Eagles owner regrets signing owens

aikemirv said:
I don't care how well Trotter and Simon are or are not doing the FACT of the matter is you cannot give the farm to a guy who is 80lbs overweight or a guy who has bad knees and may not play after 1 year - you just don't know.

You cannot say they are CHEAP because of these 2 arguments period.

Didn't stop Washington aand Indy from paying them, did it?

aikemirv said:
That is not being cheap, that is making good business decisions.

It's cheap when you have more than enough cap room to pay them - that's cheap.

aikemirv said:
And your argument that they used up Staley - that just even makes them seem smarter because, what are they supposed to do, use him up and then give him a great contract? A lot of teams are paying for past service - it is not good business, just ask Jerry about Larry Allens last contract!

Let's ask Emmitt Smith instead.

And again, what about decisions regarding guys like Dawkins or Burgess as well?

Dawkins is one of their best "team" guys and he's still twisting in the wind regarding his future.

They're a cheap, cuthroat organization and their players know it. That in itself breeds a hostile working envirnoment. That's not going away with Owens. He simply demonstrated it clearly for the rest of the world.
stasheroo said:
Two words - revenue sharing.

The NFL has the best reveue-sharing of any professional sports league. And that's why they're the best.

:showme: + :trophy: = :suxiggle:

May want to add the best commish in sports. Baseball hasn't had a real commish since Fay Vincent and sadly the game I love has suffered because of it, NBA has a good commish in Stern but the NBA marketing seems to be geared more towards individuals, Tagliabue and Rozelle have succeeded by marketing the game.
stasheroo said:
Didn't stop Washington aand Indy from paying them, did it?

It's cheap when you have more than enough cap room to pay them - that's cheap.

Let's ask Emmitt Smith instead.

And again, what about decisions regarding guys like Dawkins or Burgess as well?

Dawkins is one of their best "team" guys and he's still twisting in the wind regarding his future.

They're a cheap, cuthroat organization and their players know it. That in itself breeds a hostile working envirnoment. That's not going away with Owens. He simply demonstrated it clearly for the rest of the world.

That must be why Trotter went back to them and why Hugh Douglas is now working for the organization - they just hate Eagles management so much.

And are you now saying that Washington makes good FA decisions.
aikemirv said:
If I have 2 billion and you have 1 billion I might be more willing to spend more money on players than you would - wouldn't you say?

I said you have to look at all those issues before you just say he is cheap - I have not - if you know each mans net worth go ahead and post it and enlighten me OK.

I'm not saying anything about what Lurie is worth.
I'm saying the Eagles should pony up the CAP $$$ and get what players are needed to finish the task and win their first SB.
Every year they play the CAP forward game with the remaining CAP dollars.
That is good business - can't disagree there.

My point is - in the Owens case - the Eagles had the CAP $$$$.
They saw the problem coming.
They knew of the contract they gave - in good faith but under duress of time to sign is now - could have stood up and said: The Eagle organization has reviewed the contract we signed with Mr. Owens last year.
We have found that there are some shortfalls in it.
We have inserted some incentive clauses into the contract to bring it up to a top players contract status.

This would have shut everyone up.

This would have not left the door open to other Eagle players to gripe for more $$$$.
aikemirv said:
That must be why Trotter went back to them and why Hugh Douglas is now working for the organization - they just hate Eagles management so much.

Yeah, and they got both back - on the cheap.

That's the bottom line.

And that's what the Eagles are all about.
aikemirv said:
They sure have made it to more NFC championships than we have in the last 6 years haven't they - and that is the time period we ARE talking about.

And so did the Cowboys of the Danny White era.

But he is not in the HOF or Ring of honor.

In this era of CAP and win now - you have to get it done now.
stasheroo said:
He could have played safety in Philadelphia as well. I think he and Dawkins would have made a great tandem.

Free Safety. Dawkins is a free safety. Troy Vincent could not play strong safety for the eagles.

And yet the Colts were thrilled to have him and kept him when his contract gave them the option not to? Read the recent reports on him, the Colts are thrilled with what they have. The Eagles are still trying to replace him.

