Eagle Fan Behavior

Uh-Oh said:
That's typical of every city with a "bad part of the neighborhood." NYC got several of them. It's the apathy that comes from "looking out for number 1." And the pathetic "Code of the Streets" where you don't talk to the police about anything.

You gotta be careful when you get involved in stuff like that. You seem like a good dude. But there's hardly a place for Good Samaritans in those places. A story from a friend's dad. When he was young, he was watching this couple arguing and the man struck her down. A bystander got involved and shoved the boyfriend off. Only the girlfriend then stabs the would-be Samaritan in the back with a blade, saying "Nobody touches my man."

I'm not saying you can't take care of yourself. But I'm saying be cautious. Too many crazies in the city. It's nice that you wanna help. I hope you never change. Nice to know someone cares.

To the thread starter. It's not worth fighting about. Let your kid choose his colors. He's only 4 months old. Let your wife buy the gear. It'll be cool. If he chooses the Eagles later on in his life, you can disown him. :D

One more thing. Philly isn't the armpit of America. New Jersey is. :D :D

Perhaps...but I have lived in NYC (outside of them all thinking they are tough guys with attitude) I never had a problem...same with Jersey City, same with Nashville, and many other major cities both in the USA and Europe...I've seen lots of the world..from bagdad and abu dahbi to juno and anchorage, alaska and just about all points in between...but by far (outside of when there was war) Philly was the worse...

Hey thanks for the compliment and to be honest I don't think I could stand by and do nothing...
TheSkaven said:
Don't denegrate the entire city, Philadelphia is actually a really cool place with some great restaurants and nightlife, theater, the Italian market, Chinatown, etc. It really is about Eagles fans. Even fans of the other three professional sports teams don't act the way they do.

Philly is definitely not the arm pit of America, and when you call it that, I can see why someone who is from there might be insulted.

I would instead limit your criticism to the Philadelphia Eagles organization, how they treat their players, and the fans of the team and how they act.

Being from the general area, but a little farther away I thought I would chime in here.

I see what you are saying here because there are some cool things about Philly, but I can see how some people don't prefer it. I don't enjoy going there because of the crime. Yeah there are lots of bad people in every city, but Philly really scares the crap out of me.
UppityCracker2 said:
Being from the general area, but a little farther away I thought I would chime in here.

I see what you are saying here because there are some cool things about Philly, but I can see how some people don't prefer it. I don't enjoy going there because of the crime. Yeah there are lots of bad people in every city, but Philly really scares the crap out of me.

To be honest, philly has more than its share of rough spots right now. When looking at major west coast and east coast cities, philly still has a lot of blunt and abandoned housing and poverty compared to the others.

But in recent years there has been a lot going on to change that, a lot of neighborhoods that border center city have been redeveloped and now those neighborhoods are really up and coming. More people who work in the city are now choosing to live in the city instead of commute. More industry is coming, more 5 star restaurants and so forth, there is a renasaince currently taking place so to speak.

When comparing property values and real estate in philly to that of DC, Boston, NY.... philly is much cheaper and for that reason is about to become a boom town. Trump is probably putting a casino in N Philly, center city and the university areas are expanding, major investors from NY city are now buying up philly properties and there is a huge amount of renovating going on.

This is a great time to start up a business or do real estate investing in the city of philadelphia. Property values are appreciating rapidly while the suburbs and other cities are cooling down.

Part of the problem with Philly IMO is that for the size of the city, center city where most of the business takes place is very small in relation and the rest of philadelphia was almost all residential and therefore there was not enough jobs/work to support the residents and you have a lot of neighborhoods where the only business you see is the liquor store, the corner store and a pizza shop mingled in with a bunch of dilapidated homes that people have not been able to afford upkeep on. But that is quickly changing, right now there is a lot of change going on, a lot of projects focused on bringing philly up to date with other major east coast cities.
Lots of solutions here,but this one is FOOLPROOF.Schedule a trip for you to all visit her family around the date of this seasons' Cowboys Eagles game.Buy two tickets in upper level (approx $200.00)
Take your wife to the mall and buy two Dallas Terrell Owens jerseys to wear at the game.(approx $150.00)
Never having to fight about this issue again...PRICELESS
No disrespect, but this thread is totally rediculous!

There's two ways to approach this matter. The first is by asking, how do you gage an entire city as being an Armpit? One could retaliate by calling your city a different body part ...but that would be asinine, and wouldn't serve any purpose -- wouldn't you agree?!

