Dumbledore is gay!

HogsRLegends;1725952 said:
Sales of this book should be banned immediately.

I can't tell if you are trolling or serious. While both are dastardly, I hope for the former.
superpunk;1725991 said:
Depends on what country he ruled.

Me? I can't stand Lithuania.

See, the title "Head Master" isn't just something you're given w/o showing some qualifications!
Found this on the ole internets:


thekavorka;1726175 said:
Ian McKellan really should have played him in the movies.

I've always thought that as well... even moreso with this new information.
BrAinPaiNt;1724564 said:
It makes no difference to me in the grand scheme of the story as it was never relevant.

Actually I would not be shocked if that was not her original intent but just added later. Whether it be as a joke, as a statement for or against a group or because many fans have written cannon about gay relationships.
That is what i thought at first, that she was doing this as an attempt to bring more tolerance to homosexuality.
Crown Royal;1726017 said:
I can't tell if you are trolling or serious. While both are dastardly, I hope for the former.

I'm serious. Something needs to be done to save the public morality in this country.
Hoov;1726338 said:
That is what i thought at first, that she was doing this as an attempt to bring more tolerance to homosexuality.

It would shock me that she added it later - knowing how she had planned her books, it seems to me that she had a pretty good idea on the origins of all her characters in some way.
HogsRLegends;1726360 said:
I'm serious. Something needs to be done to save the public morality in this country.

By banning books, eh? I'll police my own morals, thank you.
HogsRLegends;1726360 said:
I'm serious. Something needs to be done to save the public morality in this country.

Maybe if we slaughtered some infidels...
HogsRLegends;1726360 said:
I'm serious. Something needs to be done to save the public morality in this country.

We can start with people with fears over something silly.

Danny White;1726178 said:
I've always thought that as well... even moreso with this new information.

That was my first comment to my wife upon reading this.
Richard Harris was a good choice, except it was obvious the first time you saw him on film that he wouldn't last all the way through.

The new guy is dreadful.
Crown Royal;1726546 said:
Richard Harris was a good choice, except it was obvious the first time you saw him on film that he wouldn't last all the way through.

The new guy is dreadful.

Through all the movies I felt the casting was outstanding. However, I'm just not feeling that the new Dumbledore is the right guy.
Taps-n-1;1724262 said:
Ya know, I don't have kids. Nor have I read line 1 of any of those books, nor seen 2 mins of a movie. But if I did have a youngster that had been invested in this to the fanatical extent of some I've seen on news reports, only to find out after the fact, "Hey, guess what!?!?... One of the main character's a queen!" I'd be more than a little PO'd!

Oh, brother! :rolleyes:

HogsRLegends;1725952 said:
Sales of this book should be banned immediately.

Narrow-minded homophobes should be banned immediately. If not sooner.
Crown Royal;1726546 said:
Richard Harris was a good choice, except it was obvious the first time you saw him on film that he wouldn't last all the way through.

The new guy is dreadful.

Yeah, that's my feeling as well.

It's hard to watch it and not think that Ian McKellen would be 100x better.
Danny White;1726713 said:
Yeah, that's my feeling as well.

It's hard to watch it and not think that Ian McKellen would be 100x better.

I know people say this, and he would do OK, but a) that would be a type-cast and b) it would be difficult to seperate Dumbledore from Gandalf, which isn't fair to either great characters.

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