ESPN I beg you

Clove;1646848 said:
To be fair to Emmitt, this guy grew up talking this way from the time he was a small child, and if you've been speaking a certain way all of your life, it takes some time change things, just as a person who's been eating chips and candy, it's hard to change your eating habbits when you've been doing it so long.

But he may not have time to change..
Emmitt is a 35-36 year old or older multimillionaire. The childhood excuses have little merit with me.
He wasnt all that bad today. The only thing i dont understand about emmitt is that he starts talking about other stuff or making points that are not very good:laugh2:

Key is the bad one, that guy is unbearable.
WoodysGirl;1646852 said:
Emmitt is a 35-36 year old or older multimillionaire. The childhood excuses have little merit with me.
He's never had a reason to change until now - I grew up speaking horrible english, cause we all spoke that way. It wasn't until I met this girl in my late 20's to where I made a conscious effort to change. I still struggle every now and then, but I'm a totally different person 10 years later. ;)
"I think Emmitt is GREAT, very coherent and I understand exactly what he is trying to say"........LAUREN CAITLAN UPTON, Miss South Carolina Teen

Ok, maybe not that bad, but please Emmitt, you know you had a football coach, a dancing about a voice/speech coach?
Clove;1646870 said:
He's never had a reason to change until now - I grew up speaking horrible english, cause we all spoke that way. It wasn't until I met this girl in my late 20's to where I made a conscious effort to change. I still struggle every now and then, but I'm a totally different person 10 years later. ;)
He had more of a reason before now. Just because that's the way hecgrew up talking doesn't mean he shouldn't have wanted to change and change it before you hit your mid-30s. Also, ESPN should not be on-the-job-training for him.

Start out on radio or something and then get some face time, but don't subject millions to your struggles.
Wrangler87;1646765 said:
Emmitt still cannot match plural nouns with the correct verbs.

Example "Belichek is giving his players information that no one else have."

I'm so glad that someone finally pointed this out. To hear Emmitt do this, as he so often does on a routine basis, is equivalent to nails on a chalkboard for me.
WoodysGirl;1646899 said:
He had more of a reason before now. Just because that's the way hecgrew up talking doesn't mean he shouldn't have wanted to change and change it before you hit your mid-30s. Also, ESPN should not be on-the-job-training for him.

Start out on radio or something and then get some face time, but don't subject millions to your struggles.
We can say this about alot of our bad habbits, and things we've done from childhood - and if Espn is dumb enough to hire him, he turns out to be the genius in this case. :)
Doomsday;1646737 said:
please FIRE EMMITT!!! It is too painful to listen to him.
and you can listen to MeShawn instead? He just talks over Ditka constantly.

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