But... I'm digressing.

Anyway, just thought I'd point that out.
KDWilliams85 said:
As much as I'd hate to say it... the people who advocate for God are kinda in breach of the 1st Amendment. I'll quickly explain.

When you say something like "Glory be to God" or "God Bless You," you no longer provide the choice that the 1st Amendment requires of you.

You're stating: Believe in the god I do or face the consequences.

When the 1st Amendment requires you to say: I believe in God. You do not have to believe in God or in any kind of deity.

It's a forced acknowledgement instead of the voluntary acknowledgement that people are required to have.

I'm just a little bit passionate about it because of some bad experiences. Beliefs are a good thing to have but it's downright rude to kinda press it on people. I know you guys don't mean anything by it and that's cool and all. I'm proud of you, actually. It takes a lot of guts to believe in something. But... I'm digressing.

Anyway, just thought I'd point that out.

I think for most Christians God law supercedes any law made by man, including the 1st amendment.
CaptainAmerica said:
Hey, I completely understand. I appreciate your testimony, also.

I was just kidding when I posted it. I just thought it was humorous the way he looked after the penalty when he had to re-kick that one FG. He was like, "Oh no, senor!! :D

I actually kind of like the guy. He's kind of got an endearing quality to him and as long as he keeps making those kicks he is alright by me. His history however, leaves me a little uncertain of his future here.

Cap'n, I hope you didn't take me wrong. I'm not judging or trying to say your saying anything bad about the man. I just had the scripture handy since it was something that was recently covered by my pastor, so I wanted to pass it along.

I myself am far from the perfect Christian. But I'm trying, and I think that's the point of it all anyway. I enjoy your posts.
WoodysGirl said:
Would you rather he jump up and down and blow a knee out like one of the Gramatica brothers?

Besides it's no worse when Emmitt would score a touchdown and have to do a quick prayer before celebrating.

I wouldn't mind if he did...

Emmitt scored a TD, Cortez kicked a fg...
BEASToftheEAST said:
I think for most Christians God law supercedes any law made by man, including the 1st amendment.

Quite. That's why Christians are more like the Anti-Christ. They supercede their own rules and laws to fit the moment. I have the weirdest feeling that a Christian will lead to the ultimate demise of humanity.
CaptainAmerica said:
...the way Cortez looks to the heavens after every kick, almost as if it's a miracle and even he can't believe he actually made the kick? :)

Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in me.

No, I just think he is one of those people dumb enough to think that God cares about things like field goals
BEASToftheEAST said:
Cap'n, I hope you didn't take me wrong. I'm not judging or trying to say your saying anything bad about the man. I just had the scripture handy since it was something that was recently covered by my pastor, so I wanted to pass it along.

I myself am far from the perfect Christian. But I'm trying, and I think that's the point of it all anyway. I enjoy your posts.

No, I didn't take you wrong at all. I'm a Christian and didn't in any way mean any disrespect to Cortez or certainly God the Father.

He just has a look like he's so relieved when he makes it, as if Big Bill has him scared to death and I think it's humorous. I shouldn't have given the impression I was being derogatory.
CaptainAmerica said:
...the way Cortez looks to the heavens after every kick, almost as if it's a miracle and even he can't believe he actually made the kick? :)

Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Just wondering...

Not at all. He is making the kicks and as long as he continues to do that he will have a place on the team.
CaptainAmerica said:
...the way Cortez looks to the heavens after every kick, almost as if it's a miracle and even he can't believe he actually made the kick? :)

Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Just wondering...

LMAO!!! :lmao2:
Cortez needs to walk out in Spaniard body armor wielding a bloody axe. That should inspire some optimism. Anything's better than the "I see dead people" routine.
Moderaters: With all this hoopla it looks like you need to add another zone......Call it the "Religious Zone"......a man's religious beliefs are his own and that should not change period!
50cent said:
Some of you guys didn't like Cundiff for some of his misses, then you should go back and look at Cortez in SF. He was horrid to say the least!

I can understand needing to get a kicker to replace Cundiff. But Cortez? Was I seeing things or did he kind of knuckle ball that last kick? It sure didn't look like a great kick to me. Along with his stellar history in SF this has me worried boys.
JWitten said:
I can understand needing to get a kicker to replace Cundiff. But Cortez? Was I seeing things or did he kind of knuckle ball that last kick? It sure didn't look like a great kick to me. Along with his stellar history in SF this has me worried boys.

He has 2 more pre-season game to convice the team so far he has been perfect including 3-3 with a long of 46
CaptainAmerica said:
...the way Cortez looks to the heavens after every kick, almost as if it's a miracle and even he can't believe he actually made the kick? :)

Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Just wondering...

We can't say whether he looks to the heavens after every kick....we only know he does it after every MADE FG. So far it's been every time which is a very good thing. Maybe if he misses he points to the ground.:laugh2: Personally I don't care if he points to the heavens or flips off the opposing bench as long as his kicks go between the pipes.
I play soccer as my first sport (along with american football) and I see this a lot. It's common in South America(Not just them, but my wife is from Argentina so I have a good view of that culture :) ) So, if he has a leg, but sucks at soccer, yet loves the game even so, that culture may have been instilled on him. I don't know the guy, but I don't personally see anything wrong with him offering thanks.
I can tolerate a player that looks to the Heavens after a score much easier than I can those "ME, ME, ME" celebrations in the endzone...

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