Eli Manning

Don't judge Eli to quickly my friends as this will be only his second full season at the helm. Whether he is overrated??? I would say the jury is still out.
Hostile said:
He looked awful good to me. The obituaries on him were a bit premature.

I mean he has started 23 whole games in his career, pretty unimaginable that he will actually get better. Lets face it, QBs are known for great success their first three years in the NFL.:rolleyes:
gbrittain said:
I mean he has started 23 whole games in his career, pretty unimaginable that he will actually get better. Lets face it, QBs are known for great success their first three years in the NFL.:rolleyes:
Last year did anyone in this forum project the Giants to win the NFCE? With a 2nd year QB at the helm? I know I didn't. People can talk about his accuracy but the fact is if you look at his stats and the Giants season he had an awful lot to do with them coming from nowhere to win the Division. To say he can't get better is a bit premature if you ask me. If he does get better we may be worried about the Giants for a long time because he's still young.

That's over rated? Not in my book.
The point is he has NOT gotten more accurate. He still is making most of the same mistakes he was making 2 years ago- not as often, but still too many with basically nearly 2 years of experience. He has had 3 training camps; started 7-8 games in 2004, then all of 2005. Palmer was MUCH better in fewer starts at the same time in his career. For someone SUPPOSED to be the next great QB, not too impressed.
burmafrd said:
The point is he has NOT gotten more accurate. He still is making most of the same mistakes he was making 2 years ago- not as often, but still too many with basically nearly 2 years of experience. He has had 3 training camps; started 7-8 games in 2004, then all of 2005. Palmer was MUCH better in fewer starts at the same time in his career. For someone SUPPOSED to be the next great QB, not too impressed.
I didn't say he was better than Palmer. Maybe he will be one day. We don't know.

Leading a team from nowhere to the division crown in your 2nd year is impressive to me. If it isn't to you then I wonder what would impress you.

Maybe if his surname wasn't Manning?
i went to law school at ole miss and i can say from first hand experiment how special this guy is. he single handedly took a team with little to no talent to the cotton bowl and WON it. the year after he left, with basically the same team returning, they completely tanked. he is still learning on the job in the NFL but I for one, think he is the real deal.
Maybe since he SUCKED a lot late last year and it was the D - particularly the D line and Tiki that got the job done- NOT MANNING.
burmafrd said:
Maybe since he SUCKED a lot late last year and it was the D - particularly the D line and Tiki that got the job done- NOT MANNING.
Just like I didn't say he was better than Palmer, I didn't say he was solely responsible for the Giants success in 2005. You like to assume stuff without any provocation don't you? I guarantee NFL GMs don't share your view of the kid. Must be the name since you had to all caps shout it back. Insecure in your opinions much?
Oh please, Hostile, stop defending that bust. Aikman was a STUD his first 2 years in the league!

Oh wait.
Nav22 said:
Oh please, Hostile, stop defending that bust. Aikman was a STUD his first 2 years in the league!

Oh wait.
I guarantee that if Eli were the Cowboys QB that we'd all be calling him a rising star. Sometimes it just pays to be honest about other team's players. The kid has some talent.

Great point on Aikman. I guess every QB thrown to the wolves must be a Roethlesberger for some to realize they're actualy good football players.
As I said in his rookie season.

Eli will be a thorn in our side for years to come.

And I'm sticking to it.
My personal belief is that both Washington and NY will have offenses that are far superior to ours...both have better OLs, better RBs, good receivers, and pretty decent QB's and are run by very solid coordinators.

However, we've put a great deal into our defense, and hopefully it will do the job...I believe Jerry Jones was wise to bring in T.O. because even a good defense won't win our division by itself...we have to score points and the offense was not going to be much improved over last year...our offense is totally dependant on the OL and T.O. to have any chance of being in the upper half of offenses this year, imo.

I also think Philly will surprise a great many people with the OL they've been building over the past few years.

