Video: Eric Dickerson thinks coaching and our scheme are the main problems


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I think JG and Dak stay, and Linehan will be gone.
Jerry already has his mind made up, live or die with Dak and JG.
Linehan will be sacrificed if it does not turn around. then jerry can say, we made changes. He has his built in excuses to keep Jason.
Unless this team is like 3-13, nothing will really change.

How about 5-11? Do you think we'd get the necessary changes then? Because that's where I see this thing going.


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More of the same evidence and criticisms that many of us have been saying for years. And it's mounting by the week with each loss. It's getting too loud for Jerry Jones and even the most "Simpson of Homers" to ignore. The clock is ticking on these clowns, all of 'em.



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These guys must read the Zone. Dickerson makes the same point about how people thought Goff and Gurley were busts until McVay showed up.

He likes Dak and thinks our main issues are with JG and our scheme.

Again, even a blind guy can see what our problems are - our staff and FO are the only ones who can’t.


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I agree with Wiley. Prescott has regressed to his mean, performance-wise— i.e., he has 4th round talent. Sure, the “scheme” may not be ideal but Prescott often seems to struggle to execute the most basic of passing plays even when protection is adequate. Firing Garrett— which I would support— isn’t likely to resolve Prescott’s penchant for inconsistency. I’ve seen enough to believe that 2016 was a perfect storm aberration the will not be repeated. He is exactly what we are now seeing. So, sorry to say, but long-term the Cowboys probably need to do both: Axe Garrett and move on from Prescott. The former should be done after the season is over and the latter should commence as soon as missing the playoffs becomes a foregone conclusion. As that point, we might as well see what Rush can do in a real game with time to prepare as a starter. The Cowboys current passing game is almost non-competitive by 2018 NFL standards The new coach should be one with a well-defined, modern offensive philosophy and a knowledge of players who can be brought in to implement it and at least make the passing game competitive. Yeah, I know...easier said than done.


Fattening up
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Correction: Romo had been successful for a long time, the scheme has largely sucked.
The 2016 perfect confluence of a healthy all pro billion dollar line, rookie Zeke and unknown, unconscious, yet well mentored Dak is not repeatable.

The scheme sucks.

Oh, I see. When it’s productive it’s because of someone else. When it’s nit it’s because of the head coach you don’t like. I guess that seems reasonable.