Video: Eric Dickerson thinks coaching and our scheme are the main problems


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These guys must read the Zone. Dickerson makes the same point about how people thought Goff and Gurley were busts until McVay showed up.

He likes Dak and thinks our main issues are with JG and our scheme.



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Do people think the offense got simpler since 2016? Because it's the same coach and the same coordinator and the same QB.

It isn't the scheme. The scheme has been successful for a long time. It's the protection breaking down and the QB's level of play dropping off dramatically when it does.


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Do people think the offense got simpler since 2016? Because it's the same coach and the same coordinator and the same QB.

It isn't the scheme. The scheme has been successful for a long time. It's the protection breaking down and the QB's level of play dropping off dramatically when it does.

I know what you're trying to say, and you probably aren't a complete nerd like me, but there is some blame on the staff here.

In 2016, Dak was arguably the best in the league off play action.

Between 2016 and the abysmal 2017, he was still #2 in QB rating off play action, with the amount of play action dropping off immensely during the sluggish offensive games.

Against the Lions, he was 7-10 with 2 touchdowns off play action. His play action attempts dropped off against the Texans, but the big gainer to Swaim for 40 yards was off play action. The 30 yarder to Gathers, yep off play action.

We only ran playaction a handful of times but it was still like a 15yard/per average. Even the incompletions, the Texans were biting on play action everytime we used it. So, in the 2nd half the play action drops off a cliff. So, a logical counter would be maybe the Texans adjusted, which would make sense except we only ran it a select few times and one was a decent gain. They just stopped running it.

If someone doesnt believe me, they can watch the game again. I count things like this, because I was hoping we'd implement it more like against Detroit, not because basically every decent offense utilizes a good amount of play action now, but because Dak has been incredibly efficient with it.

We also hardly use any movement or motion presnap, even though typically we're pretty successful at it. But, I cant remember if that was different from 2016 so itll just be my pet peeve for now.

Play action is a strength of Dak's, and correlation isnt causation but theres a strange correlation to us performing worse on offense the less we use it. He looked great against Detroit when we ran play action like 35% of the time. Both our big gains in the first half against Houston were off play action.

The funny thing is, most people think we should be a pound the ball, play action team. It's fun to say generic things but in this case its absolutely true. It's arguably Dak's greatest strength, and that part of the scheme has changed. Maybe they think they have better play calls and don't want to run it, I dont know, but we get away from it entirely too much now.


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I know what you're trying to say, and you probably aren't a complete nerd like me, but there is some blame on the staff here.

In 2016, Dak was arguably the best in the league off play action.

Between 2016 and the abysmal 2017, he was still #2 in QB rating off play action, with the amount of play action dropping off immensely during the sluggish offensive games.

Against the Lions, he was 7-10 with 2 touchdowns off play action. His play action attempts dropped off against the Texans, but the big gainer to Swaim for 40 yards was off play action. The 30 yarder to Gathers, yep off play action.

We only ran playaction a handful of times but it was still like a 15yard/per average. Even the incompletions, the Texans were biting on play action everytime we used it. So, in the 2nd half the play action drops off a cliff. So, a logical counter would be maybe the Texans adjusted, which would make sense except we only ran it a select few times and one was a decent gain. They just stopped running it.

If someone doesnt believe me, they can watch the game again. I count things like this, because I was hoping we'd implement it more like against Detroit, not because basically every decent offense utilizes a good amount of play action now, but because Dak has been incredibly efficient with it.

We also hardly use any movement or motion presnap, even though typically we're pretty successful at it. But, I cant remember if that was different from 2016 so itll just be my pet peeve for now.

Play action is a strength of Dak's, and correlation isnt causation but theres a strange correlation to us performing worse on offense the less we use it. He looked great against Detroit when we ran play action like 35% of the time. Both our big gains in the first half against Houston were off play action.

The funny thing is, most people think we should be a pound the ball, play action team. It's fun to say generic things but in this case its absolutely true. It's arguably Dak's greatest strength, and that part of the scheme has changed. Maybe they think they have better play calls and don't want to run it, I dont know, but we get away from it entirely too much now.

Dak has something like 112 QB rating and 9 yards per attempt when using play action and around 66 QB rating and 6 yards per attempt for rest of his passes. Yet we are in the bottom third of the teams when it comes to play action attempts. Rams are number one in attempts this year. This was same with Romo. I made a similar post about this in 2012 when people were hating on Romo then.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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These guys must read the Zone. Dickerson makes the same point about how people thought Goff and Gurley were busts until McVay showed up.

He likes Dak and thinks our main issues are with JG and our scheme.

Not according to Jerry. He's got some mad love for his sock puppet lover boy.


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I know what you're trying to say, and you probably aren't a complete nerd like me, but there is some blame on the staff here.

