Eagle hate thread.


The Duke
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If the title is a question, 2005 was the last time we swept them. Roy's INT and Bradie knocking McNabb out for the year with his sports hernia remain my favorite play of that season.








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well i think i should change the name to just eagle hate thread then lol cant belive i forgot that:banghead:


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I want it bad.

i really want to see a complete performance sunday and really let the eagles know that they have slipped.

They have spent so much time celebrating on our sidelines over the past 8 years, jumping on the star during warmups...complaining about the tex schramm ring of honor ceremony...etc..

I just want to bury them again and rub their face in the situation we are in right now..

maybe I am greedy. but I really want to beat them down.


Rising Star
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How sad is it when we cant even get a good hate the Eagles thread going?

Ive got my popcorn and broom ready to go.


Well-Known Member
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Most weeks I will say I don't hate the team we are playing this week that changed. Dating back to Buddy Ryan days though the batteries covered in snowballs being thrown at our players, Irvin laying injured as the Philly crowd cheered. To me this is the rivalry of the East and Dallas has a lot of paying back to take care of vs Philly.


Real Man of Genius
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The Eagles?

The Eagles….


The name rings a bell. I know they were a rock band at some point, but why would they get a hate thread on a Cowboys message board?

Gangsta Spanksta

Well-Known Member
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:mad: It's 'cause it's too damn early for this thread. ;) If you guys woulda waited one mo' day I woulda posted on.


Nikola Tesla
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die eagles die :eagles:


sweep :starspin


Cowboys Forever
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they're the Eagles,do we need any other reason to hate them?just 'cause ,is good enough for me.:starspin


Cowboy for Life
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havent read anything really...but is mcnabb a lock to play on sunday? i dont want him throwin up on our turf....:mad:


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Doomsday;1827538 said:
How sad is it when we cant even get a good hate the Eagles thread going?

Ive got my popcorn and broom ready to go.

I know you just kidding. SHOOT with one I....
I can get started and man solo a good eagle hate thread.

My hate borders on lunacy. I hate I hate I hate the eagles.

Come eagle week I hate every spieces of bird and everything green.

Cant even think green this week. Just want to turn up the thermostat and open up the windows.

Oh and the fans. I cant stand the fans. I'm already busting balls.
You wouldnt believe the "shoot with one i" I've been talking already.

And everyone of them dread the humiliation to come.
I'm finding all the BS defense mechanisms already in place histerical.

Gangsta Spanksta

Well-Known Member
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Quite frankly, I don't think some of you hate 'em as much as you should, and that's a pity. I can understand why someone of the older members hate the Commanders the most, but for those of us who grew up during the team of the 90's it should the Eagles you hate the most.

:star:L E T :mad: M E :mad: T E L L :mad: Y O U :mad: W H Y ! ! !:star:


That's right. It seems like some fans fail to realize it. In a matter of two years, the eagles killed off one of the greatest teams in sports history. It started in 1999, when the Cowboys traveled to the wasteland known as Philidelphia, the so-called city of "Brotherly Love", a title that makes me think if there is any kind of brotherly love in Philly it is the incestious kind. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/nfl/news/1999/10/11/philly_fans_ap/

There in Philidelphia "fans" proved that they are the worst fans on earth. The proved they are nothing but scum. On that day we lost one of the tripplets, one of the greatest players of our franchise, a member of our family. Maybe the 1999 and 2000 seasons is why we can relate to the Red Skin fans. It was one of the worst periods in Cowboy's history. One of our family lay on the field with a neck injury. And what did their fans do? The Cheered as Irvin lay there motionless, scared, not knowing if it was a spinal injury that would leave him a quadrapalegic for life. Those fans were happy to see on of our family hurt as they threw junk onto the field. Their fans are classless. I have never wished for a player to be injured; I wouldn't wish it on their players even now. I always say a little prayer when a player goes down. These are fellow human being we are talking about.

