Dog upstairs won't stop barking

Reverend Conehead

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One of my previous German Shepherds responded to some of the stuff I would strum on a guitar. She liked to settle down in her crate in the kitchen at night, I would start playing and sometimes she would come in the living room and sometimes not. Eventually I figured out it was one specific progression that got her attention. I tested it, and sure enough. I could call her in by playing that progression. She'd come right in and lay at my feet.

The other side of that is, my other dog didn't seem to give a hoot about any of it until one day I stumbled into a somber sort of progression in D-minor. Both dogs wanted no part of that one. The second that D-minor chord rang out they were up and out.

Good to know, as I'm a guitar player. I tend to like mellow dogs. I really liked a dog that a friend had. I forget the name of the breed. It's one that looks like a hot dog on short, stubby, little legs.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Good to know, as I'm a guitar player. I tend to like mellow dogs. I really liked a dog that a friend had. I forget the name of the breed. It's one that looks like a hot dog on short, stubby, little legs.
Sounds like a Dachshund, often referred to as a weiner dog. I was strangely bitten by two different ones when I was a kid. Like punctured my flesh kind of bitten.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This is part of the reason I joked about moving to Wake Atoll. I get annoyed with people who get a dog and then don't properly take care of it. This animal is obviously unhappy. You hear it barking and moaning much of the day. I think some days go by when they don't even walk it one time. So then it barks nonstop, driving the rest of the residents nuts.

I think some people get an animal without thinking about the attention they're going to need to give to it. If you have a dog, you need to actually give it food, water, and walk it. And, just as important, you give it attention, as it's a social animal. It will be miserable just locked in a room.

Much is the same of a cat. You don't walk it, of course, but you do need to keep its litter box clean, give it food, and water, and also the same attention. Cats are more independent-minded than dogs, but it doesn't mean they don't need attention. I knew an idiot who didn't have his cat spade, and then he ended up with something like 13 cats, which he kept in filthy condition and barely fed. I took one of those cats and got it veterinary and nursed it back to health, and that is my cat, Rosie, who I've had since 2013. If I've been working a lot, sometimes she'll meow, and then I look to see if she needs food. Nope, dish is full. Then I look to make sure her litter box is clean. Totally clean, yes, I just scooped it. Then it turns out that she just needed attention. Cats need love and attention too. They're just less obvious about it.

When you come home a dog will come running right away, super happy to see you and will be like, "Love me, love me, right now."

Anyway, the dog stopped barking. Maybe they're actually walking it. I am concerned, however, by how much that dog barks that it may be getting neglected.

Edit: I spoke too soon. It's barking again. It's gong on at least 2 hours now, since 6 AM.
Good advice for anyone who gets a pet. There are some real idiots out there who think it’s cool to have a pet but don’t take care of it like you said they should. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn’t be able to stand for it. I would talk to the owners first and if that doesn’t work I would call animal control. I can’t handle idiots abusing dogs or cats.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Dachshunds are lover dogs. Extremely loyal and will smother you with love. However they do bark a lot.
Yeah, I actually do like them. I had a friend who had one and he was an awesome dog. The two that bit me as a kid also belonged to a friend's family but I think they were neglected. A lot of people don't seem to realize that every dog needs attention.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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This is part of the reason I joked about moving to Wake Atoll. I get annoyed with people who get a dog and then don't properly take care of it. This animal is obviously unhappy. You hear it barking and moaning much of the day. I think some days go by when they don't even walk it one time. So then it barks nonstop, driving the rest of the residents nuts.

I think some people get an animal without thinking about the attention they're going to need to give to it. If you have a dog, you need to actually give it food, water, and walk it. And, just as important, you give it attention, as it's a social animal. It will be miserable just locked in a room.

Much is the same of a cat. You don't walk it, of course, but you do need to keep its litter box clean, give it food, and water, and also the same attention. Cats are more independent-minded than dogs, but it doesn't mean they don't need attention. I knew an idiot who didn't have his cat spade, and then he ended up with something like 13 cats, which he kept in filthy condition and barely fed. I took one of those cats and got it veterinary and nursed it back to health, and that is my cat, Rosie, who I've had since 2013. If I've been working a lot, sometimes she'll meow, and then I look to see if she needs food. Nope, dish is full. Then I look to make sure her litter box is clean. Totally clean, yes, I just scooped it. Then it turns out that she just needed attention. Cats need love and attention too. They're just less obvious about it.

When you come home a dog will come running right away, super happy to see you and will be like, "Love me, love me, right now."

Anyway, the dog stopped barking. Maybe they're actually walking it. I am concerned, however, by how much that dog barks that it may be getting neglected.

Edit: I spoke too soon. It's barking again. It's gong on at least 2 hours now, since 6 AM.
We should plan an exceedingly overcomplicated heist inspired by Mission: Impossible, or something.
Look, I'm bored! And I don't care what city you live in! I have a skateboard and 80's Christian Slater powers!

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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We should plan an exceedingly overcomplicated heist inspired by Mission: Impossible, or something.
Look, I'm bored! And I don't care what city you live in! I have a skateboard and 80's Christian Slater powers!

And I end up living with that dog on Wake Atoll.


Well-Known Member
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One of my previous German Shepherds responded to some of the stuff I would strum on a guitar. She liked to settle down in her crate in the kitchen at night, I would start playing and sometimes she would come in the living room and sometimes not. Eventually I figured out it was one specific progression that got her attention. I tested it, and sure enough. I could call her in by playing that progression. She'd come right in and lay at my feet.

The other side of that is, my other dog didn't seem to give a hoot about any of it until one day I stumbled into a somber sort of progression in D-minor. Both dogs wanted no part of that one. The second that D-minor chord rang out they were up and out.

Cool stuff. Makes me wish I could play the guitar. I have some GSs and would get a kick out of watching that. When they were puppies, I would change the Pandora stations when I left to see what they chilled better to, and even tried a German classical music station. They hate that station and I would jokingly tell them ‘what kind of German shepherd are you?!”