No offense, visionary, it you're not exactly the most qualified person to be making IQ judgements on other people's posts. Because your post history consists mostly of ****posts or personal attacks. Like this one.
If you want to be taken seriously, start posting seriously. And don't just scurry off when you're proven wrong. From the Ravens perspective:
Here's a point-chart if you want to do the math yourself. Also, 99 minus 74 is not '15.'
It's definitely a boost to the Eagles next year. Then the guy is a free agent. Whereas they gave up the equivalent of 4 years of a top 100 player in a deep draft if you put any credibility in the draft value chart. Will he deliver in one year the equivalent of what they'd have gotten from another player over four? He might.
Like I said, it's an interesting trade for both teams. Though I have to admit I wasn't weighing the value of a compensatory pick for Baltimore if Jernigan were to play well again and walk after next year.