In 2016, Dak was arguably the best in the league off play action.

Between 2016 and the abysmal 2017, he was still #2 in QB rating off play action, with the amount of play action dropping off immensely during the sluggish offensive games.

Against the Lions, he was 7-10 with 2 touchdowns off play action. His play action attempts dropped off against the Texans, but the big gainer to Swaim for 40 yards was off play action. The 30 yarder to Gathers, yep off play action.

We only ran playaction a handful of times but it was still like a 15yard/per average. Even the incompletions, the Texans were biting on play action everytime we used it. So, in the 2nd half the play action drops off a cliff. So, a logical counter would be maybe the Texans adjusted, which would make sense except we only ran it a select few times and one was a decent gain. They just stopped running it.

If someone doesnt believe me, they can watch the game again. I count things like this, because I was hoping we'd implement it more like against Detroit, not because basically every decent offense utilizes a good amount of play action now, but because Dak has been incredibly efficient with it.

We also hardly use any movement or motion presnap, even though typically we're pretty successful at it. But, I cant remember if that was different from 2016 so itll just be my pet peeve for now.

Play action is a strength of Dak's, and correlation isnt causation but theres a strange correlation to us performing worse on offense the less we use it. He looked great against Detroit when we ran play action like 35% of the time. Both our big gains in the first half against Houston were off play action.

The funny thing is, most people think we should be a pound the ball, play action team. It's fun to say generic things but in this case its absolutely true. It's arguably Dak's greatest strength, and that part of the scheme has changed. Maybe they think they have better play calls and don't want to run it, I dont know, but we get away from it entirely too much now.

Really good stuff. Where are we actually with play action right now? I know we’d tapered off with it some relative to 2016, but I didn’t think we’d fallen off a cliff with it.


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These guys must read the Zone. Dickerson makes the same point about how people thought Goff and Gurley were busts until McVay showed up.

He likes Dak and thinks our main issues are with JG and our scheme.

I like the comparison to Rich Gannon even more.

Not the greatest passer, but they let him run, even as old as he was, and boom, he's an MVP. His passer rating in Oakland was in the mid 90s. But the yards per attempt, run or pass, are good. They won.

We should be using Dak for what he is, instead of playing the Garrett "plug the next man up into my system".

Imagine an offense with Dak as a running threat. That's one defender that doesn't get to flow to Zeke, helping Zeke. That's the oline getting to pound the defense for 5-10 more runs a game. That's Dak playing on the edge where he's comfortable, instead of sitting in the pocket where he is not.

He doesn't have to run like a RB. Run like a QB. Slide. But run. He's not a daisy. He's not Romo, in or out of the pocket. Stop trying to make him play a Romo scheme.


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Really good stuff. Where are we actually with play action right now? I know we’d tapered off with it some relative to 2016, but I didn’t think we’d fallen off a cliff with it.

It should be a no brainer for our team. We're best at running. We've got an oline that can move. We've got a great RB. We've got a great running QB.

Play action leverages that. We can leverage it more by running Dak, Austin, and Olawale too. Where did the read option go?

One thing about running - that's Tyron moving forward. Going backwards is much harder on old man, bad back than going forward. You see it in pass blocking. If someone comes right at him, he stones them. But if he has to lift and twist his back, he has problems. Run blocking just doesn't put the same demands on your back as pass blocking.

Other teams line up their WRs and throw. And that's a viable offense for them. That's not us. We haven't spent on TE, WR, or QB to do that. We haven't drafted to do that. We've spent on an oline to run the ball. Run it. And use the running game to make the passing game work.

It's so not hard. You could see a different offense in a week.


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Do people think the offense got simpler since 2016? Because it's the same coach and the same coordinator and the same QB.

It isn't the scheme. The scheme has been successful for a long time. It's the protection breaking down and the QB's level of play dropping off dramatically when it does.
Correction: Romo had been successful for a long time, the scheme has largely sucked.
The 2016 perfect confluence of a healthy all pro billion dollar line, rookie Zeke and unknown, unconscious, yet well mentored Dak is not repeatable.

The scheme sucks.


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Do people think the offense got simpler since 2016? Because it's the same coach and the same coordinator and the same QB.

It isn't the scheme. The scheme has been successful for a long time. It's the protection breaking down and the QB's level of play dropping off dramatically when it does.
The league didn't have Dak figured out then, as he was new. The league caught up with him last year. And it showed. Basically, RGIII all over again.

His mechanics are awful. His accuracy barely better than that. And his decision making leaves a lot to be desired.

Pretty easy to figure out if you're not an idgit.


