Eagles -- No Class

The Giants and Eagles play again.

I'm sure the Giants players will be looking for Mr. Trotter. Generally when you cheapshot somebody like that it comes back to bite you in the butt.
phillycowboyslover said:
oh, it's ok, i know all too well how cry baby philly fans are when it comes to dallas. talk about superiority complex times infinity!

i ALMOST feel sorry for you guys. but then i realize you deserve every bit of your misery.

You've got some bitterness going on and it is understandable. It's only the first game and the Browns was an improved team. The Eagles had nothing to do with your loss. I was actually rooting for the C'Boys.

BTW, I still don't respect you! :D
You've got some bitterness going on and it is understandable.

coming from an iggle fan, that has to be the funniest thing i've ever heard.

Many of you may not be away of what LatinG187's avatar means. "G" represents Gangsta (or if you prefer gangster); while the "187" represents the police call sign for Murda (or if you prefer murder/ homicide).
Your too easy Arm.

Armageddon is often referred to as "the end". It can mean different things depending on your religon/faith. What your name means is the end of the eagles.
phillycowboyslover said:
just b/c it was legal doesn't mean it was neccessary.

pretty sissy move if you asked me.

Please go back and refer to where I asked you?
AJM1613 said:
Please go back and refer to where I asked you?

You are spinning your wheels if you are looking for validation for iggle fans here... you know this AJM... ;)
TLW47 said:
The Giants and Eagles play again.

I'm sure the Giants players will be looking for Mr. Trotter. Generally when you cheapshot somebody like that it comes back to bite you in the butt.

Who is going to be looking for Trotter? lol

Eli might try to kick him in the balls. He's was one of the best MLBs in the league, still in his prime, and he plays ST.
RW31 said:
Your too easy Arm.

Many a young lady have told me that rwxxxi (BTW your name reminds me of that small blue bottle of prophylactics!).

RW31 said:
Armageddon is often referred to as "the end". It can mean different things depending on your religon/faith. What your name means is the end of the eagles.

No! You just don't get the depth of my name ... The Armageddon Eagle may be the end of something, but it's the beginning for something new ...A Eagles Dynasty in 2004 (at least in the NFC East -- and perhaps beyond)! Upon receipt of the Lombardi trophy, my name will change to "The Phoenix-Eagle (from the fires and ashes of the elusive championships to the rebirth of a dynasty)."


The Phoenix-Eagle will be a lot less abrasive; sure easier if you will, but not a push over like you! :eek:
RW31 said:
Armageddon is often referred to as "the end

Sure it is ...


... the end of your chances of dominating the Eagles! :D

Take a laxative romeo whiskey - thirty one (phonetic alphabet) :D
Take a laxative romeo whiskey - thirty one (phonetic alphabet) :D

Golf oscar delta, yankee oscar uniform romeo alpha papa alpha tango hotel echo tango india charlie bravo oscar romeo echo!!
Tango hotel alpha tango sixer fox under niner niner yellow sixer tango under fox fox :D
DallasCowpoke said:
Golf oscar delta, yankee oscar uniform romeo alpha papa alpha tango hotel echo tango india charlie bravo oscar romeo echo!!

Interpretation = God your a pathetic bore

You've got a Big pair of sllab to troll with God. You'll go straight to he77 for that remark! :rolleyes:
coaches warn kickers that if they are on the field they better have their head on a swivel - or it could get knocked off. feagles has been around long enough to know this. but trotter celebrating over him as though he had made a huge 4th down stop - was pretty lame. what's next for jeremiah? celebrating over the unconcious body of an opponent's cheerleader?
Many a young lady have told me that rwxxxi (BTW your name reminds me of that small blue bottle of prophylactics!).

No! You just don't get the depth of my name ... The Armageddon Eagle may be the end of something, but it's the beginning for something new ...A Eagles Dynasty in 2004 (at least in the NFC East -- and perhaps beyond)! Upon receipt of the Lombardi trophy, my name will change to "The Phoenix-Eagle (from the fires and ashes of the elusive championships to the rebirth of a dynasty)."


The Phoenix-Eagle will be a lot less abrasive; sure easier if you will, but not a push over like you! !:eek:
LMAO. Nice way to spin things into another topic. BTW, I doubt you will be a pheonix for a long, long time.
RW31 said:
LMAO. Nice way to spin things into another topic. BTW, I doubt you will be a pheonix for a long, long time.

You should really consider chanGing your name to the "Sooth-sayer C'Boy" :D

You should really consider chanGing your name to the "Sooth-sayer C'Boy" :D

You should change your name to....well.....nah, there is no way it could get much worse...

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