It doesn't really matter what the Eagles are trying to do with respect to what Simon did last year. He wasn't good. The Colts did not have an option to not keep Simon on their roster without a cap hit to their poorly managed salary structure. They gave a former pro-bowl defensive tackle a lot of money to play fewer snaps than all of his linemates, I imagine they'll say anything to make themselves feel better. I'm glad he's lost weight, but the last thing anyone can reliably say about Corey Simon is that he isn't playing very well.

How did he get it then?

I don't know exactly how he got it when he eventually did, but he was not offered a contract during his brief holdout.

No he wasn't. They used him up and discarded him.

I don't know what else you'd like them to do with a player you're saying is used up.

You can count their "big signings" on one hand and have several fingers left over. They've had about three:

John Runyan
Jevon Kearse
Terrell Owens

Donovan McNabb, Brian Dawkins, Tra Thomas. Countless other players. Fortunately they don't fall into the casual fan's mindset of a big 'name' on another team always being more valuable than players with experience in their system (Dan Snyder?).

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Regardless, the Eagles pulled a fast one that the players' union picked up on. Real nice "business" there. And they wonder how a player can get upset?

I don't know if it's "pulling a fast one", everyone involved gets to read it. They didn't 'sneak' language into the deal. He was advised against signing it by the players union. Don't make it sound like they came running into his agent's office like that mexican lady in Goonies yelling "NO SIGN! NO SIGN!" in Spanish. It gave the Eagles a little too much leverage and if T.O. hadn't signed it the Eagles probably never would have offered him anything better.

I'd still say better than some. Everybody still glosses over Dawkins' current situation or the Eagles letting Burgess go rather than pay him (how'd he do?) There's a definite pattern of "frugality" with the Eagles and it continues today. How's that first rounder look in camp?

They made a mistake going with ND Kalu over Burgess. They make plenty of mistakes. It's a little different from some of their other decisions because Burgess was an OK player that left and became a good player, usually it's a good player that leaves and becomes an OK player. ND Kalu is an OK player that stayed and became a very bad player :)

I don't know what the problem is with Bunkley, they haven't had trouble with the slotting system before. Infact I think they prefer that system to negotiating deals out of thin air. They can justify to themselves risking the money to sign the young players because they simply have no other choice.

If you say so. I guess some are just more concerned with it, right?

I suppose so. But just the same, some owners are good at pretending they're trying to put the best team possible on the field. Fans in general are stupid. If you change enough things every year they will keep buying jerseys and season ticket packages. Same goes for national media coverage, make their job easy by picking up 'names' and you'll get favorable analyses -- they won't notice you just cut your best offensive lineman.
Longboysfan said:
I'm not saying anything about what Lurie is worth.
I'm saying the Eagles should pony up the CAP $$$ and get what players are needed to finish the task and win their first SB.
Every year they play the CAP forward game with the remaining CAP dollars.
That is good business - can't disagree there.

My point is - in the Owens case - the Eagles had the CAP $$$$.
They saw the problem coming.
They knew of the contract they gave - in good faith but under duress of time to sign is now - could have stood up and said: The Eagle organization has reviewed the contract we signed with Mr. Owens last year.
We have found that there are some shortfalls in it.
We have inserted some incentive clauses into the contract to bring it up to a top players contract status.

This would have shut everyone up.

This would have not left the door open to other Eagle players to gripe for more $$$$.

Good post.

I think when you sign a contract you should honor it.... BUT if you get a big contract and its NOT guaranteed(NFL contract arent guaranteed we know). Its definitely one-sided.
Thats part of what TO didnt like... I dont blame him....
Basileus777 said:
Considering TO missed all the entire playoffs before the Superbowl, somehow I doubt that. Even without TO, the NFC and the NFC East were so weak that year, that the Eagles were going to the playoffs no matter what happened.


JackMagist said:
Ohh Pleeeease!! :rolleyes:

The Eagels had been one game shy of the Superbowl three years in a row before Owens arrived. He was out injured when they finally got past that one last game and he had nothing to do with finally getting over that last hurdle to get there.

Let's not engage in too much revisionist History here. Owens was a cancer on that team plain and simple and they damn sure don't owe him ANYTHING. I'm not crying over their demise by any means; the Eagles could never win another game and I would not care. But lets keep it real about Owens.


BulletBob said:
By your theory then (and that of many other posters in this thread), if TO winds up being a problem in Big D, it will be management's fault, right?


