Does the fact that FA's are skipping the Eagles make TO more credible

TobiasEagle77 said:
I like ice cream.

I bet you do! Most Eagle fans are fat...! Just like their coach, and QB...

Eat up, sucker! Try some McFlabby soup, while you're at it!

5Stars said:
I think I read somewhere that the Eagles think that they are still good, and that they don't need anyone else on their team...

Yeah that ATTITUDE showed when Owens was rehabbing to get back in time for SuperBowl.
DragonCowboy said:
It's a bit of a reach, but I can see where you're coming from.

I dunno, maybe not a reach. They get TO And he does his part in SB and they lose. FA's may be thinking that this team CANT get it done. PLUS they could never get it done in the past anyways...
YoMick said:
Yeah that ATTITUDE showed when Owens was rehabbing to get back in time for SuperBowl.

Well, T.O. does have attitude, and that has been missing from the Boyz for a long time now!

Think about this, for a moment....

Bledsoe - vet (knows the game) - if you guy/gals watched the NFL QB Challenge, and saw Brunell throw...that guy could not even hit the targets...he just throws up footballs, and hopes someone will catch it! Brunell was a freaking joke!

T.O. will be in poisition to catch the pass from the QB! He knows how to play football...period!

Hate him...Love him...he will bring an attitude! That's what makes good players! Self Confidence goes a long way.

Do you Boyz fans know that a thourghbred race horse is put in a stall, with a goat? It calms the horse get ready...!

I'm not a T.O. fan...but I know the man can play! :starspin
5Stars said:
Well, T.O. does have attitude, and that has been missing from the Boyz for a long time now!

Think about this, for a moment....

Bledsoe - vet (knows the game) - if you guy/gals watched the NFL QB Challenge, and saw Brunell throw...that guy could not even hit the targets...he just throws up footballs, and hopes someone will catch it! Brunell was a freaking joke!

T.O. will be in poisition to catch the pass from the QB! He knows how to play football...period!

Hate him...Love him...he will bring an attitude! That's what makes good players! Self Confidence goes a long way.

Do you Boyz fans know that a thourghbred race horse is put in a stall, with a goat? It calms the horse get ready...!

I'm not a T.O. fan...but I know the man can play! :starspin

I hear ya... I was refering to the attitude the Eagles had TOWARDS Owens not the other way around... not in the beginning anyways...
K-DOGG said:
I think that this was part of the problem with the Eagles, not wanting to pay anyone not named McNabb or Kearse. They put B. Westbrook through the ringer before relenting and paying him. They traded John Welbourn to K.C. after refusing to pay him. The allowed Trotter and Douglas to leave in free agency without paying them. (Then sign them back at the bargin basement rate). The Eagles have stated as a team, "We do not re-negoiate contracts. The sets up a situation where a player who out performs his contract, has no recourse but to act a fool(like T.O.) or demand a trade (like Welbourne). Just think if Jerry Jones had the same attitude, Glenn would be pissed off or released by now. But everyone who plays for the BOYS knows if you perform well, you will be compensted well.
This bodes well for players playing thier hearts out! :star:

Don't forget Staley. He was part of the one two punch with westbrook and they let him go after his failed hold out. He ended up getting hurt but I used to hate it when he was in there on third down becuase he fought so hard for extra yards.

Whatever the behind the scenes issues were with the Eagles and TO money wise you can bet the the players around the league know about them. Maybe he was promised a big pay day if he performed who knows.
Hiero said:
Players are finally starting to realize how they get treated as FA's in Philly and its not just TO. They have been cutting vets for years now, and hopefully players realize that and dont want to sign a lt deal there.

Bingo.. You got it.

If the Eagles see any down side on you - you as a player - are gone.
They use their CAP $$$$ to keep their own players first. But at the lowest price they can. Look at the Dawkins signing. They did not give him anything till they were pushed to do so.
The Eagles always seem to keep a lot of CAP $$$ in their pockets.
The FA's they do get are the good ones where they quick strike and sign them.
TruBlueCowboy said:
This is the same Eagles team that easily fetched TO and Jevon Kearse a few years ago when they did decide to pursue some big name free agents. Just coincidence or is it that maybe players are taking notice of something?

it might be a coincidence that the eagles were the highest bidders for the players services.

TO called out his QB not once, but twice after mcnabb lobbied to get TO there in the first place. the eagles suspended him. credibility? how is the hell is the eagles organization at fault here?

stop digging. TO was wrong. everybody here thought he was wrong when he did it- dont act like you didnt. what information could possibly surface that could make him look better? that he stabbed his QB in the back twice to save his dying mother?

what a joke.
5Stars said:
I bet you do! Most Eagle fans are fat...! Just like their coach, and QB...

Eat up, sucker! Try some McFlabby soup, while you're at it!

Yada yada yada! Look, despite what you've heard, all Eagle fans are not willing to engage in your troll dialogue. Thought you deserved a response to your obviously well thoughtout post -- I'm sure you spent a lot of time putting those thoughts together.

Besides, we'd like to affectionately call it being plump ...what's your coaches excuse ?!:rolleyes:
Phoenix-Talon said:
Yada yada yada! Look, despite what you've heard, all Eagle fans are not willing to engage in your troll dialogue. Thought you deserved a response to your obviously well thoughtout post -- I'm sure you spent a lot of time putting those thoughts together.