It didn't end there. In 2000, the Eagles finished off what was left of our once great team. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_20000905/ai_n13873611

Jones had been trying to revitalize this team by giving Aikman some new weapons. For those who remember those years, Irvin was our only noteworthy receiver. In 1999, Jones Added a promising looking receiver known as Rocket Ishmael to the team, but the eagels took out Irvin. So instead of teams double/triple covering Irvin, they would double/triple cover Rocket. In 2000, he gave Aikman Joey Galloway, another promising reciever. Well on September 5, 2000 the Eagles gave us one of worst Cowboys losses in history. In that game the eagles Injured both Galloway and Aikman. Galloway tore an ACL, something that can take players long to recover, something which some players never are the same from afterwards, something that often is career ending. Joey Galloway never lived up to his potential here in Dallas, this game is probably why. Also, this game would lead to the end of Aikman's Career, as he received his 10th concussion, 8th in pro football. That season spelled the end for both Campo and Aikman, when Randall Cunningham looked promising as a backup, and the cowboys were winning games. To avoid a QB controversy, Campo decided not to use Cunningham, instead of letting him playout the season and advertise himself for another team. I lost all respect for Campo then. Also, because of the potential controversy, Aikman decided to come back early when he wasn't 100% and all but sealed his fate. If that wasn't enough, the eagles looked no-too-concerned about our injuries, as they were smiling, and laughing, while running up the score to 41-14. Their team had no class. When someone gets injured, you shouldn't be laughing and smiling, and you shouldn't run up the score like that either. The eagles are as classless as the patriots as far as I am concerned. If you ever want to know why you should hate the eagles, you should watch that game. That is why I hate them; I don't really hate the Commanders, that team has class like us. You don't always have to hate your Rivals. The Commanders are our Rivals; The Eagles are our Enemies. There is a difference.

The pain didn't end there however. In the next game, the Eagles ended Rocket Ishmael career.

So why do I hate the Eagles?

Let me tell you why:

They destroyed the team of the 90's.
The injured too many of our players.
They ended the Careers of Irvin, Aikman, and Rocket.
They made Joey Galloway a non-factor for us.
Their fans cheered when Irvin was injured.
They laughed at us when they injured Aikman and Galloway
They ran up the score as our hearts bled.
McNabb has a big as mouth.
One year when we beat the eagles, McNabb showed he was a whinner and a sore loser, without any sportmanship, when he said, "The better team didn't win."
This year he tried to rain on our parade by saying the NFC Championship goes through philly.
I hate the eagles because Ray Rhodes, fired them up that one time, telling them lies about how the cowboys looked down on them, and disrespected them, when we really just saw them as any other team.
I hate those pickle juice drinking mother****ers. http://www.sptimes.com/News/090500/Sports/Eagles__juice_puts_Da.shtml
I hate them because their breath stinks like pickles. :mad:
I hate them because they forced me to watch some of the ugliest looking headcoaches in NFL history.
I hate them because they are so ******** cheap. They used to have the worst stadium to play in. It was literally playing on concrete covered with a thin sheet of carpet.
I hate their disloyal fans, that will boo when a player first comes into town, cheer him when he is successful, and then boo him right back out of town once they used him.
I hate them because they have the worst fans in the NFL
Eagles Stadium is the only stadium with a Court Room built into it.
One time they had a Judge on the Norm show from that Court Room talking about the various cases people get arested for.
I hate them because according to that show the pee in sinks down there.
I hate them because their fans trow rock filled snowballs at other team's players.
I hate them because when our arch rivals lost their #21, the eagle fans in their forum showed they were heals.
I hate them because whenever I visit a Eagle's board, I see some fan talking about injuring Romo.
I hate them for cracking the liberty bell.
I hate them because they are there.


Gangsta Spanksta

Well-Known Member
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BTW, this game should be fitting. They totally destroyed our team that won 3 superbowls. Now we can totally destroy their team that lost a superbowl.


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Gangsta Spanksta;1827697 said:
BTW, this game should be fitting. They totally destroyed our team that won 3 superbowls. Now we can totally destroy their team that lost a superbowl.

You might want to check yourself on that they destroyed our team in the 90s. Coaches leaving, players leaving, age and injuries were the demise of that team.

not the stinking eagles.