Draftkings and Fanduel

I work for the Department of Gaming in Arizona. A big reason why AZ doesn't allow online gambling (draftkings/fanduel included) is because of the Indian Tribes. They don't want it happening as it would take a large cut from them. The Tribes have a lot of pull.

How can you enforce AZ residents to not play fanduel?

Local sports radio guys were talking about how many ads they have going. when the segment ended, yep a draft kings spot came on.
They are now running infomercials on cable
Two things...

The government will figure some method of getting their fingers into it.

Neither business, Draft Kings nor Fan Duel, is profitable (as of now).

Something will give.
I think the people who own the sites are making $$$$.
Every commercial break there is an add, you think they are making money?!?

Yes. The phones are lighting up on their call in and the hits on the site.

They know their $$$$ and how much to invest in the TV and radio.
If you play on nfl.com only 2-3 people in your league will actually play the whole season. I haven't tried the money leagues yet, but I bet their more active.

That's not necessarily true, I've been in the same nfl.com league for 10 years as has everyone else in that league. If you find people dropping out of leagues around you maybe you should take that personal.
That's not necessarily true, I've been in the same nfl.com league for 10 years as has everyone else in that league. If you find people dropping out of leagues around you maybe you should take that personal.

I just do the "draft now" option.
In my league now, four are people active,
the rest have never logged on.
I just do the "draft now" option.
In my league now, four are people active,
the rest have never logged on.

That's a shame, doesn't sound fun. Me and my league guys usually meet at Buffalo Wild Wings during the Cowboys last preseason game and have a live draft at halftime.

They've been talking about this on the radio this morning...

This is going to bring intense scrutiny on these two organizations... likely won't end well...

They are a major advertiser with the NFL, so I'm sure GOoDell will be working the phone lines discreetly...
I believe gambling should be legal. But, if making all gambling illegal gets the stupid commercials off my TV where the one guy is molesting his mouth...then I'm all for banning all gambling.

I don't do fantasy betting and could care less about those 2 companies but they literally ruined any live sporting event for me with their heavy advertising. Hating this at the moment.
I'm tired of the ads too, but in reality I mute the commercials now anyway.
After playing for three weeks I've basically quit. It's really just a big crap shoot. Like playing the lottery. You can know all there is to know about football and still not win. I personally don't see how its any different than betting on the games themselves. I did manage to win $2.50 one week though. Whoo hooo!
After playing for three weeks I've basically quit. It's really just a big crap shoot. Like playing the lottery. You can know all there is to know about football and still not win. I personally don't see how its any different than betting on the games themselves. I did manage to win $2.50 one week though. Whoo hooo!

After investing????
I've played a few times....got killed everytime. Somehow, the winners select players who each put up +25 fantasy points. I have 1 if i'm lucky. The rest do around 8 or 10 points.

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