I've had Sunday Ticket before and quite frankly, it isn't worth what is charged for it. I'm saying that having hardly EVER missed a televised Cowboys game in over 30 years! (except on a few rare instances...honeymoon, combat, hospital stays, etc.)
That's not to knock someone for getting it, just not worth the price to me. A restaurant or sports bar is a good alternative for some, but I have kinda gotten to actually like listening to radio games. SIRIUS plays all NFL games through the season, it doesn't cost one cent more than the $12 bucks a month and if you have anything between your ears, you can still enjoy the quality of the game. Some of you who claim you can't get Sunday ticket may want to try it. Or by all means buy the Direct tv package if you think it's worth it...remember that "somebody up there loves you" for buying it!