Earl Thomas will be a Cowboy by Mid August- Book it

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Going to take more than a 3rd to get him. I wish they would but that's the same as they'll get if they let him walk.


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Seattle wants more than a 3rd round pick or Thomas would already be on his way with the rest of the team to Oxnard. He's simply not worth more than a 3rd to me due to his age and recent injury history.

I think that's the current "line in the sand", and it mirrors my own. I don't want to see that the Cowboys gave up more than a 3rd rounder. It's not worth it when they will then have to turn around and give the player a mega-deal on top of it. And the Seahawks need to realize that.

If it takes a 3rd rounder and a player we would have likely cut anyway, like a Terrance Williams or Charles Tapper? I'm good with that too. But no higher than that. They can pound sand, deal with the headache and bad PR, and pay him $8.6 million for a year where they'll stink anyway.


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I think that's the current "line in the sand", and it mirrors my own. I don't want to see that the Cowboys gave up more than a 3rd rounder. It's not worth it when they will then have to turn around and give the player a mega-deal on top of it. And the Seahawks need to realize that.

If it takes a 3rd rounder and a player we would have likely cut anyway, like a Terrance Williams or Charles Tapper? I'm good with that too. But no higher than that. They can pound sand, deal with the headache and bad PR, and pay him $8.6 million for a year where they'll stink anyway.

I also wouldn't mind sending them a player we don't need anyway in addition to the 3rd but I'm not the front office or the brain trust of this team. My guess is that's the hitch, they don't want to give up more than that and Seattle is happy to keep their disgruntled franchise defensive player at his current price for now.


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Something to remember is that having the cap space to sign him today isn't the only consideration in taking on a new, big contract. The team also has to project out what the cap needs will be in the future, and see how things fit in that context.


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I also wouldn't mind sending them a player we don't need anyway in addition to the 3rd but I'm not the front office or the brain trust of this team. My guess is that's the hitch, they don't want to give up more than that and Seattle is happy to keep their disgruntled franchise defensive player at his current price for now.

My guess is the same. And I applaud the Cowboys for standing their ground.

big dog cowboy

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I think that's the current "line in the sand", and it mirrors my own. I don't want to see that the Cowboys gave up more than a 3rd rounder. It's not worth it when they will then have to turn around and give the player a mega-deal on top of it. And the Seahawks need to realize that.

If it takes a 3rd rounder and a player we would have likely cut anyway, like a Terrance Williams or Charles Tapper? I'm good with that too. But no higher than that. They can pound sand, deal with the headache and bad PR, and pay him $8.6 million for a year where they'll stink anyway.


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A 3rd round Comp pick in 2020 is not a 3rd today

It is already a 4th round pick by definition and it is 2 years away

Not to mention they would have to stay relatively out of the FA game to get the 3rd round pick.
They would need to go the Stephen route.

So, 2019 3rd rounder or a potential 3rd in 2020.


The Quest for Six

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We have our own franchise pass rusher with contract issues, don't need to bring in another.

Donald is a defensive tackle, something this team is lacking.....Donald would be more of an impact on this defense than an overpriced safety who also wants a large contract


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Donald is a defensive tackle, something this team is lacking.....Donald would be more of an impact on this defense than an overpriced safety who also wants a large contract

I agree but I don't see a team that treats DTs like redheaded stepchildren doling out the cash to bring one here.


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After researching the ET situation I think it is virtually inevitable that Seattle and Dallas will work out a deal that makes Earl a Cowboy. The trade will happen between August 5 and Aug 20

I’ll break this up in a few posts:
Part I. Why Seattle wants, even needs to deal

We already know that the Hawks actively shopped Earl at draft time. That is one of the three elephants in the room. Seattle front office has played their hand. We’ll address the other elephants In upcoming posts.

Earl has applied the heat and it is working. “Trade me” he says. This is bad PR for the team and bad locker room mojo. Camp is starting without him there and dead fish start to stink. On top of that Thomas’ comments are puncturing any leverage the ‘Hawks have in their hopes to get a good return.

Seattle has lost most of the legion of doom. Everyone knows they are rebuilding. Thomas cannot really help Seattle as a player...there are no real playoff chances...he can only help them as a commodity.

Seattle only has 2$ million in cap space and they still have a number of young players they need to sign or extend. Earl is due $10.4 mil. What is a rebuilding team that is in cap trouble? Answer = a selling team. Hawks will most certainly sell to hasten their restructuring.

Fans, bloggers and media guys in the northwest understand the corner the ‘Hawks are in. Listen up to a Seahawks media member:
trade randy Gregory and a 5th round pick for earl Thomas....get it done jerry


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I agree but I don't see a team that treats DTs like redheaded stepchildren doling out the cash to bring one here.

FWIW Donald was above Martin for us back in 2014.

Donald fits what Rod(basically any DC) wants out of his 3 tech.
I would rather pay Donald 17+mil than give it to D-Law TBH.


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FWIW Donald was above Martin for us back in 2014.

Donald fits what Rod(basically any DC) wants out of his 3 tech.
I would rather pay Donald 17+mil than give it to D-Law TBH.

I would as well but I've seen no sign they're going to trade for Donald. This team just doesn't see DT as a critical piece, despite all evidence to the contrary since 2003.


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First of all, it's "Legion of Boom" not Doom. Second, Seattle is not letting go of ET this season. ET can help mentor Seattle's younger players. Dallas will have to wait til ET is a free agent.
In all fairness of the Legion of Doom is way more powerful than the Legion of Boom. :muttley::laugh:
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