Father shot dead drunk driver moments after he crashed into truck killing

CowboyMcCoy;5001147 said:
I don't think so. Imagine having witnessed what he witnessed. It's a terrible thing when you see your own child dead. Trust me.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

ethiostar;5001166 said:
I don't want to belittle your comment or the tragedy of the story here but............

One of my favorite parts of this movie. A good movie, by the way.

Not to take away from the conversation but that's the best part of the movie. lol

It's also true.
"Whoever did it is getting away with murdering my nephew. He deserves justice."

Doomsday;5002136 said:
If this isnt temporary insanity than I dont know what is.

It is only temporary insanity if he didn't know what he was doing. Going home to get the gun and returning to the scene means he knew what he was doing.
CanadianCowboysFan;5002606 said:
It is only temporary insanity if he didn't know what he was doing. Going home to get the gun and returning to the scene means he knew what he was doing.

Actually, that's not true at all. There are many injuries, both mental and physical, that can deprive someone of sound thinking. In addition to that, there is also shock. Several years ago, I remember of friend of mine being rear-ended a few cars ahead of me. The speed limit on the road was 30-35/mph and the guy behind him hit his brakes too late.

Luckily my friend only suffered a few bruises and scratches. He was in shock though as several times while the paramedics were working on him, he kept trying to get up to go back to his car while saying he had to get his cat. He didn't even own a cat and the next day he remembered the accident, but did not remember talking about the cat he didn't own.

The father will likely be questioned thoroughly and they will determine whether or not he acted out of revenge or if he was temporarily insane. Based on the story, there is no way any reader can surmise which really happened. Any guess at this point is just that .. a guess.

hairic;5000684 said:
Wonder how this might be perceived if the guy that was murdered actually caused the accident due to a medical event (e.g. stroke). BAC 0.00, slurred speech, and generally brain-impaired.

Is it alright to murder that driver because he appears drunk?

Generally brain impaired drivers shouldn't be driving down dark rural roads.
I don't know if this is true or not but my Dad said he heard that the drunk was laughing after the accident. Would that change any minds if true?
Reality;5002615 said:
Actually, that's not true at all. There are many injuries, both mental and physical, that can deprive someone of sound thinking. In addition to that, there is also shock. Several years ago, I remember of friend of mine being rear-ended a few cars ahead of me. The speed limit on the road was 30-35/mph and the guy behind him hit his brakes too late.

Luckily my friend only suffered a few bruises and scratches. He was in shock though as several times while the paramedics were working on him, he kept trying to get up to go back to his car while saying he had to get his cat. He didn't even own a cat and the next day he remembered the accident, but did not remember talking about the cat he didn't own.

The father will likely be questioned thoroughly and they will determine whether or not he acted out of revenge or if he was temporarily insane. Based on the story, there is no way any reader can surmise which really happened. Any guess at this point is just that .. a guess.


There are few guarantees in life, day, night, death etc, but another is someone on a board knowing someone who has an anectodal story which refutes any internet theory.

you go home, get a gun, go back, shoot the right person so to speak, you know what you are doing, pure and simple
CanadianCowboysFan;5003221 said:
There are few guarantees in life, day, night, death etc, but another is someone on a board knowing someone who has an anectodal story which refutes any internet theory.

you go home, get a gun, go back, shoot the right person so to speak, you know what you are doing, pure and simple
Even if it happened in less than 5 minutes?
And if someone murdered him because they were a relative of the driver, that would qualify as temporary insanity, too, right?
Vintage;5003247 said:
And if someone murdered him because they were a relative of the driver, that would qualify as temporary insanity, too, right?
"Temporary" insanity months later? Really? That all you got?
speedkilz88;5003274 said:
"Temporary" insanity months later? Really? That all you got?

Why does time matter?

If you can be driven temporarily insane and be perfectly fine shortly after... Why does it need to be immediately after an event?

Maybe it builds up an can make you temporarily insane much later.
CanadianCowboysFan;5003221 said:
There are few guarantees in life, day, night, death etc, but another is someone on a board knowing someone who has an anectodal story which refutes any internet theory.

Don't forget the quite common guarantee of someone not having any factual evidence so they refute anything others say, use phrases like "it's simple" and repeat the same personal opinion over and over hoping that it will magically evolve into a believable fact at some point.

you go home, get a gun, go back, shoot the right person so to speak, you know what you are doing, pure and simple

I love how "internet psychiatrists" such as yourself can define mental states of others across the world without ever meeting the subject nor experiencing what they experienced. I mean who needs medical school? Apparently being able to post on a forum and stereotype others who disagree is an unquestionable pedigree for being an expert on any topic at any moment.

Personally, I have no idea whether or not he was mentally stable and out for revenge or if he suffered a mental breakdown. It is quite possible that he knew the driver and hated him for 30 years because he killed his cat when he was young. It is also possible that he mentally lost it. At this point, no one knows. Well, that is, except you. Kudos!

Vintage;5003285 said:
Why does time matter?

If you can be driven temporarily insane and be perfectly fine shortly after... Why does it need to be immediately after an event?

Maybe it builds up an can make you temporarily insane much later.
To use a temporary insanity defense there has to be a trigger (trauma) like having your two kids killed in front of you. Do you not get that?
Reality;5003330 said:
Don't forget the quite common guarantee of someone not having any factual evidence so they refute anything others say, use phrases like "it's simple" and repeat the same personal opinion over and over hoping that it will magically evolve into a believable fact at some point.

I love how "internet psychiatrists" such as yourself can define mental states of others across the world without ever meeting the subject nor experiencing what they experienced. I mean who needs medical school? Apparently being able to post on a forum and stereotype others who disagree is an unquestionable pedigree for being an expert on any topic at any moment.

Personally, I have no idea whether or not he was mentally stable and out for revenge or if he suffered a mental breakdown. It is quite possible that he knew the driver and hated him for 30 years because he killed his cat when he was young. It is also possible that he mentally lost it. At this point, no one knows. Well, that is, except you. Kudos!


Please, no need to be obtuse.

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