Sorry guys, not buyin' it.

All fingers wil be pointed at TO.

When you have a problem employee, you do everything you can to deal with it - especially if it is a talented employee. However, if that employee is tying up the valuable time and resources of other members of the team and management every day dealing with s**t that has nothing to do with the business, eventually you have to cut them loose (you don't give them a raise).

That is exactly what the Pigeons did.

There comes a breaking point (law of diminishing returns) at which the energy your staff is expending dealing with a problem employee is simply not worth the effort - financially or emotionally. No matter how talented that employee is, or how much your company benefits financially from what that employee does, in the end you wind up losing profit, and endangering the rest of your staff.

Now, with all that said, as a Cowboy fan, I sincerely hope that TO has had a sincere reformation (though I am very skeptical). It will be an interesting year, to say the least.


JustSayNotoTO said:
There is more to character than staying out of jail.

Phoenix-Talon said:
Mr. Lurie expresses more than an explanation to the TO saga, the regret and anguish felt by the Eagles organization; to include players and fans, he's addressing "closure" to an ugly chapter in Eagles history.

I can't expect many of you to understand that closure is needed to open new doors, and begin new episodes for the Eagles. This was necessary and a ry well timed therapeutic management tool to begin the healing process.

I hope the Dallas Cowboy fans do not experience this type of agony ...I wouldn't wish this on any fandom. But right now ...you wouldn't understand how crucial Mr. Lurie's words are to the team/fans.

That said, you'll never hear me speak another detrimental word toward TO from now on ...that chapter is hereby closed!



YoMick said:
Good post.

I think when you sign a contract you should honor it.... BUT if you get a big contract and its NOT guaranteed(NFL contract arent guaranteed we know). Its definitely one-sided.
Thats part of what TO didnt like... I dont blame him....

He earned the behavior clause and earned his contract language by his behavior.

He proved with his behavior last year that they were right and they should not have guaranteed him anything!

All Jerry did was guarantee him 1 year - how is he so much better off?
phillycowboyslover said:
troll alert!

I'm not trolling at all. I want T.O. here if we can handle him. He increases our odds of winning. I'm saying that I think and I hope that our coaching staff will handle him in a different way than he's been handled in the past.

In other words, as long as he's here, he should be treated just like any other player. Antonio Bryant comes to mind ..

I just want our coaches to stop it before it happens; and if that means Terrell has to sit out a game, or games, for misbehaving .. well then, Terrell will have to sit out, regardless.

IMO, that's how we should handle him. If he acts like a baby, then treat him like a baby.

Now, next time, before you go off getting overly sensitive, try to hold off with the troll comments. It really doesn't make you look very smart when you spastically start shouting out troll before you even attempt to engage in an intelligent discussion.

Maybe it's me, but my guess is that you're not a very objective person; and you probably tend to write off ideas that don't suit your own.

I don't know, perhaps you'd like to ignore the possibility that T.O's behavior might become an issue; I won't. I'm sure the coaches haven't either.
Smashmouth24 said:
Free Safety. Dawkins is a free safety. Troy Vincent could not play strong safety for the eagles.

I think Dawkins could sure play strong safety.

Smashmouth24 said:
It doesn't really matter what the Eagles are trying to do with respect to what Simon did last year. He wasn't good. The Colts did not have an option to not keep Simon on their roster without a cap hit to their poorly managed salary structure.

More like a team who does spend a lot of their money found a way to pay yet another player to help them win. The contract was structured to let the Colts off the hook if they weren't happy - apparently they are.

Smashmouth24 said:
They gave a former pro-bowl defensive tackle a lot of money to play fewer snaps than all of his linemates, I imagine they'll say anything to make themselves feel better. I'm glad he's lost weight, but the last thing anyone can reliably say about Corey Simon is that he isn't playing very well.

Again, the Colts are happy and they're the ones doing the paying. The Cheap-Birds are still looking.

Smashmouth24 said:
I don't know exactly how he got it when he eventually did, but he was not offered a contract during his brief holdout.

If you don't know, maybe you shouldn't bring it up.

Smashmouth24 said:
I don't know what else you'd like them to do with a player you're saying is used up.

He's used up now, he was a solid back when he was an Eagle.

