Fans blitz woman in Ben crash

That's unbelievable. Pittsburgh for ya. Did they ever find O'Donnells body?
genghiskhan said:
Have you ever been to Pennsylvania or Philly? Have you lived here? There are a lot really good people around here.

Shut up and keep your ignorant comments to yourself.
I'm not ignorant of the fact that the Philly fans cheered when Michael Irvin was severely injured (a life threatening, career ending injury) in their stadium. And I am not ignorant of the reports of quotes from Stealers fans who make thinly veiled suggestions that a poor old woman should be beaten to death (RE: the Tom's Diner justice comment) for having the misfortune to have an accident with their idiot, non-helmeted quarterback.

If that is the way people in that state act (and the evidence I see says that it is) then I Do Not Want to go there and meet the slobbering morons. So I will espouse whatever opinion of that place that I see fit when the evidence supports the conclusion.

BTW your own comment in ordering me to "Shut Up" also supports the conclusion that there is a decided lack of class (to say the least) in your state. If you and your fellow Pennsylvanians want the rest of the country to think better of you then you should try conducting yourselves in a more seemly manner.
jazzcat22 said:
They use to have, and maybe still do. A beer brewed there called IRON CITY. It is actually, pretty horrible beer. I think they use the water and soot from the confluence of the three rivers coming together.

So maybe it's a little too much Iron City. :lmao2:

They still have Iron City Beer and it still sucks.
JackMagist said:
I'm not ignorant of the fact that the Philly fans cheered when Michael Irvin was severely injured (a life threatening, career ending injury) in their stadium. And I am not ignorant of the reports of quotes from Stealers fans who make thinly veiled suggestions that a poor old woman should be beaten to death (RE: the Tom's Diner justice comment) for having the misfortune to have an accident with their idiot, non-helmeted quarterback.

If that is the way people in that state act (and the evidence I see says that it is) then I Do Not Want to go there and meet the slobbering morons. So I will espouse whatever opinion of that place that I see fit when the evidence supports the conclusion.

BTW your own comment in ordering me to "Shut Up" also supports the conclusion that there is a decided lack of class (to say the least) in your state. If you and your fellow Pennsylvanians want the rest of the country to think better of you then you should try conducting yourselves in a more seemly manner.

Having gone to college in PA, It is one of the most bass-ackward states in the 50 that we have. The majority of people there are really ignorant, it's almost surreal. Fashion is also stuck in the 80's and everything closes early. Also, when I used to work in collections, PA is one of those states where deadbeats get off rather easily. Just a backwards, backwards state. Red-Neck galore, unfortunately.
JackMagist said:
I'm not ignorant of the fact that the Philly fans cheered when Michael Irvin was severely injured (a life threatening, career ending injury) in their stadium. And I am not ignorant of the reports of quotes from Stealers fans who make thinly veiled suggestions that a poor old woman should be beaten to death (RE: the Tom's Diner justice comment) for having the misfortune to have an accident with their idiot, non-helmeted quarterback.

If that is the way people in that state act (and the evidence I see says that it is) then I Do Not Want to go there and meet the slobbering morons. So I will espouse whatever opinion of that place that I see fit when the evidence supports the conclusion.

BTW your own comment in ordering me to "Shut Up" also supports the conclusion that there is a decided lack of class (to say the least) in your state. If you and your fellow Pennsylvanians want the rest of the country to think better of you then you should try conducting yourselves in a more seemly manner.

Honestly bro u r really stereotyping here.there are idiots in every state.and the peeps calling pennsylvanians rednecks and being from texas,lol.cmon.ur in the south,where rednecks originate.the further north u go in this country honestly the less rednecks u get,but has nothing to do with ignorant people as they thrive everywhere.btw,my loyalty to the cowboys has nothing to do with the locality of the team,i just have always loved them,and the players are from all over.the coach is a new jersey man.let me ask u guys this are all southerners racist,slow talking,dumb people like i have witnessed on vacations?probably not right,so lets not stereotype for a few idiots horrassing an old woman.
juckie said:
Honestly bro u r really stereotyping here.there are idiots in every state.and the peeps calling pennsylvanians rednecks and being from texas,lol.cmon.ur in the south,where rednecks originate.the further north u go in this country honestly the less rednecks u get,but has nothing to do with ignorant people as they thrive everywhere.btw,my loyalty to the cowboys has nothing to do with the locality of the team,i just have always loved them,and the players are from all over.the coach is a new jersey man.let me ask u guys this are all southerners racist,slow talking,dumb people like i have witnessed on vacations?probably not right,so lets not stereotype for a few idiots horrassing an old woman.

He might be stereotyping, but notice I ahve said the majority. Now, I've been out of college for 5-6 years now, but I'm just relating my experience, as no one can be truly truly objective. It's not possible, I don't think.

