Dump Every High Salary!


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You do realize the salary cap is a set number? Whatever they don't spend doesn't go to they're bank account. I never got this notion that they are cheap, every team spends majority of the cap, the Joneses just don't know how to, nothing to do with being cheap. Makes you wonder what the hell is it that Will Mclay does, he's a glorified scout. We need a cap guru.
If I buy a car for 50k, and you buy 5 cars and put down 10k on each, we've spent the same, but you got 5 times as much because you dedicated money forward. This is where they are saying the Cowboys are cheap. They are spending as much, but getting less now.


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I don't know if they lose draft picks, but they are actually supposed to go back and pay the players that were on the team the difference.
That would make sense because if you go over the cap it cancels the contracts. I think. I’m not 100% sure on that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Since big and little are too cheap to field a contender, let’s see what the roster would look like if they got rid of every player making any sort of decent money (trade or cut). Not realistic of course but what the hell

QB Rush
RB they are all cheap
WR Tolbert, Brooks, Flournoy
TE they are all cheap
LT Guyton
LG Smith
C Cooper
RG Bass
RT Richards

DE Sam
DE Kneeland
DT osa
DT mazi
LB Clark
LB Oshown
LB Marist
CB Scott
CB Carson
S Thomas
S Bell

Boom. Done. The Jones’ get what they want. More money for the yacht.
Weak attempt to troll.

You cut Bland who is making less than 1 million in 2024 (985K salary).

If you're going to troll, at least try to be good at it...


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I would guess the difference would be paid to the NFLPA. If you’re that franchise responsible for the league dropping below 95% in any league year I imagine the other 31 ownership groups would be in poor humor.
The difference x5 gets paid directly to Goodell.


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We would have the same result, so why not. the current roster or this roster are not contenders for the SB, save the money.


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Since big and little are too cheap to field a contender, let’s see what the roster would look like if they got rid of every player making any sort of decent money (trade or cut). Not realistic of course but what the hell

QB Rush
RB they are all cheap
WR Tolbert, Brooks, Flournoy
TE they are all cheap
LT Guyton
LG Smith
C Cooper
RG Bass
RT Richards

DE Sam
DE Kneeland
DT osa
DT mazi
LB Clark
LB Oshown
LB Marist
CB Scott
CB Carson
S Thomas
S Bell

Boom. Done. The Jones’ get what they want. More money for the yacht.
you do know teams cant have a roster with a total salary of 10 million, yes? this is a stupid post.