Here is what is funny, even tho I don't believe he had the first down even if the spot of the ball wasn't exact. He didn't have much forward progress at all and kind of slid down the pile so too speak.
But.....If the shoe was on the other foot and that was Romo at the top of that pile, would we still be screaming that he had the first down and the call was bad? The answer is YES!
It is too be expected in close calls no matter what side of the ball you are on. When your team can rationalize that there is bad calls on both sides in most games.. so get on with so too speak.
When your team loses your are not so easily swayed by the fact that all teams get bad calls....LOL , I'm glad to be on the winning side this time...let them fuss about it all they want. We would be doing the same thing.
I agree with Wade this time, we would have stopped them anyway!
Go Cowboys!!!!!