Durant signs with Warriors!

If he's dealt, the only team with the assets is really Boston. They can trade the right to swap with Brooklyn in 2017 and their pick outright in 2018 as well as a few building block pieces like Isaiah Thomas, and Jaylen Brown.

Seriously doubt OKC is after 1st round picks as key components.
They want to win and want guys that sell tickets.
PF Griffin accomplishes that.
But sure Griffin, 2nd rounder, a 2020 1st round pick and a young guy like CJ Wilcox for Russ and a contract unload guy.
Might even want Jamal Crawford as part of deal for same attacking guy.

Then again OKC may well decide they were pretty salty with Russ as star of the show and KD out last year.
Could just try to build around Russ and make him happy as 30 PPG dude and unquestioned leader.
you're absolutely right, I have no idea where I got this idea from that Durant was running away from competition

This was right after Lebron signed with Miami...

I'm sure LeBron with 5 Championship appearances and 3 rings since making that statement had an impact on KD's original thoughts. Things change.
If he's dealt, the only team with the assets is really Boston. They can trade the right to swap with Brooklyn in 2017 and their pick outright in 2018 as well as a few building block pieces like Isaiah Thomas, and Jaylen Brown.

Ainge isnt trading all that for Westbrook. Especially if he can walk. Westrlbrook isnt worth 3 lotto picks and an All Star guard
Lol, you have no clue of what you're talking about. Sure, every large, major metropolitan city has its bad spots; New York is a prime example.

Yep, I'm a knucklehead.


"According to the most recent FBI crime reports (2013), Oakland was identified as the city with the highest rate of violent crime in the state — and the second highest in the nation."

Seriously doubt OKC is after 1st round picks as key components.
They want to win and want guys that sell tickets.
PF Griffin accomplishes that.
But sure Griffin, 2nd rounder, a 2020 1st round pick and a young guy like CJ Wilcox for Russ and a contract unload guy.
Might even want Jamal Crawford as part of deal for same attacking guy.

Griffin would certainly be safer than lotto picks, however, why would Westbrook want to go to the Clippers if they have to give up Griffin? He has all the leverage, he can sign with them outright next offseason as opposed to weakening the team.
I'm sure LeBron with 5 Championship appearances and 3 rings since making that statement had an impact on KD's original thoughts. Things change.

I agree his opinion changed, but to say it's a goffy argument that KD is running away from competition, when 6 years ago he said the same thing is well...goofy
Yep, I'm a knucklehead.


"According to the most recent FBI crime reports (2013), Oakland was identified as the city with the highest rate of violent crime in the state — and the second highest in the nation."


Are you assuming he's moving to the most crime-riddled neighborhood? I'm sure Oklahoma City has its share of sketchy parts - in fact I'm sure of it: http://okcfox.com/archive/oklahoma-city-ranks-9th-worst-for-crime

And that's for a small middle-American city, not an international destination city that has all the aforementioned things that you just can't replicate. Anyway, not trying to argue - I'll just say for me the only thing I imagine on the ledger pro OKC would be the cost of living.
As a MFFL this saddens me to no-end. I just can't envision outside of some crazy luck us being competitive for a title in the near or far future unless some Florida Marlins type magic happens, or San Antonio magic. Makes the sting of the mis-management of building around Dirk while he was in his prime even more sickening.

As long as these top-tier players want to go to super-teams, the league is going to have a problem continue trending. Particularly for young superstart, I can see them all being drawn to LA, NY, Miami, SF...just for the lifestyle/glamour. Hell I know I would!
He is the most west coast guy in the entire league.
LA kid who stayed for college and carries a full on hardcore West Coast persona.

He may be traded to the Lakers/Clips this year.
OKC is unlikely to hold him and lose him for nothing.
Griffin was an OU star...?
Griffin plus a couple picks plus a quality guard just might do it.

you have to wonder if that isn't some of the thinking in Presti's mind by dealing Ibaka for Olidipo. OKC would remain a pretty good team with Adams, Griffin, Kanter, Olidipo, and another solid FA (since money will be freed up), plus I'm not writing off Cameron Payne, who I think offers OKC something also by developing into a solid player. Sure they won't compete for the crown against stacked GS and SA teams, but they would still be a perennial playoff team.