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Dickerson is right.....its coaching

The rams offense was unwatchable before mcvey got there and now its the greatest show on turf pt 2 because he puts his players in good positions

Here in dallas we figure out what works and abandon it


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What did we have in 2016 that made it successful, and what do we have now, or don't have.
In 2017, we had an injured off and on Dez, No Zeke for 6 games, but basically it was the entire season, of not knowing and distraction, and no Tyron.

But now, what are we missing.....


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What did we have in 2016 that made it successful, and what do we have now, or don't have.
In 2017, we had an injured off and on Dez, No Zeke for 6 games, but basically it was the entire season, of not knowing and distraction, and no Tyron.

But now, what are we missing.....
No, we aren't missing Dez. We are not missing a fading, fantastic physical talent who never developed his craft. This organization is missing true talent evaluation in the WR core. We don't need an elite #1 WR but we do need a credible #1 and #2 WR. All we have are a bunch of #3 role players.

The video was good but didn't say anything that we didn't already know. Except for calling Rich Gannon a great QB. I disagree with that completely. Although he did well within a system.


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No, we aren't missing Dez. We are not missing a fading, fantastic physical talent who never developed his craft. This organization is missing true talent evaluation in the WR core. We don't need an elite #1 WR but we do need a credible #1 and #2 WR. All we have are a bunch of #3 role players.

The video was good but didn't say anything that we didn't already know. Except for calling Rich Gannon a great QB. I disagree with that completely. Although he did well within a system.

By watching these games so far, looks to me like we are missing a #1 WR.
A "credible #1 and #2 WR is all we need? Then we better get Tom Brady for a QB. And that is not going to happen.
And it is obvious we are missing that #1 WR, rather it be a Dez, and his so called overblown distractions. Or some other WR. We are missing that to take pressure off the run game and blitzing our scared QB.


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The league didn't have Dak figured out then, as he was new. The league caught up with him last year. And it showed. Basically, RGIII all over again.

His mechanics are awful. His accuracy barely better than that. And his decision making leaves a lot to be desired.

Pretty easy to figure out if you're not an idgit.

So Dak's mechanics' being awful is the reason of the teams getting away from play calls which proved to be the team's strength and helped the team get wins in the past. Right?

Dak's passing inability and poor accuracy is the other reason for the coaches to stay away from play action and read option calls which every time make an impact on the field.

And it is all Dak when even a three-year old child can tell the play calls at almost every snap.

I got it now. Dak stinks.


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I know what you're trying to say, and you probably aren't a complete nerd like me, but there is some blame on the staff here.

In 2016, Dak was arguably the best in the league off play action.

Between 2016 and the abysmal 2017, he was still #2 in QB rating off play action, with the amount of play action dropping off immensely during the sluggish offensive games.

Against the Lions, he was 7-10 with 2 touchdowns off play action. His play action attempts dropped off against the Texans, but the big gainer to Swaim for 40 yards was off play action. The 30 yarder to Gathers, yep off play action.

We only ran playaction a handful of times but it was still like a 15yard/per average. Even the incompletions, the Texans were biting on play action everytime we used it. So, in the 2nd half the play action drops off a cliff. So, a logical counter would be maybe the Texans adjusted, which would make sense except we only ran it a select few times and one was a decent gain. They just stopped running it.

If someone doesnt believe me, they can watch the game again. I count things like this, because I was hoping we'd implement it more like against Detroit, not because basically every decent offense utilizes a good amount of play action now, but because Dak has been incredibly efficient with it.

We also hardly use any movement or motion presnap, even though typically we're pretty successful at it. But, I cant remember if that was different from 2016 so itll just be my pet peeve for now.

Play action is a strength of Dak's, and correlation isnt causation but theres a strange correlation to us performing worse on offense the less we use it. He looked great against Detroit when we ran play action like 35% of the time. Both our big gains in the first half against Houston were off play action.

The funny thing is, most people think we should be a pound the ball, play action team. It's fun to say generic things but in this case its absolutely true. It's arguably Dak's greatest strength, and that part of the scheme has changed. Maybe they think they have better play calls and don't want to run it, I dont know, but we get away from it entirely too much now.

Agree on using more play action but think it is more of a Zeke strength than Dak. Dak just benefits from it.


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By watching these games so far, looks to me like we are missing a #1 WR.
A "credible #1 and #2 WR is all we need? Then we better get Tom Brady for a QB. And that is not going to happen.
And it is obvious we are missing that #1 WR, rather it be a Dez, and his so called overblown distractions. Or some other WR. We are missing that to take pressure off the run game and blitzing our scared QB.
My conversation was specifically related to our WR's. I'd take Romo back in a heartbeat over Dak but I am afraid that Jerry is either going to part ways with coaching OR our QB. Not both. and more bad news is that the coach that will be gone is Linehan (which isn't a bad decision) but JG will stay. I am all for lighting this thing up and starting over. Jerry won't do that because true change starts with himself and we know he won't do that.