Eagles v Pats Game thread *Merged*

thewireman;1789533 said:
Wes Welker is an annoying little s$&t with all his slant catches

But wouldn't we love to have him on our team?

He's like Christian Laettner. Everyone hated him but Duke.....but every NCAA team would love to have had him on their team.

Gosh I hated that guy.
as much as i dislike the eagles and especially thier fans im loving this...but dang it just makes ya wonder what coulda been haha..oh well....like someone said earlier was crayton correct :) i know there is still a lot of time left
i guess i jinxed them...told my wife the Eagles would get smashed tonight...it ain't over yet but somewhere in Florida someone is smiling tonight...
I gotta admit its becoming almost impossible to continue to root for the Pats as the Eagles get closer and closer to pulling this off.
Brady on 4th and 3 up by 30 points: Golden.

Brady on 4th and 3 down by 4 points: Sucks.
funny, I don't see Belicheat "working" w/ the D players like he was when they were well ahead on teams
I'm sure others have said this so don't ban me for saying this but, I'm rooting for the Eagles. Don't worry, I'll take a cold shower right after this, but I honestly hate the Pats more than the Eagles RIGHT NOW!
lots of illegitimate kids will be made tonight in Philly if they pull off the upset

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