Fans who quit


rock music matters
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joseephuss;2474583 said:
There is a local radio guy who is a Cowboys fan. He is on the air talking about how he is quitting being a fan. I have read similar posts from people. Well, bye.

I hear talk about how this team is weak and has no soul and other similar criticisms. That may be true. Fans who quit being fans because the team lost and is enduring tough times are also weak. If they can't handle it or don't want to handle it, then it probably is best they find something else. Maybe something to follow other than sports. Perhaps the stock market.

There are always lean times for any franchise. Eventually there will be great times as well. I don't mind hearing or reading criticism of Dallas, but I can't stand quitters.

This franchise has certainly had lower moments than yesterday. They have also had worse QB play. Romo sucked yesterday, but he is better than Bledsoe who never game them a chance in the first place. That is just one example and I have read several great well thought out critiques of this team. And until they correct some things they will have a hard time getting into the playoffs much less actually doing well in the playoffs. And if they don't then we will all start the off season earlier than we want. I'll just never quit being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. I've been through the bad times and the good. I don't like the bad times, but there is no other team I would rather be a fan of in my life.

i've quit posting to most fans because i'm sick and tired of "now now now" being the main mantra that drives discussion.

trade romo.

oh beegeebus christ. how long did it take us to find him?
fire whoever. great, so let's run the team like fans and make snyder look like a genious.

it's become frustrating to talk to many cowboys fans simply because of the sheer extremes many will go to. it's like using your head or keeping it in perspective in the world is out the window.

i love the cowboys. i loved 'em at 1-15 and had no problem wearing my jersey anywhere i went. i don't bother now cause they seem to have enough fans out of everywhere and it's "cool" again. i'm only cool when cool is uncool, so put the jerseys away for awhile now.

i understand the emotions. i understand the frustration to a huge degree. i don't understand how people can put all common sense down and scream for changes that if were made by any other team in the entire free world they'd say they were stupid and knee jerking around.

but it's ok when they do it.

i read in here from time to time. post very seldom anymore. i can only take so much extreme postings and i'm more into the real world of politics and where the world is going and put up with those extremes to put myself through it on 2 topics.

this is my team. romo is our qb. to is our wr and damn it , pacman is around here somewhere too. what we're feeling is what the team had to go through because they do appear for all intents and purposes that htey expected to walk through to the superbowl.

a couple of good hits later they went and shelled up and johnson had to drive in arguably the worst of times for this year.

bet we get a good back up this offseason huh?

so i just let the fans argue about how we should fire wade. garrett. jones. TO. romo. rowdy. . . whatever. and move on. sometimes someone says something intelligent in here and lord all mighty it really stands out.

but so few understand it and that's the shame.

fans come and go. they want to win and win now. i want the cowboys to win also, but i'm going to make it through the night when they don't. if fans from another team laugh at give me grief, i laugh also.

agreeing with someone sure does take away their point quickly.

this team has too many coaches. either on their way out, on their way in, or on the sidelines when he should be back in the owners box. in retrospect that was a bad idea to simply go through such a pivitol year with a lame duck coach.

garrett is young and still new to the OC gig. he's a smart dude and i have faith he'll learn. you learn by experience and unfortunately his experiences come before millions of people willing to fire him because they have no stake in his career or the team.

they just wanna win and win now.

anyway - my post for the month or longer.


The Cult of Jib
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Future;2474719 said:
A fan who quits was never a fan to begin with :starspin:

Denny ****ing Crane *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Well-Known Member
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I've been thru "The Catch," the Super Bowl losses to the Steelers, Steve Pelluer, Chutch, Quincy, Vinny, Bledsoe, Carano, Danny Noonan, Rod Hill, Kevin Brooks, Shante Carver, Kavika Pittman, 1-15, Ice Bowl, Bounty Bowl, Lett's Thanksgiving Game, Santana Moss Game, 11 sacks in one game, 4th and 1, McNabb's Monday Night scramble, '94 NFC Championship, '81-'83 Championship losses, 44-0, Campo years, terrible drafts, and on and on and on, but I come back EVERY game because I still hold out hope for the next "great" moment, game, play or championship in the storied history of the Dallas Cowboys.

I was born with blue and silver blood, and there is no quit in me.


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You know, there was one good thing about the Dave Campo era, most of the bandwagon fans had fallen off by then.

