Emergency rescue effort is launched for teen sailor Abby Sunderland *Found alive*


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
By: Pete Thomas, GrindTV.com


A rescue effort has been launched in hope of finding Abby Sunderland, 16, who set off her emergency beacon locating devices from the southern Indian Ocean early this morning.

Sunderland, who had been attempting to sail around the world alone, endured multiple knockdowns in 60-knot winds yesterday (Thursday local time) before conditions briefly abated.

However, her parents lost satellite phone contact early this morning and an hour later were notified by the Coast Guard at French-controlled Reunion Islands that both of Sunderland's EPIRB satellite devices had been activated.

One is apparently is attached to a survival suit or a life raft and meant to be used when a person is in the water or a life raft.

Abby's father struggled with emotions and said he didn't know if his daughter was in a life raft or aboard the boat, or whether the boat was upside down.

"Everything seemed to be under control," Laurence Sunderland said. "But then our call dropped and a hour later the Coast Guard called."

Abby is hundreds of miles from land. The nearest ship was about 400 miles away. The rescue effort is being coordinated by the Reunion Islands and Australia. Sunderland had been sailing in 50- to 60-foot seas and it was dark when the EPIRB devices were activated.

The Sunderlands are asking people to pray for their daughter, a high-school junior from Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Charlie Nobles, executive director of the American Sailing Assn., said, "We're all praying for her and our thoughts are with her. If she's got the survival suit, and she's got the EPIRB and she's in pretty good shape, she's just got to try to hang on. And when they get there, these guys... they're going to hopefully send the best that they've got under those conditions to try to do a rescue and it's definitely possible. They're amazing people that do those rescues. They know exactly what they're heading into."

Abby was for several months one of two 16-year-olds attempting to sail around the world alone. Australia's Jessica Watson completed her journey last month, just days before turning 17.

Abby's brother Zac, who graduated from high school, completed a solo-circumnavigation last summer at 17.

The timing of Abby's trip was criticized by some because it was placing her in the middle of the Indian Ocean when the stormy Southern Hemisphere winter was at hand.



Well-Known Member
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I hope that she's found safe but whatever happens is because of her parent's irresponsibility letting a teen go this alone.


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Duane;3429765 said:
I hope that she's found safe but whatever happens is because of her parent's irresponsibility letting a teen go this alone.

I'm not going to judge this situation or these people that I know very, very, little about. And of course we all pray that she survives.

I'll say this. I have an admiration for those whose highest priority in life is to answer the call they believe they hear.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Duane;3429765 said:
I hope that she's found safe but whatever happens is because of her parent's irresponsibility letting a teen go this alone.

I agree, parents need to be parents. You can't let a 16 yr old just do whatever they want or think they can.

Seasoned veteran sailors would struggle to accomplish this, and they let a 16 yr old girl?


My prayer is that they find her alive.


Old bulletproof tiger
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CoCo;3429781 said:
I'm not going to judge this situation or these people that I know very, very, little about. And of course we all pray that she survives.

I'll say this. I have an admiration for those whose highest priority in life is to answer the call they believe they hear.

At 16 yrs old? As a father you can count me out of your "Call of the Wild" idealism.

Men who have lived entire lives on the sea rarely take on a cross the world excursion ALONE like this little girl did.

So yes, I will blame the parents if she ends up losing her life because of some stupid dream.

Life is real. These folks are living their worse nightmare and I know for a fact they would trade anything right now to have her home safe.

Yes, even the so called "call they believe they thought she heard." :rolleyes:

Big Dakota

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Hope they find her, that said i'd never allow my 16yr old girl to attempt something like this.


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Dallas;3429794 said:
At 16 yrs old? As a father you can count me out of your "Call of the Wild" idealism.

Men who have lived entire lives on the sea rarely take on a cross the world excursion ALONE like this little girl did.

So yes, I will blame the parents if she ends up losing her life because of some stupid dream.

Life is real. These folks are living their worse nightmare and I know for a fact they would trade anything right now to have her home safe.

Yes, even the so called "call they believe they thought she heard." :rolleyes:

Ummm, I was purposeful in not making THAT statement about THIS situation.

I only said that that there are situations where people choose to risk their lives and that there are times when I admire that. I know what this looks like on the surface but have no idea of the realities behind it. And I'm not going to judge it as a result. Obviously you have all you need so have at it.

But I think directing your indignation at me is a bit misplaced.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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Duane;3429765 said:
I hope that she's found safe but whatever happens is because of her parent's irresponsibility letting a teen go this alone.

I agree. This is what parents are for.

If she was 18, that's a different story.


Regular Joe....
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Chief;3429862 said:
I agree. This is what parents are for.

If she was 18, that's a different story.

Fact of the matter is that this has been publicized already. Any Pirate could know that this 16 year old girl is by herself. Guess what's going to happen to a 16 year old girl at sea?

