Fans are being played


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I thought TO had already said that little gem:

"I cant throw it and catch it to"

Back when Romo was first hurt, I dont know why he cant come up with new material though? But I thought I was hearing things and really did not pay attention to anything else after that, Deion kind of makes me want to throw up when I hear him talk.


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viman96;2434913 said:
ummm you worried about big brother watching and everything in this world is a conspiracy?


I am big brother, so no I am not worried. I missed the 6-4 question, I just went back and watched the interview again.

But still you guys are being played by the reporters. Part of Watkins article today has some of that 2006 article in it.

I still loved that T.O. is talking about him not getting the ball, I want my stars to want the ball in their hands, at all times, all of them.


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BHendri5;2435222 said:

I am big brother, so no I am not worried. I missed the 6-4 question, I just went back and watched the interview again.

But still you guys are being played by the reporters. Part of Watkins article today has some of that 2006 article in it.

I still loved that T.O. is talking about him not getting the ball, I want my stars to want the ball in their hands, at all times, all of them.


So your cool if romo does an interview with say, Troy Aikman to be aired before the turkey game where he whines and says I cant throw it and catch it? I cant run the routes for them, I cant make them grow a pair of nuts and run the ball up the field and break a tackle.

I mean what would Owens reaction be if romo, witten or garrett said we cant beat the jam for the guy or help him run his routes at 100% all the time.

You think Team player owens would be cool with that.

Owen spouts off because he is A. a complete jerk and always has been, B. An arrogant jerk who thinks he is the best player on the team when he is indeed not and C. No one ever talks back to him because he is like a spoiled 10 year old who always has to get his way, and when the going gets tough.....his sorry behind gets going.

I so hope witten and williams go crazy tomorrow and owens has 2 catches for 10 yards. This team winning with owens doing nothing would be fabulous, cause then his whining would fall on deaf ears, no one in the locker room would give a darn.


Mick Green 58
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Gullible? Being played? Can the OP be anymore condescending :rolleyes: .

I think T.O. is a great player and all of thise nonesense about him losing a step is pure garbage.

However, if anything, doing that interview before Tony Romo came back is even worse because he knew for a fact Tony Romo was coming back and therefore the offense would get better and should have kept his mouth shut.

I could see if we were stuck with Brad Johnson the entire season but everyone knew Tony Romo was coming back.

Also, I personally think Terrell Owens was attempting to throw Red Jesus under the bus and deflect the blame towards him with regards to his poor numbers. And remember, those numbers were horrible even when Tony Romo was in the line up.


Star Power
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I think everyone, especially the media blows everything that TO says out of proportion.

We have two situations here:

1) TO admits to his game declining, and essentially agreeing with the media, who pretty much always denigrates him.
2) He blames the system, one in which is not really similar to the West Coast systems where he put up big numbers.

Honestly, I don't think he was intentionally trying to throw anyone under the bus. He just thinks his game hasn't declined, and if he's not producing, then the only thing that remains is 2).

Personally, I think the system is partially at fault. There is only so much a player can do when he is double teamed on the majority of his plays. So, in order to get him open, they are going to have to move him around a lot, or at least get him in a similar position to the systems in which he used to put up bigger numbers, like running more slants and such. I don't think it's hard to believe that his numbers have declined due to the departure of Sparano. He was a pretty important member of this offense and another brain that helped with the play calling.


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either hate T.O. or like/love, do one or the other. stop going back and forth.


the most important member
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Why is everyone even wasting time talking about is not logical.


Mick Green 58
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BHendri5;2435303 said:
either hate T.O. or like/love, do one or the other. stop going back and forth.

So after you call people gullable and accuse them of being played, you come back and tell people what to do :rolleyes: ?

Most fans, much like myself will cheer for the guy because he is a Cowboy and he is a great player. But those same fans will definately voice their opinion if they think he should just shut up and play football.

You have to realize the fact that not everyone is so head over heels in love with Terrell Owens like you, Deion and Mike.