Also, I got a few words for those who want to get rid of Romo:

Carter, Leaf, Stoerner, Wright, Hutchinson, Henson, Testeverde, Bledsoe,...


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Maikeru-sama;2474701 said:
It doesn't bother me.

What bothers me is when they feel the need to let everyone know that they will be quitting and then a few weeks later they show up when the team is winning.

Also, what is odd is that this is a very poor time to quit on the Cowboys. The Cowboys are actually a pretty good team and when compared to teams of the past decade, they are really good.

Quit being a fan when the team loses to a new franchise playing their first regular season game. Don't quit when the Cowboys lose on the road, without the player that gives them their identity at running back and against a team that is tops in pass defense, run defense and defense overall.

An outstanding post. Above in bold is where you hit the nail on the head.....

.....and thus, the obligatory :hammer: usage!! :lmao2:


Mick Green 58
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THUMPER;2474736 said:
You know, there was one good thing about the Dave Campo era, most of the bandwagon fans had fallen off by then.


But they jumped right back on when the Boys started rolling again.


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Cowboyz88;2474726 said:
I've been thru "The Catch," the Super Bowl losses to the Steelers, Steve Pelluer, Chutch, Quincy, Vinny, Bledsoe, Carano, Danny Noonan, Rod Hill, Kevin Brooks, Shante Carver, Kavika Pittman, 1-15, Ice Bowl, Bounty Bowl, Lett's Thanksgiving Game, Santana Moss Game, 11 sacks in one game, 4th and 1, McNabb's Monday Night scramble, '94 NFC Championship, '81-'83 Championship losses, 44-0, Campo years, terrible drafts, and on and on and on, but I come back EVERY game because I still hold out hope for the next "great" moment, game, play or championship in the storied history of the Dallas Cowboys.

I was born with blue and silver blood, and there is no quit in me.

You forgot the Troy Hambrick era ~shudder~


The Cult of Jib
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I was left to my own chosen devices to chose a football team. My parent didn't watch football. I chose the Cowboys.

And if its all the same..... I'll die a Cowboys fan.

I don;t care if I never spent a day in Texas. Someone wants to challenge my fandom. Fine. Bring that ****. I don't care. I bleed silver and blue and when I die, I'll die a Cowboys fan.

Every loss kills a part of me inside. Every win brings me back to life.

I wouldnt have it any other way. Chose to be a Cowboys fan; and by all hell, I'll remain one. God can come looking at me, and I still wont abandon that. Bring it.

Cowboys to I die. And then beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!


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landryscorner;2474627 said:
Should of titled this "teams that quit" or "coaches that quit" or " players that quit" after all it was them that lost the game

Thank you Sir!


rock music matters
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landryscorner;2474627 said:
Should of titled this "teams that quit" or "coaches that quit" or " players that quit" after all it was them that lost the game

well you sure covered all your bases on who can possibly lose a game didn't you?


No Quarter
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lame post.

this isn't lean times it's GROSS MISMANAGEMENT from the top down. Jerry, his cronies, each coach.

sorry but i'll always be a fan but i'll be cheering for embarrassing losses if we lose to NYG in hopes that jerruh will have a total purge including getting a GM.

With each loss will come small pleasure of the SMALL GLIMMER OF HOPE for jerry to grow a brain.

fans are sick of this nonsense.

we'll still be fans, just not imbecile homers living in denial like Jerruh & co. does.

joseephuss;2474583 said:
There is a local radio guy who is a Cowboys fan. He is on the air talking about how he is quitting being a fan. I have read similar posts from people. Well, bye.

I hear talk about how this team is weak and has no soul and other similar criticisms. That may be true. Fans who quit being fans because the team lost and is enduring tough times are also weak. If they can't handle it or don't want to handle it, then it probably is best they find something else. Maybe something to follow other than sports. Perhaps the stock market.

There are always lean times for any franchise. Eventually there will be great times as well. I don't mind hearing or reading criticism of Dallas, but I can't stand quitters.

This franchise has certainly had lower moments than yesterday. They have also had worse QB play. Romo sucked yesterday, but he is better than Bledsoe who never game them a chance in the first place. That is just one example and I have read several great well thought out critiques of this team. And until they correct some things they will have a hard time getting into the playoffs much less actually doing well in the playoffs. And if they don't then we will all start the off season earlier than we want. I'll just never quit being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. I've been through the bad times and the good. I don't like the bad times, but there is no other team I would rather be a fan of in my life.