Smashmouth24 said:
Donovan McNabb, Brian Dawkins, Tra Thomas. Countless other players. Fortunately they don't fall into the casual fan's mindset of a big 'name' on another team always being more valuable than players with experience in their system (Dan Snyder?).

Don't talk to me about a "casual fan", I know more about the Eagles than most of their own fans do.

Where's Dawkins' money? Andrews got his. The unproven center got his. How about 'Dawk?

Dawkins and Thomas will soon be discarded like the rest. Count on it. Along with Hank Fraley as well.

Smashmouth24 said:
I don't know if it's "pulling a fast one", everyone involved gets to read it. They didn't 'sneak' language into the deal. He was advised against signing it by the players union. Don't make it sound like they came running into his agent's office like that mexican lady in Goonies yelling "NO SIGN! NO SIGN!" in Spanish. It gave the Eagles a little too much leverage and if T.O. hadn't signed it the Eagles probably never would have offered him anything better.

So you offer a bad contract and are suprised with bad results? OK..............

Smashmouth24 said:
They made a mistake going with ND Kalu over Burgess. [/quote

Ya think?

Smashmouth24 said:
They make plenty of mistakes. It's a little different from some of their other decisions because Burgess was an OK player that left and became a good player, usually it's a good player that leaves and becomes an OK player. ND Kalu is an OK player that stayed and became a very bad player :)

Kalu was and always will be an average player. The Eagles just think they're smarter than everyone else. Guess not. They swung and missed on Kearse big-time too.

Smashmouth24 said:
I suppose so. But just the same, some owners are good at pretending they're trying to put the best team possible on the field. Fans in general are stupid. If you change enough things every year they will keep buying jerseys and season ticket packages. Same goes for national media coverage, make their job easy by picking up 'names' and you'll get favorable analyses -- they won't notice you just cut your best offensive lineman.

Maybe some fans are. Some see more of the "big picture" than some teams would like.

We'll see where all of the "goodwill" in Philly goes after they finish last in the division again.

stasheroo said:
I think Dawkins could sure play strong safety.

Dawkins could play slot CB too but it wouldn't be any less stupid an idea.

More like a team who does spend a lot of their money found a way to pay yet another player to help them win. The contract was structured to let the Colts off the hook if they weren't happy - apparently they are.

They spend a lot of money on very, very few players. They didn't spend the free cap room they had on Edgerrin James. They got absolutely nothing out of Corey Simon last year. He came off the field on passing downs. Anyone who has followed the slightest bit of Corey Simon's career would be falling out of their chair at such news. Yet you keep telling me how great he's playing because, well, they said so.

Again, the Colts are happy and they're the ones doing the paying. The Cheap-Birds are still looking.

Their run defense, what they _say_ Corey Simon is there to help, was worse in 2005 than it was in 2004. On top of that, they were knocked out of the playoffs at home in the 1st round. If they're truly happy, they're delusional. The Eagles were looking long before they ever released the exclusive negotiating rights to Corey Simon.

If you don't know, maybe you shouldn't bring it up.

Small reading comprehension problem on your part. You brought up that Westbrook held out to get a new deal. I informed you, now twice, that he didn't get even get an offer from the Eagles during his holdout. You have now told me that I shouldn't have brought it up.

He's used up now, he was a solid back when he was an Eagle.

Right, he was used up when he was no longer an Eagle in a 3-back system.

Don't talk to me about a "casual fan", I know more about the Eagles than most of their own fans do.

I'm not getting that impression, sorry. That doesn't make you a casual fan, however.

Dawkins and Thomas will soon be discarded like the rest. Count on it. Along with Hank Fraley as well.
I would hope Dawkins isn't discarded. Thomas is a player that should be replaced, soon. They are fairly cautious with players who don't have many meaningful years left -- with a pretty good track record to back it up. I don't think they'll get very serious with Dawkins until he finishes the season, like the last time his contract expired.

So you offer a bad contract and are suprised with bad results? OK..............

Irony: Based on the contract I don't think they could have been too surprised with the results.

Kalu was and always will be an average player. The Eagles just think they're smarter than everyone else. Guess not. They swung and missed on Kearse big-time too.

So was Burgess, that is until he became a Raider. They haven't missed on Kearse, but they certainly hit a ground ball to short with that contract. At least he was an upgrade over the player he replaced.

