Fans blitz woman in Ben crash

31smackdown said:
But c'mon.. seriously.. internet attacks??.. that's all we need... if people started to be held accountable for junk they said on some internet forum.. every flame war would turn into a court case. People say some stupid , outlandish things on the web, some of it is just a case of bad humor, other times just misdirected anger or momentary stupidity.. In most cases I would say that there is no real harmful intent.. just think of all the random argument threads that you've read.. there's a lot of tough guys on this interweb thing.. some of them are even old enough to drink.
It may be public record, but this is definitely excessive.

One blogger, who posted Fleishman's home address and telephone number, was typical of the merciless Internet attackers.
Because these same internet tough guys are the kind of fools who will get a lil juiced and then go after the woman. Maybe even as harmless as "toilet papering" her house.

But I know that if somebody came after my parents in any manner, I'd be more than a little upset...and then go after the person who posted it on the web. It would not be pretty. :cool:
iceberg said:
i would say those "kids" need to grow up and be responsible for their actions, real or just "in anger" and learn to control themselves. they're getting a serious case of a "false sense of security" if they think the real world is as forgiving of their threats as the internet makes it seem.

I agree with you, I just don't know if it should be reported as "news" or held in the same light as direct personal threats like phone calls or verbal confrontations. Not to mention, there is a definite lack of context when something is sourced from the web.

Like I said, I'm not condoning it, just seeing how it could be taken to a needless extreme.
31smackdown said:
I agree with you, I just don't know if it should be reported as "news" or held in the same light as direct personal threats like phone calls or verbal confrontations. Not to mention, there is a definite lack of context when something is sourced from the web.

Like I said, I'm not condoning it, just seeing how it could be taken to a needless extreme.
Well actually it can be held in the same light as personal threats. There's been alot of stuff in the news about kids posting death threats and stuff on the my space site and getting arrested. So they're not completely immune from prosecution. People need to think real hard before posting stuff like that in a public forum.
WoodysGirl said:
Well actually it can be held in the same light as personal threats. There's been alot of stuff in the news about kids posting death threats and stuff on the my space site and getting arrested. So they're not completely immune from prosecution. People need to think real hard before posting stuff like that in a public forum.

to only complicate the sense of "reality" - how many school shootings are from kids who feel they can "talk tough" on the internet and it's all ok? how hard can that be to make that transition from internet to reality in regard to what is actually being done by this "kid" and the price they'll have to pay for that for the rest of their lives should they carry through with "harmless threats".

wasn't it "broncobabe" that made death threats on the DMN so many many many years ago?

dimebag - not sure if he got any warnings or if the guy that shot him made any public statements, but if he did and it was *not* taken seriously, then what? another musician friend of mine is going back "home" to the same club in ohio and i just got some mail (i manage many of his pages online) from someone who's pissed from events that happened in 1989 that was making threats - not death, but how do you really know the overall state of mind of the person on the other end of that e-mail?

you don't. so you've got to take it serously and show "these kids" that their actions and their words are their own responsiblity and there *is* a penalty to pay for acting outside the rules of a common society.

iceberg said:
wasn't it "broncobabe" that made death threats on the DMN so many many many years ago?

I vaguely remember that. Although I know the main hoopla was caused by Beavis, if I remember correctly, in 98/99 I think?
RCowboyFan said:
I vaguely remember that. Although I know the main hoopla was caused by Beavis, if I remember correctly, in 98/99 I think?

i got there just after all that was dying down and the board itself was slowly coming back around. not sure if i ever directly talked to BB but i do know her threats and own actions "online" shut it down for a bit but not sure if it came back to her in "reality" for such actions.

but yea, that seems about right for the timeframe - maybe a little earlier. 96? wow. where does time go?
iceberg said:
to only complicate the sense of "reality" - how many school shootings are from kids who feel they can "talk tough" on the internet and it's all ok? how hard can that be to make that transition from internet to reality in regard to what is actually being done by this "kid" and the price they'll have to pay for that for the rest of their lives should they carry through with "harmless threats".

wasn't it "broncobabe" that made death threats on the DMN so many many many years ago?

dimebag - not sure if he got any warnings or if the guy that shot him made any public statements, but if he did and it was *not* taken seriously, then what? another musician friend of mine is going back "home" to the same club in ohio and i just got some mail (i manage many of his pages online) from someone who's pissed from events that happened in 1989 that was making threats - not death, but how do you really know the overall state of mind of the person on the other end of that e-mail?

you don't. so you've got to take it serously and show "these kids" that their actions and their words are their own responsiblity and there *is* a penalty to pay for acting outside the rules of a common society.

