E3 Games

I am hoping Rainbow 6 ends up being good enough to get the CoD kids to switch over so they can get their butts handed to them.

Also very excited for the halo remastered.

I love every super smash bros, but don't have a Wii U.. that might change though.

I really am interested in Evil Within as well.

I enjoyed E3. I am glad the xbox show wasn't all about TV functionality though, thank god.

I get irritated by this theory that if you play COD you are kid or suck in general. I just started playing War Thunder and saw threads about PC players being the master race. I seem to be holding my own. Cant gamers enjoy their games without feeling the need to constantly bash others.
Ubisoft won E3 easily, way more interesting and good looking games great presentations.
Metal Gear set the standard early last gen with MGS4, I'm willing to bet Phantom Pain has a similar impact:

Lots of talk seems to be focused on Bloodborne, Uncharted, Smash Brothers, Zelda, Sunset Overdrive and
No man's Sky.
Metal Gear set the standard early last gen with MGS4, I'm willing to bet Phantom Pain has a similar impact:

I'm trying to figure out what the differnce is between this game, and the one thee released earlier called Ground Zero?
I get irritated by this theory that if you play COD you are kid or suck in general. I just started playing War Thunder and saw threads about PC players being the master race. I seem to be holding my own. Cant gamers enjoy their games without feeling the need to constantly bash others.

I played every CoD pretty seriously until they started to dumb it down. It does not feel like the same game anymore, that franchise could use a break of 2-3 years before pumping out a game so it is a better product imo.

I thought battlefield 4 was much better *even with* the glitches.

I will stand by and say that I do believe people who play counterstrike are the most skilled at tactical first person shooters. There has not been a shooter that required that much skill in a long time.
I played every CoD pretty seriously until they started to dumb it down. It does not feel like the same game anymore, that franchise could use a break of 2-3 years before pumping out a game so it is a better product imo.

SH games has been brought in as a 3rd developer to the series. So now each team will have more time to get creative with the series.

So you now have SH games, Infinity Ward and Treyarch studios each getting a turn at making the series more exciting.
CoD is very simplistic and easy to play and learn and pick up and play on your own. That's the main reason I enjoy playing it. When I don't have any friends on it's a shooter I can throw in, play with a bunch of randoms, and still do well and enjoy myself.

I LOVE Battlefield even more as far as a shooter game goes. I don't believe it's even close. Battlefield, as a shooter, is far superior in every way. The big difference is that unless I play TDM I don't feel that BF is the kind of game you can throw in, jump in with a bunch of randoms, and have quite as much success. A ton of your success in BF depends on your squad and your team mates. It truly is a far more enjoyable, and amazing game, when you've got some buddies to squad up with and wreck it together with.

When I have friends online thats the one I'd rather play. When I'm stuck going it alone then I'll choose CoD about 9 times out 10.
Ground Zeroes wasn't a full game, it was really just a prequel for MGSV

Boy game companies know how to bleed you dry huh? Charge 39.99 for a "pre-quel: game, to bring out the real game a year or so later, for 59.99...smh...and yet, it doesn't change a thing...
CoD is very simplistic and easy to play and learn and pick up and play on your own. That's the main reason I enjoy playing it. When I don't have any friends on it's a shooter I can throw in, play with a bunch of randoms, and still do well and enjoy myself.

I LOVE Battlefield even more as far as a shooter game goes. I don't believe it's even close. Battlefield, as a shooter, is far superior in every way. The big difference is that unless I play TDM I don't feel that BF is the kind of game you can throw in, jump in with a bunch of randoms, and have quite as much success. A ton of your success in BF depends on your squad and your team mates. It truly is a far more enjoyable, and amazing game, when you've got some buddies to squad up with and wreck it together with.

When I have friends online thats the one I'd rather play. When I'm stuck going it alone then I'll choose CoD about 9 times out 10.

