ESPN: Dez Bryant late, David Irving a no-show on first day for Cowboys vets to report

I have to admit. I'm conditioned like Pavlov's dogs. When I'm waiting for my first shot of tequila I find myself salivating. Gulp gulp gulp

HA!,,,glug,glug,glug!,, count 'em bro! ,,had an 83 y.o. duck hunting pard ,,blow my mind one Sunday morning when he tipped back a gallon jug of ' bacanorna'/ Mexican cactus squeezing's,,and told me to count the 'glugs' and learn something from the professional ranks of a boozer,,, whew! ,,,that cat is still alive,,(,I gave him a 98% like new Ithaca mod 37 featherweight 12ga. Just because ,,,after that morning:lmao:)
Meh. No biggie but next time just call or text Garrett. It's easy, just takes a few seconds to let him know.
Just like everyone in the workforce, if you're going to be late just call in.

But on the grand scale of things, not that much of an issue. You notice how the Oline never makes the news and always shows up on time. I can't remember the last time Tyron, Frederick, or Martin no showed or showed up late. Kudos to those guys!
Damn straight! In that observation, prime! (I'm out on the luv seat next to my Harley fixing 2 fall out,in the front yard, and could give a lovely **** less ,,,on WHUT the Neighbors think!
You sir are for lack of a better word a troll. He held a bbq in his hometown and spent 16k of his own money to give back to his community. Get a life

That's really nice of Dez. It's a good deed. But it still doesn't justify him blowing off his job the next day.
Agree. To me that is a legitimate excuse that he was doing something charity especially given back to his hometown and kids.

Yeah. He should just show up the first game and skip training camp altogether. After all, he paid for son BBQ!
Cowboys team photo to commemorate the start of camp!


Is that the front office?

Because if not then you're missing a few of the black players.
It began in January. This team has no discipline or accountability. It trickles down from the owner to his puppet coach to the players.
31 other teams who might fit your liking. not saying this team is a bunch of angels but most of the drama surrounding Dallas is media made up. It gets blown up because its the cowboys. Players are getting suspended for drug and ped use all over the league. And all teams have players that run into trouble with the law aswell. But like Michael Irvin told Stephen A Smith, "what would this show be without the Cowboys".
Is that 9:30 am or PM? See we need facts because if it's in the am OK but if it's pm there's no excuse for that and he needs discipline hahaha.
Facts????.......Adam Schefter doesn't need them. How about...."My sources tell me Dez has been passing gas all morning."
  • Skip and Shannon brought up a good point. Dez had months to throw a BBQ for lucking, why do itvthe day before camp. Why not a week or two earlier
  • The first day of camp McFadden and dez are late. Two vets - not a good look!

Flip side
  • Since 2000, the cowboys have had one of least amounts of arrrests among all the NFL teams
  • All of this junk will be water under the bridge once the season starts.

As compared to what?
Rabid sharks with freaking lasers?
A Nuclear bombardment, with follow on bioweapons attack?
How about Catastrophic grid failure with follow on mass starvation?
I think your flair for the overdramatic is showing again Royo_O

Let's not hit the panic button/ scuttle charges just yet,bro!
Garrett's not even got a rope around his guys yet
(Training camp)

My flare for hating Garrett is showing, that is it. Hes a joke puppet, nothing more. As far as a rope, I dont think he is going anywhere. After all the bumbles and screw ups its quite clear nothing he does matters to Jones.

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