Well said...

And I got nothing to add.

Kinda shocking too. :confused: :)
WV Cowboy said:
There are a lot of ignorant people associated with the Steelers.

The fans are arrogant and classless.

I live 2 hrs south of Pittsburgh, with Steeler fans all around me.

They are rude, they think their organization is the class of the NFL, ... they are capable of harassing old ladies, ... oh wait, they just did that !

I hate Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh hates me.

I''m glad Ben R. didn't get hurt worse though because I ride too.

Too bad Bettis didn't get T-boned my a Bus, .. now that would have been ironically funny.

We not only hate pittsburgh because of being cowboys fans, but we also hate them because we are WVU fans.

Back Yard Brawl
I think this lady may have been a second grade teacher at my elementary school.

Hm, time for research. :)
Angus said:
It's in Pennsylvania. Probably a lot of Eagle fans have infiltrated the Pittsburgh fan base since the Super Bowl. Sounds like it anyway.

Uhh, in case you haven't noticed, PA is a damn big state. Philly and Pittsburgh are about 6-8 hours away. Eagles fans and people from Philly have nothing to do with western Pennsylvania.
JackMagist said:
What do they put in the water up there in Pennsylvania? Those people are nuts :confused:

Just as a point of reference, Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania also; that should tell you something.

Have you ever been to Pennsylvania or Philly? Have you lived here? There are a lot really good people around here.

Shut up and keep your ignorant comments to yourself.
RCowboyFan said:
Are forgetting Pitt fans cheered when Deion lay on turf when he banged his head? Much like Beagle fans did for Irvin.

I guess its something in the water in Penn that really makes despicable human beings, when it comes to sports. Cause I have been to Pittsburgh few times, great looking city in certain areas and dump in certain areas. People in general I didn't think were bad, but I guess once they wear their Eagles or Steelers gear, they become into idiots/nutcases.

Ok can we stop the ignorant stereotyping in this thread? Thanks.
jazzcat22 said:
They use to have, and maybe still do. A beer brewed there called IRON CITY. It is actually, pretty horrible beer.

They do, and yes it's pretty horrible from what I understand, though I've never had it myself.
iceberg said:
to only complicate the sense of "reality" - how many school shootings are from kids who feel they can "talk tough" on the internet and it's all ok? how hard can that be to make that transition from internet to reality in regard to what is actually being done by this "kid" and the price they'll have to pay for that for the rest of their lives should they carry through with "harmless threats".

wasn't it "broncobabe" that made death threats on the DMN so many many many years ago?

dimebag - not sure if he got any warnings or if the guy that shot him made any public statements, but if he did and it was *not* taken seriously, then what? another musician friend of mine is going back "home" to the same club in ohio and i just got some mail (i manage many of his pages online) from someone who's pissed from events that happened in 1989 that was making threats - not death, but how do you really know the overall state of mind of the person on the other end of that e-mail?

you don't. so you've got to take it serously and show "these kids" that their actions and their words are their own responsiblity and there *is* a penalty to pay for acting outside the rules of a common society.


People just have to learn to be careful what they say and who they say it to. The internet isn't necessarily as anonymous as we might like to think it is; there's some pretty skilled hackers out there who can make life miserable for those they decide to hate for whatever reason or just for the hell of it.

I think if you treat people with respect and dignity, they will generally return the same. Not always, but mostly.

I have a friend who relieves anger and frustration by sticking her head in the freezer and screaming and cussing out the freezer and, relieved, closes the door and is better. Maybe more people should try it.
i just heard of this on PTI and man those people that are harassing a 62 year old person should be put in jail just like Mike Wilbon suggested. they are a disgrace of human beings that take Sports way too seriously and you gotta blame the Media for always trying to find out way too much knowing that their are idiots out there that will do things to people that don't deserve it. Like the Cubs fans Bartman comes in mind
RCowboyFan said:
Last I have been there is I think 2002 or 2003 and I believe I saw their brewery still in working condition, although I never dared to taste it. Maybe in my college years I would have, cause I tasted or drank any cheap beer I could find :D

I did drink it in college. Friend of mine went there for a business trip, brought some back. It was a 6 hour drive, so it wasn't like it sat a long time to go bad. After that, I wouldn't drink it, though it was free.

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