Double Trouble
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TO's an idiot. We all knew it when we signed him. Even those of us who were in favor of it.

The lockerroom situation can't be great with this idiot in there. A guy like TO can make it hell for the rest of the team. You never know what he's going to say, when he's going to the media. The day he's gone, most every player in there will be relieved. Same as when that moron Pacman Jones makes his final exit from VR.

To go to the media and whine about your QB/OC/HC/teammates/whoever the day after the biggest win of the season is inexcusable. By doing that, you're clearly not as interested in the team building momentum as you are yourself.

TO got his mega-contract with $13M guaranteed, and his game went in the toilet. Coincidence? Some will say it is, but when you see replays of him not making an effort to block on a running play, you have to wonder.

That he would say he's not getting the ball enough is a joke. The first Commander game, it was almost a farce that TO was targeted so much. Or that they keep running fruitless reverses with him.

It's no coincidence the Giants have gotten better the more they've ditched problem players. I think I heard they've only lost twice since Shockey last took the field for them. If you saw Drew Brees screaming at Shockey on the sidelines, it's easy to see how the NYG gained by subtraction.

The fact is, as much of a help as TO could be to this team, he's not needed like he was in the past. They have established stars at TE and RB, an up and coming star - albeit an injured one - in Felix Jones, a talented WR just added to the mix, and an emerging WR in Miles Austin. TO realizes this, knows his play has been mediocre at best this season, and lashes out the only way he knows how: he finds a sympathetic media ear and commences the blaming of everyone but, of course, TO.

TO will probably score 3 TDs tomorrow and most will forget this happened. Regardless, the sooner he's out of the lockerroom the better off this team will be.


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Double Trouble;2435427 said:
TO's an idiot. We all knew it when we signed him. Even those of us who were in favor of it.

The lockerroom situation can't be great with this idiot in there. A guy like TO can make it hell for the rest of the team. You never know what he's going to say, when he's going to the media. The day he's gone, most every player in there will be relieved. Same as when that moron Pacman Jones makes his final exit from VR.

To go to the media and whine about your QB/OC/HC/teammates/whoever the day after the biggest win of the season is inexcusable. By doing that, you're clearly not as interested in the team building momentum as you are yourself.

TO got his mega-contract with $13M guaranteed, and his game went in the toilet. Coincidence? Some will say it is, but when you see replays of him not making an effort to block on a running play, you have to wonder.

That he would say he's not getting the ball enough is a joke. The first Commander game, it was almost a farce that TO was targeted so much. Or that they keep running fruitless reverses with him.

It's no coincidence the Giants have gotten better the more they've ditched problem players. I think I heard they've only lost twice since Shockey last took the field for them. If you saw Drew Brees screaming at Shockey on the sidelines, it's easy to see how the NYG gained by subtraction.

The fact is, as much of a help as TO could be to this team, he's not needed like he was in the past. They have established stars at TE and RB, an up and coming star - albeit an injured one - in Felix Jones, a talented WR just added to the mix, and an emerging WR in Miles Austin. TO realizes this, knows his play has been mediocre at best this season, and lashes out the only way he knows how: he finds a sympathetic media ear and commences the blaming of everyone but, of course, TO.

TO will probably score 3 TDs tomorrow and most will forget this happened. Regardless, the sooner he's out of the lockerroom the better off this team will be.

They have established stars at RB and TE because of TO.


All Star
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theebs;2435242 said:
Owen spouts off because he is A. a complete jerk and always has been, B. An arrogant jerk who thinks he is the best player on the team when he is indeed not and C. No one ever talks back to him because he is like a spoiled 10 year old who always has to get his way, and when the going gets tough.....his sorry behind gets going.

My thoughts exactly. The guy is a mental case. Same stuff he did to the Niners and Philly. I’m sick of the poor TO, everyone is after him crap. And to wear an Eagles sweater...geez. But you know, he is a Cowboy and i am forced to cheer for him and in two weeks, ill be forced to cheer for the other Cowboy thug.

Thanks Jerry.


