I like smart strong women and Dolly is the epitome. Nobody has ever played the dumb blonde part better than her and made more $ doing it. 10 Grammy's, 13 ACMs, 9 CMAs, Nashville Song Writer's Hall Of Fame, the Song Writers Hall Of Fame, 25 # 1 hits (more than any other female artist), oh and building a little thing called DollyWood. She's estimated at $350 million worth and earned every penny of it herself. I know most of you dudes are into hard hitting stuff like Drake or Taylor Swift but show a little respect for a legend.
Confucius may have been a Chinese philosopher but Dolly is the Tennessee theorist that gave us gems like, A loose tongue can lead to broken teeth, Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life, and I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb-and I'm not blonde either.