espn Coverage, the Dallas Cowboys, and My Boy ed werder...

ESPN isn't interested in reporting sporting news. They're interested in reporting Entertainment and what entertainment they think will bring the best ratings and such to them. Thus they only report bad things if it's about people, or teams, that will bring in loads of people to listen to what they're saying.

They could care less about reporting stuff on a regular, unbias, basis.
Yakuza Rich;2854751 said:
Uhhh, no.

They also work for ESPN affiliates.

But basically they have the same line of thought that I have. One anonymous source when reporting a 'rumor' is not sufficient. Furthermore they have agreed with me that it's entirely not sufficient to have only one anonymous source when the two have a grudge against each other.


So we're suppose to take your word that you have reporter sources who don't "highly respect" Ed Werder, kind of like how we took Werder's word about the internal conflict T.O. was causing in the Cowboys locker room?

I see, said the blind man. :D

I'm glad you said "not entirely sufficient" because, while I agree with you that a reporter should be able to verify anonymous information, it depends on the source. If that source is Jerry Jones or someone so close to the information that revelation of the information could put that source's identity in jeopardy, then an editorial decision must be made whether to run with the information.
BraveHeartFan;2854788 said:
ESPN isn't interested in reporting sporting news. They're interested in reporting Entertainment and what entertainment they think will bring the best ratings and such to them. Thus they only report bad things if it's about people, or teams, that will bring in loads of people to listen to what they're saying.

They could care less about reporting stuff on a regular, unbias, basis.

So the question becomes ... "How do you change that?"

If the public wants that information - which is the case because it drives ratings - how do you change it? And shouldn't the blame be laid on a public that craves that type reporting?
Yakuza Rich;2854140 said:
ESPN is perhaps the worst of the bunch as they seemingly will not get rid of anybody, even if they are flat out sexually harrassing fellow employees.
I missed this part before.

All I'm gonna say is that Harold Reynolds would strongly disagree with you.
Primetime42;2854881 said:
I missed this part before.

All I'm gonna say is that Harold Reynolds would strongly disagree with you.

Harold Reynolds was fired because he refused to take the side of an argument that they wanted him to on Baseball Tonight. He refused to blast a certain slumping player and was canned because of it.
StanleySpadowski;2855020 said:
Harold Reynolds was fired because he refused to take the side of an argument that they wanted him to on Baseball Tonight. He refused to blast a certain slumping player and was canned because of it.

BS. Reynolds got canned for a sexual harassment incident. Took him a couple of years to get back into the business.
M'Kevon;2855046 said:
BS. Reynolds got canned for a sexual harassment incident. Took him a couple of years to get back into the business.

Believe what you want to believe but Reynolds bucked the system. They wanted him to rant and say things he didn't believe for "good television".. He refused....then his alleged sexual harrassment was made public and he was let go.

Sexual harrassment/impropriety is rampant in Bristol. The one's that toe the company line have their's covered up, those that don't are fired. It's that simple.
StanleySpadowski;2855020 said:
Harold Reynolds was fired because he refused to take the side of an argument that they wanted him to on Baseball Tonight. He refused to blast a certain slumping player and was canned because of it.

I know harold from college baseball days...DAMN GOOD MAN, and a freekin' shame on how espn handles themselves.
BraveHeartFan;2854788 said:
ESPN isn't interested in reporting sporting news. They're interested in reporting Entertainment and what entertainment they think will bring the best ratings and such to them. Thus they only report bad things if it's about people, or teams, that will bring in loads of people to listen to what they're saying.

They could care less about reporting stuff on a regular, unbias, basis.

THIS is my issue. Commentating is one thing, but werder is not a commentator...he is a listed as a reporter. Any true journalistic source would differentiate the two.

This was also the crux behind my outburst at werder. Little eddie represents to me all that is wrong, and what has destroyed a once great profession. And don't give me this ratings crap. You do not always have to cater to the lowest common denominator. You have the title as being the #1 source in sports...act like it.

You may not agree with my rant against my pal eddie. And to be honest he may truly be a good, good guy. But the fact that he is willing to report rubish, by using sensationalistic, yellow journalism tactics says more to me about who he is than anything. Actions speak louder than words, and actions such as his, and the rest of modern day media are why the American public now has such a low amount of respect for news people today. Have some pride in what you do. A true shame.