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Doomsday101;2474620 said:
Romo throws a lot of 3 int games? How do you feel with the multipule TD games he has had since taking over as QB?
i feel great. what kind of question was that?


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I certainly don't want to stop being a Cowboys fan, but THIS particular Cowboys team, coupled wih last year's group, has caused me to become so frustrated that I almost hope they fail to make the playoffs just so some major changes are forced on us. It's very clear we don't have the right coaches and players in place in several (many) areas.


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joseephuss;2474583 said:
This franchise has certainly had lower moments than yesterday. They have also had worse QB play. Romo sucked yesterday, but he is better than Bledsoe who never game them a chance in the first place. That is just one example and I have read several great well thought out critiques of this team.

Who cares if Tony is better than Bledsoe? Championships are not handed out to players who are better than Bledsoe.

Just because we had to sit through complete trash for the better part of a decade and a half since the glory days doesn't mean that we should all just grin and be happy with what we got.

If this team sits around and says "well, ya know we lost but ****, at least we aren't Drew Bledsoe" then they have already quit on all of us.

Player after player sits in that locker room, does the media BS thing and talks about how the goal is to win a championship.

I'm so sick of the downward comparisons that people throw out just to make themselves feel a little better about how moderately better things are now compared to 5, 7, 10 years ago.

Its weak.

And all the while, I just want to know why Dallas can't be like the Giants (and please save the "did the giants win yesterday" trash. their season as a whole has been very impressive) or the Titans. Why can't Dallas be like the team that just beat them yesterday and just ****ing win for gods sake. Why do we have to sit here and watch a team chalked full of talent piss away postseason aspirations because they didn't finish the game, or "took the Rams lightly" or whatever half-assed excuse they use after dropping another game.

Its tiresome. I'm sure I am just like many of you and have a ton wrapped up into how well the Cowboys play. It literally ****s my entire week up when they lose. I am pissed from that moment on. It isn't really until friday that I can let that go and that is only because its the weekend.

I really don't care about fans who quit or fans who stay. Its not my concern and makes me feel no better in any way about what happened yesterday. Similarly, I don't give a **** what ESPN says or FOX or CBS or any other stations of analysts. Claiming a "media bias" also doesn't soothe any wounds for me.

At some point though, I think its time to face facts. Dallas just isn't as good as we all hoped they would be. For whatever reason they just can't put it all together. We've all *****ed about needing an extra player here or there but looking around the league you can see teams doing a lot more with a lot less. But then again, maybe the players we think are good are just average. Who knows.

Maybe its the water at VR. Maybe its the coaching, owner and everything in between. Whatever the reason, Dallas just seems to be the hot topic team people forget about in December. And it really looks like this year will be more of the same.

For that reason, I am no longer going to believe this team can do a damn thing until it is done. How could anyone? And what would it be based on? I don't think they will make the playoffs and if by some chance the other teams who are in competition for that spot screw up worse than dallas, I fully expect a 1st round bouncing.

If thats what you want to call quitting. Have at it.

I'll just stick with being realistic at this point.



Well-Known Member
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joseephuss;2474583 said:
There is a local radio guy who is a Cowboys fan. He is on the air talking about how he is quitting being a fan. I have read similar posts from people. Well, bye.

I hear talk about how this team is weak and has no soul and other similar criticisms. That may be true. Fans who quit being fans because the team lost and is enduring tough times are also weak. If they can't handle it or don't want to handle it, then it probably is best they find something else. Maybe something to follow other than sports. Perhaps the stock market.

There are always lean times for any franchise. Eventually there will be great times as well. I don't mind hearing or reading criticism of Dallas, but I can't stand quitters.

This franchise has certainly had lower moments than yesterday. They have also had worse QB play. Romo sucked yesterday, but he is better than Bledsoe who never game them a chance in the first place. That is just one example and I have read several great well thought out critiques of this team. And until they correct some things they will have a hard time getting into the playoffs much less actually doing well in the playoffs. And if they don't then we will all start the off season earlier than we want. I'll just never quit being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. I've been through the bad times and the good. I don't like the bad times, but there is no other team I would rather be a fan of in my life.