I play BF4 all the time by myself. If I'm in a game where everyone on my team is clueless, I just finish it out and join a different game. I can hold my own and then some. The squad concept and "tactical" play of BF4 is a little overblown. It really just comes down to skill and knowing what you're doing. Having good squad mates helps, but it only slightly helps you as a player. Half the time I'm not following my squad around anyway.
CoD is very simplistic and easy to play and learn and pick up and play on your own. That's the main reason I enjoy playing it. When I don't have any friends on it's a shooter I can throw in, play with a bunch of randoms, and still do well and enjoy myself.

I LOVE Battlefield even more as far as a shooter game goes. I don't believe it's even close. Battlefield, as a shooter, is far superior in every way. The big difference is that unless I play TDM I don't feel that BF is the kind of game you can throw in, jump in with a bunch of randoms, and have quite as much success. A ton of your success in BF depends on your squad and your team mates. It truly is a far more enjoyable, and amazing game, when you've got some buddies to squad up with and wreck it together with.

When I have friends online thats the one I'd rather play. When I'm stuck going it alone then I'll choose CoD about 9 times out 10.

Yeah I can agree to that, I also enjoy Titanfall as a game I can pick up at any moment and play.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy both games, but I very much miss the old school CoD.

Rainbow 6 reminds me alot of Counter Strike Source, I played the heck out of that game. So much team play was invested for me in that one.
Yeah I can agree to that, I also enjoy Titanfall as a game I can pick up at any moment and play.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy both games, but I very much miss the old school CoD.

Rainbow 6 reminds me alot of Counter Strike Source, I played the heck out of that game. So much team play was invested for me in that one.
I used to play the original R6 as well as R6 rogue spear back in the day, those games made CS look casual. Sadly that series has gone down hill since UBI soft bought the ip. Hopefully this new one goes back to the R6 roots if it does I'll be very happy
I play BF4 all the time by myself. If I'm in a game where everyone on my team is clueless, I just finish it out and join a different game. I can hold my own and then some. The squad concept and "tactical" play of BF4 is a little overblown. It really just comes down to skill and knowing what you're doing. Having good squad mates helps, but it only slightly helps you as a player. Half the time I'm not following my squad around anyway.


I don't find it nearly as enjoyable not playing with and helping my squad/team. If a good squad only helps you slightly then you haven't had anything close to what I'd consider a good squad to be quite honest.

If you want to run around not helping your team and playing it solo to each their own. That's not how I play Battlefield that's how I play CoD.
I'm trying to figure out what the differnce is between this game, and the one thee released earlier called Ground Zero?

Did you play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater?

In the beginning of that game you have a little set up mission called the "Virtuous Mission" During that mission everything is set up. The Boss's betrayal, the nuke going off, etc. Then you start Operation Snake Eater, which is like 90% of the game.

MGS Ground Zeroes is the same as the Virtuous Mission in MGS3. MGS5 got so big that Kojima was simply having a hard time fitting it into the game, so he split it off.

This is why Ground Zeroes only takes like an hour to beat, it is just meant to be the prologue to Phantom Pain.
Demon's Souls is still one of my favorites so........Bloodborne is my top pick
Uncharted as well, Naughty Dog does good stuff(even though Uncharted 3 was a little disappointing)
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You know what I really want is for Rockstar to make a new Red Dead Redemption........Just thinking about it makes me wanna get another copy and replay it.
I am almost through Dragon Age Origins currently. I still need to go through the Mass Effect series. Anyone have any thoughts on that one?
I am almost through Dragon Age Origins currently. I still need to go through the Mass Effect series. Anyone have any thoughts on that one?

The mass effect trilogy is brilliant if you ignore the last 15 minutes, directors cut made it slightly better. Amazing series apart from that
I am almost through Dragon Age Origins currently. I still need to go through the Mass Effect series. Anyone have any thoughts on that one?

Started on Xbox, made it till the 2nd game, then sold my Xbox. Now I got the trilogy pack for PS3 but haven't started over yet, keep putting it off because of I dont want to farm again lol

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