And being in VA, let me tell you, Our western neighbor, that rap that get isn't a bum one. So a lot of stereotypes are based on some type of reality, even if it isn't total reality, I guess.
well honestly rednecks thrive everywhere except southern cali and nyc,and conneticut,lol.lets face it if we want to stereotype, our country for the most part are rednecks.cmon Bush got re-elected,lol.:)
juckie said:
well honestly rednecks thrive everywhere except southern cali and nyc,and conneticut,lol.lets face it if we want to stereotype, our country for the most part are rednecks.cmon Bush got re-elected,lol.:)

I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole. :laugh1:

sooo.. how 'bout them cowboys?
Funxva said:
And being in VA, let me tell you, Our western neighbor, that rap that get isn't a bum one.
So now even with a college education, you are close-minded enough to lump everyone together and put down two entire states, WV & PA.

Now we see how they raise their young in VA. :rolleyes:
WV Cowboy said:
So now even with a college education, you are close-minded enough to lump everyone together and put down two entire states, WV & PA.

Now we see how they raise their young in VA. :rolleyes:

umm.. exceptions to every rule. :) And I actually have good friends that live in your state, as well as PA.

I actually sincerely believe that it has to do with the majority of goods and services that come out of the area. For instance here in VA, the farther south you get from the metropolitan areas, the more rural it gets. Educated individuals and more ignorance tends to come out of vastly rural areas, because the need for higher education is less in order to do jobs. Since horizons are generally not broadened by staying in one location far from a melting pot that a metroplitan area typically brings, the opportunity for "ignorance and redneckness" (Not just whites, but all races, though redneck is genearlly typified as white, I don't mean that in this case) is greater.
We don't really have very many "rednecks" in Mississippi. :rolleyes:

When I tell people that I don't deer hunt... they look at me like I'm a raging homosexual, lol.
AsthmaField said:
We don't really have very many "rednecks" in Mississippi. :rolleyes:

When I tell people that I don't deer hunt... they look at me like I'm a raging homosexual, lol.

hahaha. I don't hunt either. Not because I think it's wrong.. I'm just tooo lazy to get up early and go sneaking around in the woods for animals.
hunting is definitely a redneck thing to do.and driving trucks when u never haul pittsburgh we have a lotta wanna be rednecks as well.cause it seems the thing to be now,listen to country,drive a truck and the harley davidson trend.i remember when riding a harley meant u were a bad***,now any chump rides em.
AsthmaField said:
We don't really have very many "rednecks" in Mississippi. :rolleyes:

When I tell people that I don't deer hunt... they look at me like I'm a raging homosexual, lol.
"raging homosexual", ... is that an oxymoron ?

Do homosexuals rage ?? :D

They don't normally seem like the kind to rage.

What am I saying? I don't even know a homosexual, .. how do I know if they rage or not ? :lmao2:
WV Cowboy said:
"raging homosexual", ... is that an oxymoron ?

Do homosexuals rage ?? :D

They don't normally seem like the kind to rage.

What am I saying? I don't even know a homosexual, .. how do I know if they rage or not ? :lmao2:

There you go stereotyping again!!! :eek: :p:
JackMagist said:
What do they put in the water up there in Pennsylvania? Those people are nuts :confused:

Just as a point of reference, Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania also; that should tell you something.
Hey what about me it just those steelers and eagles fans

HAHA just kidding:) :) :)
WV Cowboy said:
There are a lot of ignorant people associated with the Steelers.

The fans are arrogant and classless.

I live 2 hrs south of Pittsburgh, with Steeler fans all around me.

They are rude, they think their organization is the class of the NFL, ... they are capable of harassing old ladies, ... oh wait, they just did that !

I hate Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh hates me.

I''m glad Ben R. didn't get hurt worse though because I ride too.

Too bad Bettis didn't get T-boned my a Bus, .. now that would have been ironically funny.

wow are you sure you live two hours south and not north cuz i live two hours north and that is exactly how it is here
Funxva said:
umm.. exceptions to every rule. :) And I actually have good friends that live in your state, as well as PA.

I actually sincerely believe that it has to do with the majority of goods and services that come out of the area. For instance here in VA, the farther south you get from the metropolitan areas, the more rural it gets. Educated individuals and more ignorance tends to come out of vastly rural areas, because the need for higher education is less in order to do jobs. Since horizons are generally not broadened by staying in one location far from a melting pot that a metroplitan area typically brings, the opportunity for "ignorance and redneckness" (Not just whites, but all races, though redneck is genearlly typified as white, I don't mean that in this case) is greater.

Talk about elitism. Those dumb*** "flyover" folks.

To say that "more ignorance tends to come out of vastly rural areas" truly shows who the ignorant one is.

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