Another approach is to defend Philadelphia, by pointing out that you're insulting the city that was the first Capital of the United States; home of the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, and where the Declaration of Independence is displayed. Look, I'm not here to give anyone a history lesson, but I think you should go easy on slinging out denegrating insults to an entire city, simply because it is the home of a rival football franchise, or because it contains Eagle fans. If you think about it, there are probably Eagle fans in every State and in most territories; to include overseas locations (don't get alarmed, the same thing probably holds true about most NFL franchises).

This whole thread turned into a hate Philly thread, and is totally off topic!

Here's my response to the topic ...

Sounds like you have a charming family and you can have plenty of fun with the Eagles/Cowboys uniform dilema. I'm sure (at Least I hope) the situation is not as intense as you make it out to be. Sounds like your son will have to make his own decision one day. Keep this In mind ...forcing him to become a Cowboys/Eagles fan could push him away from either respective team. The choice is totally his to make ...I'm sure He'll make his own choice when the time comes. Heck, he could turn out to be a Commanders fan! There are far too many other decision young people have to make in today's world.

I guarantee one thing ... all Eagle fans are not the sterotypical fans you believe they are.

Good luck
PT, he asked to show his wife what he meant, not his infant son.
Jaxonsdaddd said:
Let me say "Hello" to all my fellow Boys fans. I have been a reader of this site for a few years but never got around to posting....

Anyway, here is my problem and I need you guys to help if you can.

I am a newly wed with a woman who originally is from Philly and we have a newborn son who is now 4 months old. I have him in Cowboys outfits and last night she talked about getting him Philly garb as well..

We got into a big fight about this and I told her how Philly is the armpit of the USA and there fans are complete and utter trash and I would never allow my son to be dressed in that trash..

She is a casual fan and has no idea of the Philly fan and there goings on.

Is there a website that documents there legendary criminal activity? Where can I get specific examples of there kind?

Thanks for the help

Hang tough........:starspin
Phoenix-Talon said:
No disrespect, but this thread is totally rediculous!

There's two ways to approach this matter. The first is by asking, how do you gage an entire city as being an Armpit? One could retaliate by calling your city a different body part ...but that would be asinine, and wouldn't serve any purpose -- wouldn't you agree?!

Another approach is to defend Philadelphia, by pointing out that you're insulting the city that was the first Capital of the United States; home of the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, and where the Declaration of Independence is displayed. Look, I'm not here to give anyone a history lesson, but I think you should go easy on slinging out denegrating insults to an entire city, simply because it is the home of a rival football franchise, or because it contains Eagle fans. If you think about it, there are probably Eagle fans in every State and in most territories; to include overseas locations (don't get alarmed, the same thing probably holds true about most NFL franchises).

This whole thread turned into a hate Philly thread, and is totally off topic!

Here's my response to the topic ...

Sounds like you have a charming family and you can have plenty of fun with the Eagles/Cowboys uniform dilema. I'm sure (at Least I hope) the situation is not as intense as you make it out to be. Sounds like your son will have to make his own decision one day. Keep this In mind ...forcing him to become a Cowboys/Eagles fan could push him away from either respective team. The choice is totally his to make ...I'm sure He'll make his own choice when the time comes. Heck, he could turn out to be a Commanders fan! There are far too many other decision young people have to make in today's world.

I guarantee one thing ... all Eagle fans are not the sterotypical fans you believe they are.

Good luck

Well, first of all, you know I don't like you, and I try my best for you not to like me! But, on this topic, I have to totally agree with you!

I've been to Philly many, many, many times...and I like the people there. I like their accent, I like there hospitality, I like their food! It's a great city, a BIG city, lots of people, laid back kind of people....I don't like their roads and highways and all the double parking in those little neighborhood bars and eating establishments...

As a matter of fact, I have been all over the State of Pennsylvania! There is some serious history up there...and everyone that I have ever met have been very cool as far as I'm concerned! They are genuinely nice people.

But when it comes to their football fans? The worst ever, period! Ask any NFL fan who is the worst? Well, you know the answer! However, to call that city the "armpit", or "azazhole" of the nation...that is wrong!

There are some Eagle fans that are sophisticated trolls, however, they are no better then the average Eagle fan...and if you think for a minute that the "so called good Eagle fan" were to witness someone getting the hell beat out of them at their stadium...would they intervene? Nope! They would just walk the other way...grinning!

In other words, Eagle fans suck, period....regardless of what they try to do or say!

As far as the poster that has a problem with Boyz or Eagles attire....it's simple! The day you start dictating what your wife wants to do, is the day that you are going to regret, period! There is nothing like a mother and her sibling...you just became second best, bro!

