Eagles can't stop us

Just because you only counted two bad plays doesn't mean others didn't considered that there were more.

I mean if I backtrace my own posts on the game threads yesterday to find points were people were down on Dak's play

The interception: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...cowboys-1st-half.505005/page-12#post-12423539
Dak needing to release quicker: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...cowboys-2nd-half.505006/page-52#post-12426580
Dak getting sacked: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...cowboys-2nd-half.505006/page-94#post-12427436
Another moment in the game: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...cowboys-2nd-half.505006/page-98#post-12427521
Yet another Moment in the game: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...owboys-2nd-half.505006/page-131#post-12428207
When we got our christmas gift: https://cowboyszone.com/threads/phi...owboys-2nd-half.505006/page-127#post-12428107

And I gave dak some praise in the game thread as well. But I can see others down on Dak at those moments in the game as well and that is more than 2 (your words not mines). From my perspective, Dak wasn't performing surgery during that game he was hot and cold throughout the game which to me is being inconsistent. I must have a higher standard on what I consider performing surgery. The above moments maybe debatable by some, because I realize not everyone sees the game the same way. Dak deserves his props, but right after the game we get threads saying he proved he is a top 5 quarterback after a game I saw him play as inconsistent and would probably cause us to lose in the playoffs with that kind of performance.
Needs to release faster haha

You just posted things you said which is outlandish.

27 of 35 is just about as surgical as you can get.

The fact you are complaining about one pass you think he should have released faster is hilarious.

You keep saying top 5 when almost all "Dak supporters" have said top 10.
No Hypocrisy on my part. If I think a player on our team deserves criticism I give it to them, be it one I am big fan of or not. Now the ones calling people haters when they criticize their man crush but have no problems throwing every single other player on the team under the bus to blame shift, that is another story...
Running game was fantastic yesterday, same thing with the defense. Thank God for the run game and defense carrying Dak..... Again

Needs to release faster haha

You just posted things you said which is outlandish.

27 of 35 is just about as surgical as you can get.

The fact you are complaining about one pass you think he should have released faster is hilarious.

You keep saying top 5 when almost all "Dak supporters" have said top 10.

Just pointing out places more than one Cowboys fan thought were lows on Dak part. Perfectly valid opinion that a quarterback shouldn't hang onto the ball for too long. Like I said, you have right to have a different opinion. And there have been plenty of threads where people on the zone with people getting upset if you say Dak is not in the top 5. In my point of view part of our win had to do with a lot of luck, I just don't view this as Dak performing surgery.
Running game was fantastic yesterday, same thing with the defense. Thank God for the run game and defense carrying Dak..... Again


Defense got some turn overs aganist a good Eagles team.. Our point total would've been lower and the Eagles higher if not for those.
I think you’re a bit high off of victory right now… let’s not go too far. Eagles played with nothing on the line. We played with everything on the line and at our highest effort. If Philly truly gave their all, we would have lost.

Both teams wanted to win that game, but wasn't a high pressure game for either as they're both in the playoffs and won't likely change the playoff picture. However, Eagles are still trying to secure the 1 seed.
Forget the narrative of moral victory for them etc w/ how well Minshew played.

They can't stop us. We could score 50 next game.

They did a good job of slowing down our run game. Thats also not the way you want to go with games. Dak having the save the day and putting up 40.

They need to stop featuring Zeke. Pollard out of the backfield in the passing game is devastating.

If you watched the game, you would know that if not for the Christmas Present the Eagles gave us at the end, they've would've beat us with their Backup Quarterback. It's a great win but be realistic.

Poor guy. LOL

When you cant enjoy a great win over the hated Eagles, thats pretty sad.

What an amazing day for Dak eh? Its like a double whammy for you.
Poor guy. LOL

When you cant enjoy a great win over the hated Eagles, thats pretty sad. .

What an amazing day for Dak eh? Its like a double whammy for you.

Oh I did enjoy the win. If you had read my comments you may have known that. I just had to say something because right after the game we had people saying that the game proved that Dak was a top 5 QB and saying he had performed surgery, when reality was if not for a gift by the Eagles, we could've very easily lost the game and there was plenty of inconsistency on Dak parts. Sometimes when the propaganda spouted by the Daksters is way over the top, someone who wouldn't have said anyhting other than Props to Dak for the win, feels they have to say something.
Just pointing out places more than one Cowboys fan thought were lows on Dak part. Perfectly valid opinion that a quarterback shouldn't hang onto the ball for too long. Like I said, you have right to have a different opinion. And there have been plenty of threads where people on the zone with people getting upset if you say Dak is not in the top 5. In my point of view part of our win had to do with a lot of luck, I just don't view this as Dak performing surgery.
Top 10 sure but until he is consistent and stops the interceptions I can't put him in top 5 and anybody getting upset over that is just as bad as the ones that say Dak is garbage
Defense got some turn overs aganist a good Eagles team.. Our point total would've been lower and the Eagles higher if not for those.
They didn't force a punt and it's not just this week but the past few weeks the defense has struggled. 1 sack in 3 games

The reason I pointed it out because folks like you are complaining about a QB that went 27-35 for 350 and 3 TDs and always blame him for everything
Defense got some turn overs aganist a good Eagles team.. Our point total would've been lower and the Eagles higher if not for those.


I'll do you one better:

**If the game hadn't been played...**

...The Eagles wouldn't have lost.
I was actually pretty impressed how well we moved the ball on their defense yesterday. I heard for weeks all about how amazing their defense was.
They didn't force a punt and it's not just this week but the past few weeks the defense has struggled. 1 sack in 3 games

The reason I pointed it out because folks like you are complaining about a QB that went 27-35 for 350 and 3 TDs and always blame him for everything

Like I said, me I wouldn't have said anything, if not for some of the outrageous comments after the game by people going overboard by the win. It's a win to be happy about, but not to make claims like "The Eagles can't stop us" and "Dak just proved he is a number 5" It's a good win, but I rather our QB played more consistently going into the playoffs. The Eagles weren't playing at a playoff level either. Against a team that has turned on that switch and is playing at a different level from the regular season, I could see us losing that game.
Minshew is a far better passer than Hurts.

lol that simply not true. He has no arm strength and missed a wide open td pass. Minshew threw throws off his back foot on every throw. He is a top tier backup and nothing more.
I thought Minshew was very mediocre. Botched handoff. Two ints. Made some good throws but some bad ones as well.

I agree the first fumble was 100% Minshews fault. Hit him on his left biceps. Completely over shot it.
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Like I said, me I wouldn't have said anything, if not for some of the outrageous comments after the game by people going overboard by the win. It's a win to be happy about, but not to make claims like "The Eagles can't stop us" and "Dak just proved he is a number 5" It's a good win, but I rather our QB played more consistently going into the playoffs. The Eagles weren't playing at a playoff level either. Against a team that has turned on that switch and is playing at a different level from the regular season, I could see us losing that game.
That's the fan base. They over react to everything

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