None of it's good and this is entirely the fault of the Parents.


Well-Known Member
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That was irresponsible of the parents to allow it to happen. Simple as that.


Mr. Buckeye
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I can't even imagine how scary it must be to be all alone in the middle of the Ocean in a storm.

Scares me just looking at it from the beach.

Hope she's OK.


Blank Paper Offends Me
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ABQCOWBOY;3429916 said:
Fact of the matter is that this has been publicized already. Any Pirate could know that this 16 year old girl is by herself. Guess what's going to happen to a 16 year old girl at sea?

None of it's good and this is entirely the fault of the Parents.

Nothing to add that you didn't already say.

I had a chance to be the extra hand on a two person crew to run a 45' Viking convertible from Ft. Lauderdale to Houston, the owner being the other person. I passed.

To stick a 16 year old kid out there alone on a sailboat is criminally negligent. Nepal doesn't let kids climb Mt. Everest even with their parents no matter how seasoned or experience they may be.

Only a damn fool sends out their kid on a yacht to sail oceans she has no experience in crossing regularly.

How many of us would trust a 16 year old kid to drive a Ferrari cross country? Same principle applies.


Optimist Prime
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I wouldn't let my 17 y/o daughter drive outta town, let alone sail across the globe! I hope she's alright because there probably isnt a pain greater than burying one of your children...let alone knowing that as parents you had every chance of preventing it!


Mr. Buckeye
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SaltwaterServr;3430015 said:
Nothing to add that you didn't already say.

I had a chance to be the extra hand on a two person crew to run a 45' Viking convertible from Ft. Lauderdale to Houston, the owner being the other person. I passed.

To stick a 16 year old kid out there alone on a sailboat is criminally negligent. Nepal doesn't let kids climb Mt. Everest even with their parents no matter how seasoned or experience they may be.

Only a damn fool sends out their kid on a yacht to sail oceans she has no experience in crossing regularly.

How many of us would trust a 16 year old kid to drive a Ferrari cross country? Same principle applies.

13-Year-Old Climbs Everest

The youngest climber to reach the peak of Mount Everest hugged his tearful companions Saturday and told them he loved them. Then 13-year-old Jordan Romero took a satellite phone and called his mother, Leigh Anne Drake.

“He says, ‘Mom, I’m calling you from the top of the world,’ ” a giddy Drake said from California, where she had been tracking her son’s progress online by GPS.

After climbing the world’s highest mountain, at 29,035 feet above sea level, Jordan is just one climb from reaching the highest peaks on all seven continents.



The Duke
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SaltwaterServr;3430015 said:
Nothing to add that you didn't already say.

I had a chance to be the extra hand on a two person crew to run a 45' Viking convertible from Ft. Lauderdale to Houston, the owner being the other person. I passed.

To stick a 16 year old kid out there alone on a sailboat is criminally negligent. Nepal doesn't let kids climb Mt. Everest even with their parents no matter how seasoned or experience they may be.

Only a damn fool sends out their kid on a yacht to sail oceans she has no experience in crossing regularly.

How many of us would trust a 16 year old kid to drive a Ferrari cross country? Same principle applies.


Blank Paper Offends Me
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Ahem, maybe y'all should actually read the links you post. He wasn't allowed to go up from the Nepal side because they don't allow kids that young to go up, hence Nepal wasn't able to confirm that he had indeed reached the summit.

China, with its outstanding human rights records, doesn't care if you kill yourself up there.


Jordan has not been above 22,841 feet, which he achieved two years ago when he climbed Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America. On Everest, he is taking the technically challenging and less used northeast ridge route. It begins in Tibet rather than the southeast Nepal approach used by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay when they became the first to reach the summit in 1953. The route saves about $6,000 on a climbing permit and Tibet has no Everest-climbing age limit, while the Nepalese government’s age minimum is 16.

Hmm, thought it was 17 as the minimum.


More than meets the eye.
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SaltwaterServr;3430033 said:
Ahem, maybe y'all should actually read the links you post. He wasn't allowed to go up from the Nepal side because they don't allow kids that young to go up, hence Nepal wasn't able to confirm that he had indeed reached the summit.

China, with its outstanding human rights records, doesn't care if you kill yourself up there.

Details. Details.:p:


Mr. Buckeye
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SaltwaterServr;3430033 said:
Ahem, maybe y'all should actually read the links you post. He wasn't allowed to go up from the Nepal side because they don't allow kids that young to go up, hence Nepal wasn't able to confirm that he had indeed reached the summit.

China, with its outstanding human rights records, doesn't care if you kill yourself up there.


Hmm, thought it was 17 as the minimum.

Well to my defense...my link doesn't mention which route he took.


And 16 is still a kid...so apparently Nepal does let kids.


The Duke
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From the article I posted.

The previous record holder is believed to be Temba Tsheri of Nepal, who reached the peak at age 16.

I doubt he made the climb on the China side.