Ellen and her feminist crap...

a_minimalist;4805664 said:
Can you name any feminists that are admirable right now? I'd love to hear some names actually. I haven't seen a single one. All of the feminists I've seen just want to turn men into women.

With that being said, I can name a TON of admirable women. Those women don't identify themselves as feminists though.

Sure, but first you define what you think "femenist" actually means. Here's a hint - feeling "oppressed" has nothing to do with being a femenist.
Reality;4805755 said:
I think people tend to imagine the worst stereotypes when classifying people. If someone mentions activist, most people assume fist waving angry yelling lunatic. If someone mentions feminist, most people assume angry finger pointing woman who hates men. If someone mentions Canadian, well .. they're right about that one. I'm kidding, CCF!! :D

You get my point though .. most people who can be classified as "something" tend to be more moderate in their thinking, but the labels mark them as extreme. Just like it's always one of the idiots that seem to make their way on to national TV when something happens in your area, people are always going to look for and consider the worst stereotypes when judging others. It has always been like that and will always be like that.


I think you're dead on with everything you said and I've been guilty of lumping the moderate women in with the anti-men women in the past. I guess I'm guilty of doing it again to some degree.

What I really question is if something like feminism can still exist in 2012 in America. It's becomes less about women and more about men not being what women want. Women are no longer oppressed here.
TheCount;4805789 said:
Sure, but first you define what you think "femenist" actually means. Here's a hint - feeling "oppressed" has nothing to do with being a femenist.

- noun
the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
( sometimes cap. ) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
feminine character.

So you're going to tell me that in order to fight for equal rights you don't have to feel oppressed? Interesting!!
a_minimalist;4805791 said:
Women are no longer oppressed here.

Oh, I certainly beg to differ. It's one of the hugest discussions happening today with regard to what women are and aren't allowed to do with their very own bodies and what can be perpetrated on them by others without their desire or their doctor's recommendation.

That very issue is nothing short of oppression, because it only involves women and there is no equivalent situation for men, yet men are the ones making these decisions for women under the guise that we are incapable of deciding what's best for our own bodies or that they somehow know what's best for us because they have so much experience (?!?!) with being a woman.
Faerluna;4805800 said:
Oh, I certainly beg to differ. It's one of the hugest discussions happening today with regard to what women are and aren't allowed to do with their very own bodies and what can be perpetrated on them by others without their desire or their doctor's recommendation.

That very issue is nothing short of oppression, because it only involves women and there is no equivalent situation for men, yet men are the ones making these decisions for women under the guise that we are incapable of deciding what's best for our own bodies or that they somehow know what's best for us because they have so much experience (?!?!) with being a woman.

This I will absolutely agree with you on. ABSOLUTELY. You are definitely right about that. I'm sorry I failed to recognize that earlier in this thread too.
The relevance test for feminism is pretty simple.

To the following, answer "yes" or "no":

1. Socially, do women have an equal status to men?
2. Politically, do women have the same rights and representation as men?
3. Economically, are women afforded the same opportunities as men?

If the answer to any of those questions is no, then feminism is still an important contemporary movement.

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