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rocyaice;2435636 said:
They have established stars at RB and TE because of TO.

lol please.

Witten had a tremendous season in 2004. and that was with keyshawn, crayton and copper.

If you defend owens so much that you think he makes witten go, you are completely nuts. Certifiable.

And barber played the same way he does now as a rookie in 2005.

Pretty funny stuff when the owens fan club comes out.


Double Trouble
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rocyaice;2435636 said:
They have established stars at RB and TE because of TO.
Partly so, yes. He contributes little to that now. He's playing like a JAG.


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Bottom line, this is the same offense as last year.

Teams did not just start to double him this season. He USED to be able to beat jams. He USED to be able to break tackles and make a big play out of what should have been a short gain. He's ALWAYS dropped passes.

The difference is, when he can't do the first three, the last becomes all the more glaring.

But in strictly principle, his b******* about his "role" in this offense after the biggest win of the year is simply wrong, asinine and indicative of what another poster said, that he is recognizing his own mortality as a productive player so he must go into "blame" mode.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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LowTech;2435312 said:
Why is everyone even wasting time talking about is not logical.
It's because no player is above criticism. None, but Owens draws a much higher level of criticism, perhaps even unjustifiably so at times, upon himself than that directed at most players. "Why?" Simple.

Throughout his career, Owens has created totally unnecessary attention-grabbing episodes onto himself. Standing on the Star. Shouting at coaches during games. Sharpies. Pom-poms. Publicly making derogratory statements about quarterbacks. Publicly pouting about his status as a wide receiver against that of a living legend (Jerry Rice). Publicly calling out quarterbacks. Calling out coaches. Crying on national television about being paid millions and yet not having the capability of feeding his family. Press conferences conducted in a freaking driveway for pete's sake. Etc., etc.

And that's BEFORE Jerry Jones signed him to the roster. The damage had already been done. He made his bed. This is the "Terrell Owens" which forever (and I do mean in the literal sense) be critiqued. And when I say critiqued, I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. "Why?" Simple.

Two reasons. First, the media will never (again, I do mean in the literal sense) allow it. It's a cash cow. It's a dream come true. It's a magnet that the media can use to draw readers and viewers alike to articles and broadcast commentary in droves regardless of actual merit. It's a soap opera of Owens own creation. Some may argue that he's guiltless. Doesn't matter. Re-read the second paragraph. How many players in the NFL--past or present--have voluntarily and/or intentionally drawn the level of attention onto themselves as Owens has? Answer: very few indeed.

Second, Owens is what he is. He can't cap his own personality. It's too strong. He tries to conform and yes, he has been very successful in doing so while he's been on the present roster:
  • His poster in his locker during the New England game
  • His next question auto-answer to Ed Werder
--are examples of valid efforts, but his ego continues to leak out occasionally. It overflows like a head of beer poured too quickly and runs down the outside of a glass everywhere. The latest example is his interview with Deion Sanders. Totally unnecessary. An obvious media trap which even Stevie Wonder could see, but he can't help himself.

The spotlight has always been like a drug to him and it is his weakness. Instead of allowing his level of play be both his shield and vindication to justify his statue as a premier wide receiver, which he is in my opinion, he takes bait that a child wouldn't and *presto*! He increases the size of the magnifying glass which he's always held over his own head for media AND fans alike to pick at both real and imagined deficiencies in his own game.

You're correct. 100% so. It is illogical. On the one hand, you have fans and the media formuling opinions about Owens. On the other hand, you have Owens attempting to defend himself through the same medium, which will forever hold him to a standard he made for himself (yet again) because of his own mouth, in defiance of the conformity which would be in his own best interests and not with the skills he was blessed with.

Que sera sera.


Mick Green 58
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WoodysGirl;2434906 said:
Tim MacMahon suggets it was done on Tuesday...

from the latest blog entry

Also, Deion supposedly asked T.O. how it felt to be 6-4. So while the timing seems off, the comments seem recent.

I didn't even see this quote.


But this is always the result when people put so much blind faith and loyalty behind one player.