Besides, we'd like to affectionately call it being plump ...what's your coaches excuse ?!:rolleyes:

:lmao2: :lmao2:

Hey, he likes ice creme! Now that is a well thought out post! You eat ice creme, most likely you are fat, get it?

Then, I call him fat, and you come to her rescue? :laugh1: Why don't the two of you take your little love affair to private email...? The two of you can cuddle in there! :rolleyes:
5Stars said:
I think I read somewhere that the Eagles think that they are still good, and that they don't need anyone else on their team...

It's called "living in the past"...they still think they are going to win the SuperBowl sometime in the next, oh, 40 or 50 years!
"Living In The Past"

Happy and I'm smiling,
walk a mile to drink your water.
You know I'd love to love you,
and above you there's no other.
We'll go walking out
while others shout of war's disaster.
Oh, we won't give in,
let's go living in the past.

Once I used to join in
every boy and girl was my friend.
Now there's revolution, but they don't know
what they're fighting.
Let us close out eyes;
outside their lives go on much faster.
Oh, we won't give in,
we'll keep living in the past.
Well I guess the truth hurts, huh?

The fact is the Eagles have been notoriously cheap for years - dating back to them letting Reggie White go.

They seldom spend money in free agency, and when they have, the results have been less than exemplary.

Consider their two biggest signings to date - Terrell Owens (acquired via trade but signed to a multi-year deal), and Jevon Kearse

Given that Kearse is getting about $1 million per sack (15 the past two seasons), and we all know how the Owens deal turned out, maybe they're a bit gunshy about signing anyone else?

:shootfoot :trophy::suxiggle:
5Stars said:
Then, I call him fat, and you come to her rescue? Why don't the two of you take your little love affair to private email...? The two of you can cuddle in there! :rolleyes: {Hey, he likes ice creme! ...You eat ice creme}

You're funny!, I mean you're really funny! However, I'm straight ...which is more than I can say for your spelling of the word "creme" (SIC).:rolleyes: Besides, I believe TE77 was trying to express how meaningless the discussion was ...being facetiously sarcastic, by the use of an unrelated predicate.

Now what was the topic about ...Does the fact that FA's are skipping the Eagles make TO more credible ...besides, I like cheesesteaks anyway!
Phoenix-Talon said:
You're funny!, I mean you're really funny! However, I'm straight ...which is more than I can say for your spelling of the word "creme" (SIC).:rolleyes: Besides, I believe TE77 was trying to express how meaningless the discussion was ...being facetiously sarcastic, by the use of an unrelated predicate.

Now what was the topic about ...Does the fact that FA's are skipping the Eagles make TO more credible ...besides, I like cheesesteaks anyway!
By the way, there's no need to use "sic" when directly discussing the misspelling.
Phoenix-Talon said:
You're funny!, I mean you're really funny! However, I'm straight ...which is more than I can say for your spelling of the word "creme" (SIC).:rolleyes: Besides, I believe TE77 was trying to express how meaningless the discussion was ...being facetiously sarcastic, by the use of an unrelated predicate.

Now what was the topic about ...Does the fact that FA's are skipping the Eagles make TO more credible ...besides, I like cheesesteaks anyway!

Why, oh why...are you still replying to me? You stated earlier that it was not worth the what is it? Either say what you mean, or mean what you say!

For a sophisticated're pretty simple! (SIC) that...sucker!

I like cheesesteaks, two! (of them)! Now leave me alone, loser! :mad:
No one wants to go to the iggles because they are too tight with their cash. That was TO's problem...they paid Mcnabb but wouldn't cough it up for him after he broke his leg early in the year and made it back for the Superbowl. Who won that SB anyways? Was it the igg-wait nevermind, their trophy case is still empty so it couldn't be them, right, the Patriots. Anyways...iggles don't pay so free agents stay away.

But TO is right, it does take 2 to tango...and no one dances like TO, especially after throwing his quarterback, assistant coaches, and head coach, all under the bus...for the second time out of the 2 NFL teams he's been on. Do I hear 3 for 3??? Enjoy your new toy cowboys...I've got my popcorn ready for T.O. to go through another NFL franchise and leave it in shambles.
SantanaOwnsU said:
No one wants to go to the iggles because they are too tight with their cash. That was TO's problem...they paid Mcnabb but wouldn't cough it up for him after he broke his leg early in the year and made it back for the Superbowl. Who won that SB anyways? Was it the igg-wait nevermind, their trophy case is still empty so it couldn't be them, right, the Patriots. Anyways...iggles don't pay so free agents stay away.

But TO is right, it does take 2 to tango...and no one dances like TO, especially after throwing his quarterback, assistant coaches, and head coach, all under the bus...for the second time out of the 2 NFL teams he's been on. Do I hear 3 for 3??? Enjoy your new toy cowboys...I've got my popcorn ready for T.O. to go through another NFL franchise and leave it in shambles.
I'm not a TO fan. Please search out my opinions if you doubt me. Having said that I have one serious question to ask you since you seem so sure he will revert to form. I believe he will to, so don't take this as an afront.

How will you feel if the promise he made to Jerry Jones (not to let him down) comes true? You going to enjoy that popcorn or will you be yacking it up?

The reason I ask this is simple. In the past he has been a distraction over 1 reason, and that reason alone, money. Jones gave him what he's always wanted. What if that accomplishes his peace of mind and all he does is play the game the way he's capable of?

Personally, I'd hate to throw up popcorn.

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