Think about how dan rather allowed his predijuce against President Bush sway his 20/20 story on a document that was proven to be false. Something proven by a student I believe who determined that the spacing was done using a Microsoft program and not a typewriter in the 60's. Embarrasing. an you imagine the man he replaced (Concrite) reporting for the sake of being first and not having a story backed up 100%. And danny rather couldn't figure out why he was fired (errr...resigned).

Change starts with one person. Sadly the statements are true...they just want the headline. Whether it's accurate enough doesn't really matter.
Quarterback Coach;2855388 said:
THIS is my issue. Commentating is one thing, but werder is not a commentator...he is a listed as a reporter. Any true journalistic source would differentiate the two.

This was also the crux behind my outburst at werder. Little eddie represents to me all that is wrong, and what has destroyed a once great profession. And don't give me this ratings crap. You do not always have to cater to the lowest common denominator. You have the title as being the #1 source in sports...act like it.

You may not agree with my rant against my pal eddie. And to be honest he may truly be a good, good guy. But the fact that he is willing to report rubish, by using sensationalistic, yellow journalism tactics says more to me about who he is than anything. Actions speak louder than words, and actions such as his, and the rest of modern day media are why the American public now has such a low amount of respect for news people today. Have some pride in what you do. A true shame.

Think about how dan rather allowed his predijuce against President Bush sway his 20/20 story on a document that was proven to be false. Something proven by a student I believe who determined that the spacing was done using a Microsoft program and not a typewriter in the 60's. Embarrasing. an you imagine the man he replaced (Concrite) reporting for the sake of being first and not having a story backed up 100%. And danny rather couldn't figure out why he was fired (errr...resigned).

Change starts with one person. Sadly the statements are true...they just want the headline. Whether it's accurate enough doesn't really matter.
* Cronkite *
tyke1doe;2854854 said:
So we're suppose to take your word that you have reporter sources who don't "highly respect" Ed Werder, kind of like how we took Werder's word about the internal conflict T.O. was causing in the Cowboys locker room?

I see, said the blind man. :D

I'm glad you said "not entirely sufficient" because, while I agree with you that a reporter should be able to verify anonymous information, it depends on the source. If that source is Jerry Jones or someone so close to the information that revelation of the information could put that source's identity in jeopardy, then an editorial decision must be made whether to run with the information.

I'm not sure what I could do to satisfy you. When I have anonymous sources who have a very good reason to protect themselves, we cannot possibly believe that other reporters do not have all that much respect for Mr. Blue Suit and also questioned his reporting of the Owens incident. Yet when Mr. Blue Suit uses a source that's perfectly okay.

I thought Keith Davis was dead, yet he signed with the Raiders and was recently cut?

When reporting a rumor, which Mr. Blue Suit was reporting in the Owens saga you need more than one anonymous source. Mr. Blue Suit had one, according to his very own words, and that's not sufficient except if you are in the land of Bristol apparently.

What you seem to not understand is that the goal of a source is to not just get information or their thoughts. But to get accurate information. It's alarming to me that you seem to neglect that and so do most of the DFW media and most of the journalists/writers/etc. at BSPN.

For instance, there's no doubt in my mind if Greg Ellis would not have gone on the radio and instead would have been quoted as anonymous source and started talking about how Ware 'hid from the coaches' so Ellis could get playing time, a local DFW reporter, Mr. Blue Suit and any of the BSPN hacks would have ran with the story instead of fact checking and going to other sources to see if Ellis was full of BS. And going to Ware and asking for his side of the story almost never would have happened.

Fact checking, getting multiple sources, and asking for both sides of the story are part of the procedures of professional journalism. As long as the media neglects that, I'll call them on that. Mr. Blue Suit has a record of skipping those procedures with this team and that's why I take it with a grain of salt.

Calvin Watkins is another fantastic example of this. Back when they had the 'airplane was constantly late' story Watkins stated he had multiple sources confirming this. The 'respectable' Watkins was later made out to be a fool by the airport who stated that his report was basically ridiculously false. Has to make me wonder if he really had multiple sources if he was so flat out wrong.

tyke1doe;2854859 said:
So the question becomes ... "How do you change that?"

