theebs;3503792 said:
yeah except he knows exactly what he is doing when he becomes the spokesperson for vick being a good guy and rex ryan swearing. He is no dummy.
oh and yes I am judgemental towards guys like vick and leonard little, they should not be allowed in the league.
Swearing on the other hand is something you keep out of your kids little league, but not an issue in the nfl.
If that's the case, then why does the NFL and the networks "bleep" such language?
Reason: The NFL and the networks are sensitive to the fact that mainstream society may not and does not prefer the raw language of the NFL. And when you're trying to win and maintain a mainstream audience, you must appeal to the mainstream.
Second, again, you make faulty comparisons. Do you mean because I counsel a man who is a child molester and who has paid his legal debt to society I can't tell someone they should mind their language?
What sense does that make?
This live-and-let-live culture has deprived people of all rational judgment.
We are flawed individuals. All of us. But if perfection were the requirement for making moral judgment, then society would collapse because
NO ONE is perfect and
NO ONE would be able to correct anyone's behavior.
But we are rational and moral people (all of us) in the midst of our flaws. And so we act, not as perfect people, but as
RESPONSIBLE people, working on our own moral imperfections but understanding that society must continue to work and operate functionally even if we aren't perfect. And we must encourage people to seek a higher standard for the good of society, even if we aren't perfect. We should work on those imperfections, especially those involving values we champion. But we shouldn't allow the argument that we're not perfect to derail us of our responsibilities.