Eagles Maddox maybe done for the season

Jimmy was still there when they hired Lacewell. He wanted someone that had a fresh view of the college players like he did when coming in. But yeah, Lacewell just couldn't pick very well. Jerry should have moved on quickly but they were friends.
Aug. 26, 1992: Jones had just hired his longtime buddy Larry Lacewell, a former college coach, to be his director of college scouting. Not long after he reported for work at Valley Ranch, Lacewell received a call from a 49ers official who wanted to know whether the Cowboys were interested in the talented but troubled Charles Haley.

"I'd honestly never heard of the guy," Lacewell told me a few years ago. "I think the note sat on my desk for three or four days before I finally walked it down to Jerry's office. When I told him what it was, he nearly dove over the desk."

Haley would become the most dominant pass-rusher on three Super Bowl-winning teams.

They were not stout at all they were good against the RPO but got ran over by swift and that run game dude they ridiculous run game dude it looks like a regular run game I wish our run game looked like that... You bring us a run game that looked like old school run game into the playoffs and we win all those games if we look like that team did last night.. I know we're supposed to hate the Eagles and say nothing but negative things but dude their run game was strong they figured that out when they couldn't throw the football and run their general RPO's they flip the script ran the football until they tired out the defense and then they chucked the ball in the air and won the game they put up 34 points.. I mean I don't know what else more you want yeah they didn't look like the old Eagles but they sure didn't look bad they just looked like a good team trying to find their way with new coordinators..
Good post and all true, but just wish the Vikes wouldn't have self destructed. No turnovers...or even 1-2 and they probly win

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