Regarding Durant...(and I'm from OKC and honestly wouldn't pay any attention to the NBA were it not for the fact that my hometown got a team) on one hand I totally get it. I would want to play with GS and that style of ball. Its fun, they have great chemistry, a good coach, and no giant egos as well as the fact they've proven they were already the best team in the league (cmon were it not for the league suspending Green for a game the finals series is over in 6). On the other hand, when you are a superstar like Durant and you have the team you now have, with Adams coming on strong, Payne developing, Kanter off the bench, RUSSELL WESTBROOK FOR GOODNESS SAKES, and probably one of better new coaches in the league....OKC is your team....and they are ready to win now....in fact were it not for Durant himself (largely) choking away a 3-1 lead against GS, OKC probably would've been hoisting the trophy. I get it that Lebron leaves Cleveland the first time, they were terrible and got zero help for him. But Durant leaving OKC is pretty weak sauce. Sadly I have to agree with Stephen A. Smith saying this is one of the all-time weakest moves a superstar has ever made (although I will add the caveat SINCE Karl Malone and Gary Payton signed on with the Lakers in a last attempt to coattail a ring).
I agree his opinion changed, but to say it's a goffy argument that KD is running away from competition, when 6 years ago he said the same thing is well...goofy

the goofy part was bringing up guys form the 80s as if they spurned titles chases when the example included malone and others who did just that.
barkley himself stated he'd have gladly paired with jordan to chase a ring and he openly wishes he would have.

if you are a free agent and money is essentially equal and winning isn't a consideration you(the FA) are a complete tool.
loyalty and all is very applaud-able but if you can go win 3 or 4 titles in 4/5 years you do it.
these guys play for salary of course but also to win.
unless the other teams lay down it's still competing.
pretty sure lebron isn't gonna cry tonight because KD joined GS.
he just might cut his vacay short and hit the friggin gym though.
because that's competing.....

these guys at the top are now taking 1 and 2 year deals to maintain flexibility to go wherever they like and super teams are now a thing.
blame the fans and tankers as much as the super teams.
all of a sudden being a 6 seed is garbage to these spoiled child-like fans....
you have to wonder if that isn't some of the thinking in Presti's mind by dealing Ibaka for Olidipo. OKC would remain a pretty good team with Adams, Griffin, Kanter, Olidipo, and another solid FA (since money will be freed up), plus I'm not writing off Cameron Payne, who I think offers OKC something also by developing into a solid player. Sure they won't compete for the crown against stacked GS and SA teams, but they would still be a perennial playoff team.

Regarding Durant...(and I'm from OKC and honestly wouldn't pay any attention to the NBA were it not for the fact that my hometown got a team) on one hand I totally get it. I would want to play with GS and that style of ball. Its fun, they have great chemistry, a good coach, and no giant egos as well as the fact they've proven they were already the best team in the league (cmon were it not for the league suspending Green for a game the finals series is over in 6). On the other hand, when you are a superstar like Durant and you have the team you now have, with Adams coming on strong, Payne developing, Kanter off the bench, RUSSELL WESTBROOK FOR GOODNESS SAKES, and probably one of better new coaches in the league....OKC is your team....and they are ready to win now....in fact were it not for Durant himself (largely) choking away a 3-1 lead against GS, OKC probably would've been hoisting the trophy. I get it that Lebron leaves Cleveland the first time, they were terrible and got zero help for him. But Durant leaving OKC is pretty weak sauce. Sadly I have to agree with Stephen A. Smith saying this is one of the all-time weakest moves a superstar has ever made (although I will add the caveat SINCE Karl Malone and Gary Payton signed on with the Lakers in a last attempt to coattail a ring).

I'm surprised the guy left. I really am. I think he legit loved the city and being the biggest thing outside OU football the state had.
How much lifestyle and all mattered remains to be seen.
I suspect it was simply the hey you are joining the best regular season team in history to go compete yearly against lebron in the finals.
EVERY year in the Finals.