If the public wants that information - which is the case because it drives ratings - how do you change it? And shouldn't the blame be laid on a public that craves that type reporting?

You hold the media to that standard. That's how you change that.

Sometimes in life certain establishments have to hold themselves to a standard that the public may not particularly want.

Basically by your logic ESPN should report anything, regardless if it is completely untrue and who it hurts or not because that is what the public craves and we should then blame the public.

I'm sure there's a good part of the country that would love to see public executions of those writers who criticize the country. Doesn't mean that we should allow that to happen and then blame the public because it's what they want.

That doesn't make something like ESPN giving the customer what they want, that makes ESPN a sellout.

So this guy claims to be in Ed Werder's head?

Me thinks it's the other way around.
jackrussell;2855636 said:
So this guy claims to be in Ed Werder's head?

Me thinks it's the other way around.

He certainly was in the head of Mr. Blue Suit's segment producer.

Yakuza Rich;2854140 said:
But the Roethlisberger situation is simply inexcusable (although I don't believe the woman either). That should show Cowboys fans that ESPN does indeed have favorite teams and teams that they hate and that the favored teams they will avoid reporting stories and the hated teams they will just report anything negative that they can get their hands on.
They have their favorite players as well. Am I the only one that believes Tom Jackson almost loses a gasket if anyone says anything even remotely negative about Donavan McNabb?
Yakuza Rich;2855940 said:
He certainly was in the head of Mr. Blue Suit's segment producer.

Yeah..overbearing ***** can do that.
jackrussell;2856001 said:
Yeah..overbearing ***** can do that.

As mentioned you seem to not understand what my "beef" was with espn.

And yes, I was in eddie's head. Even to the fact that he mentioned me on interviews he did (which even in my opinion is stupid).

I enjoyed holding his feet to the fire a bit. I meant no malice, but hey if you like to report gossip and sling mud sometimes the mud flys back in your face. Will it change anything? Probably not, but I had fun messing with the guy...
Scranton Tiger;2855942 said:
They have their favorite players as well. Am I the only one that believes Tom Jackson almost loses a gasket if anyone says anything even remotely negative about Donavan McNabb?

I'm from Syracuse and watched McNabb from day one he came to Syracuse and a part of me is still a McNabb fan. That being said, I think Jackson and the media tend to stick up for McNabb after the Rush Limbaugh incident.

If you remember, Jackson only got upset about it about a week after it was pointed out the idiocy of Limbaugh's statement. Furthermore, Limbaugh's statement (I'll just say I'm not a fan of Rush just to show where I'm coming from) was actually ripping into the media, not making a 'racist comment.' Jackson sat their like a dolt while Limbaugh made his non-sensical rant, ONE freaking writer in the nation was smart enough to say 'wait, did you hear what Rush said?' and then immediately it turned into a race issue and Jackson became all of the sudden upset because he was thought of as an 'Uncle Tom' (and that bafoon Berman was all of the sudden upset by the comments as well when they never bothered them the first time around).

Strangely enough, the media and in particular ESPN now go out of their way to protect McNabb at all costs something that I believe Limbaugh erroneously ranted about the first time around. So unfortunately, they actually proved Limbaugh's point.

But BSPN has been about employees rooting for their favorite teams and favorite players for years and they've been unabashed in doing so. From Bill Simmons pathetic attempts at writing (and I've read Bill since his original 'Boston Sports Guy' days and he was FAR LESS of a homer writing for a Boston Web site than he is now writing for a NATIONAL Web site), to Jaworski blatantly putting the pom poms on for the Eagles to Dick Vitale cheering for Duke and so on and so forth).

Quarterback Coach;2856177 said:
As mentioned you seem to not understand what my "beef" was with espn.

And yes, I was in eddie's head. Even to the fact that he mentioned me on interviews he did (which even in my opinion is stupid).

I enjoyed holding his feet to the fire a bit. I meant no malice, but hey if you like to report gossip and sling mud sometimes the mud flys back in your face. Will it change anything? Probably not, but I had fun messing with the guy...

Yeah well that was then..this is now.

You did your deed. You revel in it too much...move on, your point is made, let it go.

It's a freaking sports show.

It's obvious you can't. Stalkers have much the same MO. That's why I say he's in YOUR head.

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