The problem here is it is much easier to take those "lean times" when expectations are low. But when you have a 13-3 team with 13 pro bowlers, the next genius OC who was going to revolutionize the game, a HC who was going to turn his vaunted D loose, all the great offseason GM moves (FA and draft - don't forget, BJ was going to be the perfect bus driver to get us through a 2-3 game stretch if need be) to make this team so deep they would have made the 92 boys look like a div II school. This was supposed to be our year to make some noise!!!Let the trash talking begin because I have the team to back it up.

We start off a little shakey but who cares, we're winning that is all that matters.

Then here comes are arch-rival the Skins with a beat down in our house...ok they are pretty crappy but they are divisional foe and these games sometimes turn out that way.

Next up Ariz. no way are they in our league - we let them hang around and then show us who really wanted it more (not mention unecessarily injuring our QB).

Fine at least we have the Rams on the schedule at the most opportune time. Surely Brad can drive the bus while our D takes care of business - ummm wrong. We are only 1 of two teams the Rams were capable of beating this year.

Ok, we are still in good shape and we have the divsion leading Giants, quickly becoming our most hated rivalry, worst case scenario it'll be a close hard fought game....wrong they handed us our *** on a platter.

now we have to fight for our playoff lives from here on out. That's ok, this is the perfect time for this team to find it's identity and prove all of the talk before the season was legit. 3-0 winning streak - did I mention they were against three weak teams?

But that's ok. We got the Steelers in their house this will be a statement game. This is the beginning of the SB stretch run. D comes out dominating...we have them on the ropes and it's time for the knock out punch...what do we do, we go soft and had them the victory.

This has been the most frustrating season ever. Never, have I had such high expectations but brought down so low, not even in 96, 93, nor the early 80's, we didn't struggle this bad to make the playoffs or play this much Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde.

I have been a fan of the Cowboys since 1972 and have never quit on them and I never will. With that said, as I stated in the thread I started several weeks ago (and revised yesterday), I will no longer get my expectations up for this years team. I have resolved myself to having low expectations for the next three weeks and hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised. If not, oh well, I won't be disappointed since I expect them to choke the season away anyway. I find that it is better to take this approach this year than the continual stabbing in the heart this team has done to me.

I don't mind the lean years, it's when everything points to a special season and the team (so far) can't even represent anywhere near the expectations that makes it so hard to deal with. It's heartbreaking.:(


New Member
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I have been really ripping on Tony Romo, and rightfully so. However, I am very proud of our defense. In that game yesterday, if the stats were not put up and you had to guess which team had the #1 defense in the NFL, one would not have a clue. Our defense came to play.

I am proud of the offensive line, they got some heat from some in here, but with what a fierce pass rush the Steelers have, leading the league in sacks, pressures and every category on defense you can imagine, our OL gave a great effort are really getting overlooked.

I am proud of Choice, he did more damage to the Steelers than any other RB so far, this guy has heart, passion and field vision. I am proud of T.O., I don't care if people like his attitude or not, the man plays with fire, emotion and passion. I like it how he takes losing very personally and has a hard time dealing with it. Too bad many others on this team aren't like that as well. I am proud of Jason Witten, after getting injured, he came back and fought through the pain and still played. I am proud of Pacman, while he was not good on special teams, he made some very key defensive plays.

While I think we can do better at the head coach position, I am proud of Wade Phillips for having this team fired up and playing hard and ready to play. Give Wade credit, he had this team ready to play.

I am not proud of Tony Romo, and while there is no way I will quit on this team, I have quit on Tony Romo. He is a choker and clearly does not have what it takes to win a big game. He is great in games that mean nothing, but when it comes to a big and meaningful game, Tony will choke every time. I have not quit on the team, I have just quit on Tony Romo, he will never lead this team to a playoff win, let alone win a game that means anything.


Proud Grandpa
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I'll never stop being a Cowboys fan, but I'm about done with Tony Romo.

Enjoy the lifestyle and the "trophy" girlfriend young man. Because when you look back 30 years from now.......that's gonna be the only trophy you got out of the whole experience.

Romo friggin


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cowboys#1;2474600 said:
im not quitting as a fan im just tired of this team losing games that they should of won. im also tired of tony throwing 3 ints a game.


Well-Known Member
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The worst part is not that they are heartless (which they are)

It is that they are liars! As soon as we start winning, they'll be back

Here's to the real fans, like me

Live and Die with the team