Early Games Thread 12/18

the eagles do nothing all game and then turn into the 99 rams in the middle of the snow
Yeah, well a would be 3rd & 10 has given Philly offense life.. Lions are about to become aggressive though now that they have to & move the ball.
Cowboys can't catch any breaks regarding outside help. It seems like every team that we need to lose, finds a way to win. And vice versa. Obviously I'm exaggerating but that's what it feels like. :mad:
It is true that the Eagles are playing better, but it is also absolutely true that the refs let them up off the mat. They gifted them 8 points.
You know how this Beagle game ends, right?
I'm watching nfl redzone and I'm just amazed with how bad the Reffing is week after week. It doesn't change
Wait, I don't want to get benched too...

This is fixed. The NFL loves the Eagles and hates the Cowboys. Anti Cowboys bias on display again! We always have to beat the refs!
All the sudden the refs finding their flags for the Lions. I'm waiting for the next penalty on the Eagles. That wasn't a bad call, but I just find it ironic that they just now found their flags.
Good teams don't need help - we control our own destiny - PERIOD.
Well, it seems like the Falcons have a chance of winning at least. Unlike the Eagles who have 10,000,000% of the momentum.
moving on to atl/gb...refs have decided they are going to reward the eagles fans for coming to the game in this weather.

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