Like the right to smoke a little more pot or use amphetamines? Like it or not, these guys are role models to millions of kids and should be held to a higher standard, not less.
You are talking two different topics. One on substance abuse, and the other or protection of rights. One doesn't get a push from comingling the different subjects.
As to informative, during my time in Service, I was an Drug & Alcohol Advisor as an extra duty, for 12 years. One of my assignments, was with a Custom MP Unit in Germany for two years. No, that wasn't a lesson on social abuse...but even with a sports arena, rights are still protected. And that is part of the collective bargaining umbrellas as well as the tradition of Unions fighting for rights.
Both drug abuse and alcohol abuse are wrong. But one can't brow beat it of use...especially when resorting to putting down another poster, in a ring tapping fashion, as if one possessed sole knowledge of their affects.
Oh, as to role models, you are talking to a Great Grand Parent at present...carry on.
And ethics are a big deal in the NFL. They have even more contractual authority to address just that players are perceived in the public. The NFL spends tons of money and labor to inform and enforce all segments of participatory conduct.
Next time, look before one leaps, or get into the ballpark in response to another's words.