Maybe some fans are. Some see more of the "big picture" than some teams would like.

We'll see where all of the "goodwill" in Philly goes after they finish last in the division again.

I wasn't implying there is very much goodwill in Philadelphia, if that is what you mean. There isn't. The team does not care very much what the fans think about running a football team and is quite open about it.
Originally Posted by Phoenix-Talon
Mr. Lurie expresses more than an explanation to the TO saga, the regret and anguish felt by the Eagles organization; to include players and fans, he's addressing "closure" to an ugly chapter in Eagles history.

I can't expect many of you to understand that closure is needed to open new doors, and begin new episodes for the Eagles. This was necessary and a ry well timed therapeutic management tool to begin the healing process.

I hope the Dallas Cowboy fans do not experience this type of agony ...I wouldn't wish this on any fandom. But right now ...you wouldn't understand how crucial Mr. Lurie's words are to the team/fans.

That said, you'll never hear me speak another detrimental word toward TO from now on ...that chapter is hereby closed!

Big D said:

One of the ALL TIME GREATEST responses.... EVER!!!
:hammer: :worthy:
aikemirv said:
He earned the behavior clause and earned his contract language by his behavior.

I am not saying he handled it right or that his behavior was appropriate... I could see his side of it though....

aikemirv said:
He proved with his behavior last year that they were right and they should not have guaranteed him anything!

I dont know if I agree with that... Lets see what happens....
felix360 said:
i searched and didnt see this anywhere

Lurie: Signing Owens was a mistake

/ Associated Press
Posted: 2 hours ago

BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) - Now that Terrell Owens is gone from Philadelphia, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie says it was a mistake to sign the outspoken wide receiver.

"I would not do it again," Lurie said Wednesday in his annual state-of-the-team address. "You look back on it - one year great, the second year a disaster. Nobody should be able to be as disruptive and really cut the energy of the team down.

"I think we all learned from that."

During his first year in Philadelphia, Owens helped the Eagles reach their first Super Bowl since the 1980 season. But he was a major disruption throughout last season. The Eagles endured a dismal, injury-plagued 6-10 season, and Owens' tenure in Philadelphia ended bitterly.

He signed on with the Dallas Cowboys, one of the Eagles' main rivals in the NFC East.

"If you don't have the chemistry, the talent and the help, with high-character people, you're not going to survive those downturns in the middle of the season," Lurie said.

However, Lurie won't let the Owens experiment make him more cautious.

"I'll always try to be aggressive and take risks and be willing to make mistakes," he said. "Yet at the same time when we're in the draft room or approaching free agency or picking up players or trading for players, character is probably No. 1. "If you don't get past the character test, the teamwork test, you're not going to be on the Philadelphia Eagles."
Did the Eagles ever sign Bunkley?
TO landed in the Eagles laps.
TO was recruited by....McNabb.
Yes while McNabb is trying to be funny on PTI and blow off that TO even was on the team, he is the biggest reason TO was there to begin with.
Eagles have always been cheap.
They draft well and have been able to stay competitive due to that but the only big time FA that they have truly gone after is Jevon Kearse.
Kearse has not lived up to his big time contract either.
Lurie is a joke in my opinion.
AnyGivenSunday said:
I'm not trolling at all. I want T.O. here if we can handle him. He increases our odds of winning. I'm saying that I think and I hope that our coaching staff will handle him in a different way than he's been handled in the past.

In other words, as long as he's here, he should be treated just like any other player. Antonio Bryant comes to mind ..

I just want our coaches to stop it before it happens; and if that means Terrell has to sit out a game, or games, for misbehaving .. well then, Terrell will have to sit out, regardless.

IMO, that's how we should handle him. If he acts like a baby, then treat him like a baby.

Now, next time, before you go off getting overly sensitive, try to hold off with the troll comments. It really doesn't make you look very smart when you spastically start shouting out troll before you even attempt to engage in an intelligent discussion.

Maybe it's me, but my guess is that you're not a very objective person; and you probably tend to write off ideas that don't suit your own.

I don't know, perhaps you'd like to ignore the possibility that T.O's behavior might become an issue; I won't. I'm sure the coaches haven't either.

you're talking about sitting t.o. out for "misbehaving" and "treating him like a baby" and you're telling me i don't look very smart.


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