Good luck with all that! :eek:

DallasDomination said:
Seems to me like you're whipped... ROTFL. Again I can sense that something I said Angered you. Just relax little buddy.

Im not angry I just think its sad that guys like u have to act like cavemen to feel better about yourself, but hey whatever helps you sleep at night. For the recordr Real men arent threatened by women with an opinion that differs from theres, maybe someday you will be secure with yourself enough to respect other people.
Phoenix Talon -

If there were more Eagles fans like you, things would be a lot better. Thanks for being so level headed.

Thanks also to all the other folks who told the horror stories about many big cities; those are the reasons why I live on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere in west-central Texas. My lady and I have a nice home and we live to make each other happy but all in all, I would rather live in a hovel in the country than in a mansion in town - any town. The peace and quiet out here are worth living for and worth dying to protect, if need be. Big cities are no longer exciting to me and I wouldn't trade places with Jerry Jones for anything.

Ranch work is hot and sweaty all summer and freezing cold at times in the winter and always hard and demanding but the tranquility of living out here is worth every bit of the difficulty.
notherbob said:
Phoenix Talon -

If there were more Eagles fans like you, things would be a lot better. Thanks for being so level headed.

Thanks also to all the other folks who told the horror stories about many big cities; those are the reasons why I live on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere in west-central Texas. My lady and I have a nice home and we live to make each other happy but all in all, I would rather live in a hovel in the country than in a mansion in town - any town. The peace and quiet out here are worth living for and worth dying to protect, if need be. Big cities are no longer exciting to me and I wouldn't trade places with Jerry Jones for anything.

Ranch work is hot and sweaty all summer and freezing cold at times in the winter and always hard and demanding but the tranquility of living out here is worth every bit of the difficulty

Thanks Notherbob. Man I envy you. Living on a ranch, open spaces, yeah I think I understand what you're saying. But the only similar experience I've had that could come close is living on an Indian reservation when I was in Billings Montana. A girl friend at that time was a member of the Crowe Indian Resevation in Pryor Montana -- right outside of the Little Big Horn. Hunting was a way of life, horses, and plenty of space outside.

But I'm a City Boy! I guess there's advantages and disadvantages from both perspectives. Have a nice one NB;)
WoodysGirl said:
You're a skins fan. I'd say they've still got some work to do... :lmao:

Ever think about changing your name from Woodys Girl to Ice-Cubes Girl ...

Phoenix-Talon said:
No disrespect, but this thread is totally rediculous!

There's two ways to approach this matter. The first is by asking, how do you gage an entire city as being an Armpit? One could retaliate by calling your city a different body part ...but that would be asinine, and wouldn't serve any purpose -- wouldn't you agree?!

Another approach is to defend Philadelphia, by pointing out that you're insulting the city that was the first Capital of the United States; home of the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, and where the Declaration of Independence is displayed. Look, I'm not here to give anyone a history lesson, but I think you should go easy on slinging out denegrating insults to an entire city, simply because it is the home of a rival football franchise, or because it contains Eagle fans. If you think about it, there are probably Eagle fans in every State and in most territories; to include overseas locations (don't get alarmed, the same thing probably holds true about most NFL franchises).

This whole thread turned into a hate Philly thread, and is totally off topic!

Here's my response to the topic ...

Sounds like you have a charming family and you can have plenty of fun with the Eagles/Cowboys uniform dilema. I'm sure (at Least I hope) the situation is not as intense as you make it out to be. Sounds like your son will have to make his own decision one day. Keep this In mind ...forcing him to become a Cowboys/Eagles fan could push him away from either respective team. The choice is totally his to make ...I'm sure He'll make his own choice when the time comes. Heck, he could turn out to be a Commanders fan! There are far too many other decision young people have to make in today's world.

I guarantee one thing ... all Eagle fans are not the sterotypical fans you believe they are.

Good luck

Well said. In the end, it's a game. Football won't step between my wife and I. That would be silly.

I've never been to Philly and I don't buy into the "all the fans of any team" nonsense.

PT can come watch the game at my house. And we'd have a great time and I'd even give him a consoling pat on the back after the game. :D

If that's the biggest arguement you and your wife have, you're in great shape.

Picture a couple of half drunk bums sitting on a park bench and one says to the other "Yeah, back when I was married, I was the boss and didn't take no backtalk from my wife."

The other one answers back "Yeah, someone ran off with mine, too. God, life can be the pits sometimes."

Moral - if you don't treat your lady like a lady, somebody else will.

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