I love OKC. As a Dallasite that wants 20 or so acres in Oklahoma as a weekend retreat, I really do wish he'd have stayed in OKC.
A lot, most if I remember correctly, of the criticism revolved around Lebron joining Dwayne Wade and to a lesser extent, Chris Bosh. Hence Meme's like this


The idea that previous great players would take a back seat to each other, as opposed to competing against each other, was something many just couldn't fathom. Fault the Patrick Ewing's, Charles Barkley's and Karl Malone's of the world all you want for not winning championships, but in their prime, they did not decide, hey, let's team up to beat Jordan. And I can only speak for myself, but that was the most disappointing part of Lebron joining the Heat, was his refusal to compete. This year, more than any other year, he had to compete to win and while winning for Cleveland made this sweet, over coming a better team, is what should make this season one to remember.

But at least with the Heat, prior to landing Lebron in 2010, Miami was not in the playoffs. Yes Wade won a championship in 2006, but Wade and Haslem were the only hold overs. The 2011 team that went to finals looked nothing like the 2006 team, and the 2012+2013 teams were even more different.

Durant took what Lebron did, and completely ran with it to an extent that we'll likely never see again, for the simple fact that we likely will never see a 73 win team again (maybe this year they repeat that total, not sure). This exact same Golden State team won 67 games and a championship in 2015, then as an encore they win 73 games and come within 4 points of going back to back. Not sure how he does not get the same criticism. Yes, he may not be the best player in the world, but what, he's the 3rd? If he wasn't 3rd, he's 4th, depending on how you rank his former team mate, Russell Westbrook.

This post is a bunch of nonsense.

LeBron had a "refusal to compete". That is ridiculous.

Magic Johnson landed on a team that was loaded with talent. Each year there they tried to add to that talent. There is a reason Kareem ended up in LA instead of staying with his original team. Why would any of those Lakers want to leave an organization like that?

Larry Bird also began his career on a franchise that gathered talented players. They added Bill Walton to that squad at one point to be a backup. They were gearing up to keep the talent going with Lynn Bias, but we know how that ended. Bird had no reason to leave the Celtics. He knew they were a well run franchise.

LeBron leaving Cleveland was the right thing to do. If Magic, Bird or Jordan were faced with a similar situation they would have left, too.
I agree his opinion changed, but to say it's a goffy argument that KD is running away from competition, when 6 years ago he said the same thing is well...goofy

Durant was 21 at the time. It has been 6 years since he made that statement which is a life time for someone that age.
Yep, I'm a knucklehead.


"According to the most recent FBI crime reports (2013), Oakland was identified as the city with the highest rate of violent crime in the state — and the second highest in the nation."


And these links dispel what I said how exactly?

There are particular areas to avoid in Oakland as there are any other major city, as well as there being places 99% of the population would love to live.
Oakland gets a bad rap sometimes, it is not any worse than Chicago. There are some nice surrounding areas like Berkeley, Alameda Isle, Walnut Creek, etc. You are a quick bridge ride to SF via the Bay Bridge or San Matteo. Although quick is a relative term in regards to traffic. There are nice areas and bad areas just like any other major city.
I'm glad to see some posters have knowledge of NBA history and some perspective on the matter. I've been reading a ton of backlash (not necessarily here) on ESPN comment sections about Durant somehow being lesser of a person and/or player for signing to go to Golden State.
And these links dispel what I said how exactly?

There are particular areas to avoid in Oakland as there are any other major city, as well as there being places 99% of the population would love to live.

Dude, I grew up in Detroit. I'm familiar with the concepts of avoidance and cesspools. Thanks.
Are you assuming he's moving to the most crime-riddled neighborhood? I'm sure Oklahoma City has its share of sketchy parts - in fact I'm sure of it: http://okcfox.com/archive/oklahoma-city-ranks-9th-worst-for-crime

And that's for a small middle-American city, not an international destination city that has all the aforementioned things that you just can't replicate. Anyway, not trying to argue - I'll just say for me the only thing I imagine on the ledger pro OKC would be the cost of living.

I'll tell you the same thing I told him, I grew up in Detroit. (I was there in the 67 riots.) I'm familiar with the concepts of avoidance and cesspools. Thanks.

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