This is going to be a very difficult division to win.
Manning has shown less then several other young QB's of the last few years. He is not anywhere near what the claims were made about him. He is an inaccurate, mistake prone QB that can make plays and will for a short time be pretty good before the inner gunlsinger comes out and he forces it in there.
Untill he gets a lot better accuracy and better judgement he will never be much more then he is right now- middle of the pack to maybe a little higher.
Hostile said:
I guarantee that if Eli were the Cowboys QB that we'd all be calling him a rising star. Sometimes it just pays to be honest about other team's players. The kid has some talent.

I agree completely. But that is the case with so many players we discuss on this board that do not wear the star. We are always quick to call the people on other boards (like ES) homers, but unwilling to admit the same of our own members.

We need to take a step back and look at the issue with a different perspective. It is one thing to discredit an obviously talented player when arguing with a rival fan. That just can not be helped. But when you are discussing the issue among your comrades, I never understand why people have to continue the farce.

I am a die hard Cowboy fan like the rest of you, but I do not lie to myself or others about the quality of players on other teams.
Cowboy Bebop said:
You know he got his first career win as a starter against Dallas right?

Its one thing to hate the guy, which I am sure we all do. But it is another to be a complete homer and ignore the facts staring you in the face.

The Giants board is over there.. No one cares about your heroic defending of shEli manning around here.
Hostile said:
I guarantee that if Eli were the Cowboys QB that we'd all be calling him a rising star. Sometimes it just pays to be honest about other team's players. The kid has some talent.
I agree that he has some talent. Wouldn't surprise me if he never made a Pro Bowl, but he has some talent.

Respectfully disagree that we'd all be calling him a rising star if he were a Cowboy.

Some fans would.

Others would argue that Romo should be starting because has a better feel for the game and better mobility.

And still others would argue that Henson is not only a better athlete, but would be playing if not for Parcells' personal vendetta.
youngbuck said:
um...you know he had the most tds in the NFC, 4rd in the NFL.

I think I'll take TD's over more completions.

Was it the 4rd... I drive a Chevyth...
JustSayNotoTO said:
The Giants board is over there.. No one cares about your heroic defending of shEli manning around here.


wayne_motley said:
My personal belief is that both Washington and NY will have offenses that are far superior to ours...both have better OLs, better RBs, good receivers, and pretty decent QB's and are run by very solid coordinators.

However, we've put a great deal into our defense, and hopefully it will do the job...I believe Jerry Jones was wise to bring in T.O. because even a good defense won't win our division by itself...we have to score points and the offense was not going to be much improved over last year...our offense is totally dependant on the OL and T.O. to have any chance of being in the upper half of offenses this year, imo.

I also think Philly will surprise a great many people with the OL they've been building over the past few years.

This is going to be a very difficult division to win.

I agree with you there big time... The beast of the East is back full force... I think the offensive tackle spot might be a little to our defense's liking... hopefully so... I see the Eagles OL with Shawn Andrews as very improved in the run between the tackles option... Prob is... Andy Reid is a chuk it first run it later kind of coach... I think Dallas can still get R done.
JustSayNotoTO said:
The Giants board is over there.. No one cares about your heroic defending of shEli manning around here.

Good one!

Aside from the fact you completely reinforced my point, that was hilarious!

I shouldn't have to justify myself to you, because you are clearly a moron and I doubt you will even try to understand what I am saying. However I will do it anyways.

I hate Eli Manning. I hate his family. I hate his face. I hate the giants, always have always will. BUT I am not stupid enough to claim that either one of them are our ****. I am not stupid enough to disregard they won the NFC East last year. I am not stupid enough to ignore that Tiki had an incredible season last year. I am not stupid enough to overlook their D Line. Just spouting off baseless insults about the quality of our opponents, simply because they are our opponents just doesn't cut it for me.

I don't know. Call me crazy, but I like some substance to my criticisms of other teams and their players. I am also willing to entertain dissenting opinions of substance, even though I disagree. I know that isn't very popular with you and your grade school mentality of calling them names and claiming anyone who disagrees can not be a true Cowboy fan. Just try to evaluate the situation with a bit less bias and a bit more intelligence.

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