Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 Las Vegas

nyc;3602439 said:
Recommend Mass Effect 2 over the original? (PC of course) I might look into getting Mass Effect. I was thinking about Fallout3, but looking at the videos, the graphics seem archaic compared to other games out. (BFBC2, etc)

Its far from Archaic. :) Take into account the video giving you those screen captures. The console version isn't close to being as polished and nice as what serves up on my SLI NVIDIA cards on my PC. Not even close.
Duane;3602642 said:
I played both along with Icewind Dale. However my favorite from the period is Planescape Torment.

Another outstanding Bioware game.

Bioware just does it right. They don't launch a lot of games during the year but when they do, they all pretty much knock your socks off.
Is the new game coming out for Xbox too? What is the game like? Is it anything like Halo? My hubby is always looking for cool new games to play.
I wouldn't really consider Mass Effect an RPG. Sure it has some minor elements, but by and large it's a 3rd person shooter. One that tends to gloss over the story, particulary the 2nd one which is basically just a bunch of recruiting missions with about 4 actual story based missions mixed in.

I miss the good ole days of classic Japanese RPGs, the Final Fantasy games before 10, Xenogears, Breath of Fire (1 & 2), Lufia, Lunar series, Most of the Tales series games, Suikoden (1&2), Grandia, etc. Those were great times being able to play all those games, then they had to start making half the game sidequests, have extremely dull stories, or ones that take forever to get going, eliminated the "overworld," eliminated buying goods in many games, and made battles start to last forever. They just don't make them like they used to.
Dallas;3602191 said:

Mass Effect 1 and 2 are on the all time list of RPG. Did you ever played Star Wars: KOTOR?

Great...great game

Oh yeah. KOTOR1 was my first rpg. It is a legend in my book. KOTOR2 was a big disappointment storywise though. They cut so many corners.

Bioware took KOTOR, stuck it on steroids, and created their own story, and resulted in Mass Effect.

nyc;3602439 said:
Recommend Mass Effect 2 over the original? (PC of course) I might look into getting Mass Effect. I was thinking about Fallout3, but looking at the videos, the graphics seem archaic compared to other games out. (BFBC2, etc)

Motorbreath;3602441 said:
Mass Effect 2 is coming out for the PS3 later this year. Absolute worth at 60 bucks new?

I would not recommend Mass Effect 2 unless you have already played Mass Effect 1. It is just so much easier to really appreciate 2 if you have the connection in 1. Plus the uniqueness of the series is continuing your own character from game to game. Decisions you made in 1 impact what happens in 2, and what will happen in 3.

The graphics in 1 were amazing and 2 was even better. The games are just the smoothest, quality, near flawless I have ever played. Definitely worth the money for both, imo. ME2 is worth the money new because you get the license to all the downloadable content, which Bioware has worked hard to keep coming and bridge the gap into ME3. The voice acting in both is AMAZING and they have a unique speech system. Overall you have the feeling of being in a movie that happens to be a game, and you're part of a larger, epic story.
CowboyMike;3603111 said:
Oh yeah. KOTOR1 was my first rpg. It is a legend in my book. KOTOR2 was a big disappointment storywise though. They cut so many corners.

Bioware took KOTOR, stuck it on steroids, and created their own story, and resulted in Mass Effect.

I would not recommend Mass Effect 2 unless you have already played Mass Effect 1. It is just so much easier to really appreciate 2 if you have the connection in 1. Plus the uniqueness of the series is continuing your own character from game to game. Decisions you made in 1 impact what happens in 2, and what will happen in 3.

The graphics in 1 were amazing and 2 was even better. The games are just the smoothest, quality, near flawless I have ever played. Definitely worth the money for both, imo. ME2 is worth the money new because you get the license to all the downloadable content, which Bioware has worked hard to keep coming and bridge the gap into ME3. The voice acting in both is AMAZING and they have a unique speech system. Overall you have the feeling of being in a movie that happens to be a game, and you're part of a larger, epic story.

Really? I can't remember exactly on ME1 since it's been awhile, but I just finished ME2 about a week and a half ago and found it to be pretty glitchy at times, and the cinemas weren't done very well (edited poorly, didn't load smoothly, audio issues, etc.).
ChldsPlay;3603702 said:
Really? I can't remember exactly on ME1 since it's been awhile, but I just finished ME2 about a week and a half ago and found it to be pretty glitchy at times, and the cinemas weren't done very well (edited poorly, didn't load smoothly, audio issues, etc.).

That's weird. Did you play it on xbox? I have not played it on pc, so if you played it on pc that might be why depending on your system.

ME1 had a texture load issue. When levels would load it would take about three seconds for the background textures to load. It was small but noticeable. ME2 was absolutely seamless for me and graphics were much better than ME1.
Yeah it was xbox. Especially problematic during the opening cinemas and again towards the end with the omega relay.

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