Favorite Toy as a Kid

Anybody remember these? I used to like playing with these sets, but mine came without the panels. All you got was a bunch of girders that fit together and you could construct square buildings. Some sets had cranes you would hand crank. Also, we used to play with "Erector Sets" which were metal parts that you screwed together with tiny screws and nuts.

I think action figures started with my generation, especially the marketing tie-ins. Star Wars to He-Man to Transformers to GI Joe. Trading with the neighborhood kids to go with whatever I enjoyed most at Movies/TV/Comics. Then it was all bikes — BMX to Free Style with the start of video games and Nintendo/Sega’s success. Mix in some team sports and trading cards…. Looking back, I guess it was a well-adjusted childhood.
Anybody remember these? I used to like playing with these sets, but mine came without the panels. All you got was a bunch of girders that fit together and you could construct square buildings. Some sets had cranes you would hand crank. Also, we used to play with "Erector Sets" which were metal parts that you screwed together with tiny screws and nuts.

Doesn't ring a bell here {born in 64} does look very interesting though.
I just paid more for two fresh batteries than the game cost back in the day. It still works! ^^^^^ 7.99 a piece for two 9V batteries.
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GI Joes - had some crazy battles in the days. Parents got me the Space Station for Christmas - still my favorite Christmas present ever. Took forever to put together with all the stickers...but so worth it.

I used to wrestle with a couple of
These all the time. I remember watching wrestling and doing the moves the wrestlers were doing simultaneously.

Powerbombing them. Doing elbow drops and flying splashes off the back of
The couch.

Good times.
Anybody here remember the TIGER LCD games? I used to have several when I was a kid, my favorite being a baseball one. I was cruising through a store the other day and saw one sitting there. Blew my mind. Had no idea they even produced or sold these anymore. It must be aimed at my age bracket for the nostalgia, because kids today would certainly lose interest in about 30 seconds with these. lol


I used to wrestle with a couple of
These all the time. I remember watching wrestling and doing the moves the wrestlers were doing simultaneously.

Powerbombing them. Doing elbow drops and flying splashes off the back of
The couch.

Good times.

When my son was about 6 or 7 her used to watch wrestling and then throw his little sister around. I came up with an idea to make a life size stuffed wrestler for kids to use as wrestling partners instead of their kid sisters. But a friend of my talked me out it because he said if kids got hurt, I could get sued. Shortly afterwards, wrestling buddies hit the shelves. I guess everyone's kids were beating each other up watching Hulk Hogan and Co wrestle.
When my son was about 6 or 7 her used to watch wrestling and then throw his little sister around. I came up with an idea to make a life size stuffed wrestler for kids to use as wrestling partners instead of their kid sisters. But a friend of my talked me out it because he said if kids got hurt, I could get sued. Shortly afterwards, wrestling buddies hit the shelves. I guess everyone's kids were beating each other up watching Hulk Hogan and Co wrestle.
Lol yes we were.
First, favorite "toy" was my bicycle. I went every mwhere on it: School, ball field, friends.

My second favorite "toy" was a remote control model P51 plane. Thinking back, the radio controller was about the size of the original Atari game consoles. Massive! I won many an aerial combat with my Mustang.
Yes I'm happily married and my lady still let's me be a kid again (bless her heart). I now collect "Hot Toys". I have A Holographic Iron Man, the Golden Mark XIIV Iron Man, Iron SpiderMan from the game, Thanos From Endgame (very expensive btw) Wolverine from the 90's cartoon, and my prized possessions a talking Grogu and link from the Legend of zelda statue and a Bruce Lee limited statue. Yikes the prices on these things and wow I'm a nerd haha.

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