ESPN: In young QB market, Cutler hot, Eli Manning not (Romo Included)


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Dallas;1831303 said:
Lack of arm strength? I don't think that is an issue for Romo. He can gun the ball and he can zip the ball.

How many times do you see QB's throwing for 60 yrd bombs over and over?

Oh yeah...that past GB game. Ok..

How many times do you see QB's throwing for 60 yrd bombs over and over and actually win the game?[/quote

I agree with you. I think that Peyton Manning said it best when a qb usually throws no more than 40 yds bomb. You have to be accurate 40 yds in. Seldom does a qb throw those 50 yd bombs. the wr runs the rest. Also, Aikman wrote an article in Sporting News on what he would want in a qb. He reported that above all else is accuracy. you do not have to be big or have a strong arm to play qb. Joe Montana was not that big he is probably one of the greatest qb ever. I not being a homer but I will take Romo any day especially over Cutler.


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Joe Montana didn't have a strong arm and wasn't consider a prototypical quarterback. But man was he accurate, elusive and had extreme confidence.

Give me those three qualities any day in a quarterback. Tony Romo has them.


Mr. Wright
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03EBZ06;1833837 said:
That article was posted few days ago. ;)

I thought it was so important that it needed more attention ;) lol

THUMPER;1833839 said:
Fantasy football, who gives a damn. :rolleyes:

I didn't know there was a fantasy spin :confused:

It actually has some nice numbers that not everyone is probably aware of.


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smarta5150;1833879 said:
I didn't know there was a fantasy spin :confused:

It actually has some nice numbers that not everyone is probably aware of.

Anything that ranks Jay Cutler ahead of Tony Romo is pure fantasy.


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How in the world can anyone give Cutler more potential then what Romo has shown THIS season? Its not possible. talk about morons.
Had to laugh at the Giant fans still trying to talk up Eli and the charger fans trying to defend rivers (one nitwit tried to say that rivers had a great 4th qtr rating- so far this year its 61.5).


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
03EBZ06;1831284 said:

Jay Cutler, Broncos

"He has an unbelievable career ahead of him," the NFC personnel director said. "He is Romo [in terms of confidence] with the physical tools to match. He's fun to watch because he's kind of like the kid who plays quarterback down at the playground. 'Let's just go play.'"


Tony Romo, Cowboys

Few quarterbacks produce more with less obvious physical ability. That's not intended as a criticism, either. Romo has enough physical ability, no question, but his confidence makes him especially dangerous.

"If you put him in the room with great quarterbacks and broke down their qualities, you wouldn't say this guy is No. 1 in any of those things," the NFC personnel director said. "But he might be No. 1 in confidence. I think he gets a lot of stuff done with attitude and mind-set and preparation and confidence."

For rest of the story...

OK...Jay Cutler is a "Strong Buy" because he's like Romo, then he says that Romo is just a "Buy" ?

What kind of logic is that? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think these writers have to much to drink at lunch!!


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mickgreen58;1831316 said:

I am not an NFL Scout but I have never understood the obession over Arm Strength.

You need arm strength to throw the 40 yard square out on a rope or the 30 yard slant ;) ;)

More seriously, I think you're dead on. If an arm were all it took, Jeff George would still be playing.

:bow: :bow:



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Rom leads the NFL in most throws over 20 yards with 50 of them. Realize some/many are due to WRs getting good yardage after the catch but a lot of them are also because he's got the ball to them.

One of the biggest concerns in the NFL is the lack of quality QBs. I blame that on those who determine what criteria is most important in identifying QBs to be drafted. Too many experts/scouts demand a QB be 6-3 or above with a very strong arm and a winning attitude, etc. And we see what happens once these guys get drafted. In 2003 Palmer was the #1 overall QB pick; behind him were Leftwich, Grossman and some other winner (sarcasim?). Only Carson has kept his job but he along with all those other QBs have been outperformed by undrafted QB Tony Romo.

The current criteria for identifying good QBs is a joke and indeed the stats now indicate that only 1-3 QBs drafted in first/early rounds will make it in the NFL. Somebody with brains in the NFL better wake up the rest of the bunch. If a strong arm and height are the criteria, go re-sign Jeff George; I understand he's want to come back.

Romo is just as athletic as any of these guys and can make all the throws (but maybe not the 70 yarder). But he can do everything else a whole lot better then all those other so called QB. Last time I checked Eli Manning with his family pedgree, size & arm can't hold a candle to Romo.

I watched Cutler a few weeks against the Packers. For the life of me I couldn't see what the big deal was. Sure he's better then a few NFL QBs (some of whom are god awful) but he looked clumsey, etc. and I wouldn't want to rely on him for a SB anytime soon.

This article is just another attempt (while giving Romo some flowers) to continue supporting an outdated view of identifying QBs. The highest rated QB still today is Tom Brady, a 6th round pick so why were the experts so wrong about him when he physically felt their profile. Geez.


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Just checking on a critical stat: qtr back rating in the 4th QTR

the darlings of the article, Rivers and Cutler- STANK in the 4th qtr.
61.5 for Rivers and 71.4 for Cutler.
Eli is actually OK in the 4th: 87.5

Rothburger is 99.3.


ROMO: 118.8

Brady 119.7
Peyton Manning 104.0


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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iceberg;1831756 said:
yea, don't wanna go off on anyone but cutler? what's he done to date to raise the play of his team?

More importantly who has he dated.. hmph, nobody.



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1.TO isn't the fastest, but he scores TDs like their's no defense on the field.
2.Barber is slow, most notably slower than JJ (Emmitt slow too) but somehow seems to move the chains with ease.
3. Witten doesn't have the speed of Gonzales or jumping of Gates, but Witten seems to be unstoppable.
4. Romo is sort of like Montana in the arm strenght talk, but if you can hit a rat in his eye running full speed across the field, you are a special person.

5. The savy Romo has is the best in the league by far. He continually plays mind tricks on the defenses to get his guys wide opened. Pointing at Crayton to force the LB to move away from Barber just a tad, then throws it to Barber who connects on a 4th and 4 to sustain a drive ultimately leading to the winning TD catch by Witten.

I'll Take Romo over anyone.