Favre is back... (NYJ gain permission to talk to him)

Chief;2157801 said:
There's a lot of con man in Favre.

Despite his "aw shucks" routine, there's not an ounce of humility in this guy.

Amen brother.
Doomsday101;2157792 said:
I hope lands some where. Sorry I don't dislike him or upset because he had a change of heart. This is not about money it is about the love of the game, Brett is not hurting for money he wants to play ball. If that offends people then so be it but Brett is not the 1st nor will he be the last player to announce retirement and then change his mind as the season gets closer.

If this were the only time he has played this game with his team I would cut him some slack but he has been holding the Packers back the last few years with his on again - off again retirement talk. He waited last year until after the draft to let them know that he would be back. The year before that he waited until just before the draft to let them know. Now he retires and then when he can't get his outright release he comes back.

He is not as innocent as he appears and I for one am very tired of his act.

My Boyfriends back and
You're gonna be in trouble
Hey Now Hey Now
My Boyfriends back
Chief;2157801 said:
There's a lot of con man in Favre.

Despite his "aw shucks" routine, there's not an ounce of humility in this guy.

Exactly right Chief! The media eats that stuff up but he has screwed his team over the last couple of years with this stuff.
cowboys2233;2157803 said:
Agreed. And here's the thing -- Favre can make it there if he really wants to. He essentially has a no-trade clause because he can veto any team the Pack would like to send him to.

So, the Pack have two options. Keep him on the roster and pay him his $12 million salary or release him. Why on earth would Favre agree to go to a team like the Buccaneers? To make Ted Thompson happy? Yeah, that's going to happen.

2233, get back in the other thread and take your beating!
Chief;2157801 said:
There's a lot of con man in Favre.

Despite his "aw shucks" routine, there's not an ounce of humility in this guy.

DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aikemirv;2157800 said:
I really don't understand as a football fan how you can dislike Favre but many here do. I don't get it. It is not like he dominated the Cowboys for years but I guess people don't like the attention he gets that took away some attention of Aikman and the boys in the 90's.

A great player who has fun playing the game. That is what football is supposed to be about.

That is why I like Romo so much. He has that same mentality.

I agree. Brett playing football or not has nothing to do with Dallas. Brett loves the game and if he wants to return so what.

I don't blame the Pack for moving on with Rogers I would do the same if I was in their shoes after all the Pack see him as their future and this is now his time.

I don't think they are going to be childish and hold on to Brett as some type of punishment it would serve no purpose and it would put mega pressure on Rogers with a fan favorite like Brett sitting on the bench, you don't think the 1st time Rogers has a bad game that the cheese heads would not be screaming Brett? Rogers does not need that monkey on his back

I fully expect they will deal him to some other team and there are some teams out there who are in need of a QB who can be a stop gap until they can fill the position
Doomsday101;2157813 said:
I agree. Brett playing football or not has nothing to do with Dallas. Brett loves the game and if he wants to return so what.

I fully expect they will deal him to some other team and there are some teams out there who are in need of a QB who can be a stop gap until they can fill the position

And why would Favre agree to do that? Again, if he wants to play for the Vikings, he can make that happen. Those in the media who deny that could ever occur have a serious lack of imagination.
THUMPER;2157807 said:
If this were the only time he has played this game with his team I would cut him some slack but he has been holding the Packers back the last few years with his on again - off again retirement talk. He waited last year until after the draft to let them know that he would be back. The year before that he waited until just before the draft to let them know. Now he retires and then when he can't get his outright release he comes back.

He is not as innocent as he appears and I for one am very tired of his act.

Strahan held out of camp contemplating retirement but came back so what, I doubt many Giant fans were upset and I doubt any GB fans were upset with Brett playing last year.
yes brett can veto a trade, but you don't have to worry about a trade offer from the packers to the vikings, lions or bears;)
cowboys2233;2157818 said:
And why would Favre agree to do that? Again, if he wants to play for the Vikings, he can make that happen. Those in the media who deny that could ever occur have a serious lack of imagination.

One thing that could prevent him going to Minn. would be the penalty Minn would pay for tampering. You have the phone records evidently of Brett and the Vikes. Not saying it can't happen but as long as Brett is being reinstated it really comes down to what the Packers want to do and trying to get the best deal they can for him
THUMPER;2157807 said:
If this were the only time he has played this game with his team I would cut him some slack but he has been holding the Packers back the last few years with his on again - off again retirement talk. He waited last year until after the draft to let them know that he would be back. The year before that he waited until just before the draft to let them know. Now he retires and then when he can't get his outright release he comes back.

He is not as innocent as he appears and I for one am very tired of his act.

It is a long season and the beating his position takes is immense. I am sure most guys his age don't feel too spry after the season is over and he had some rough years before last year in GB. He has not hurt the Packers at all with his indecision until maybe this year. So what, players do it all the time. He has the right to change his mind.


People like to attach the "no taking the helmet off on the field" rule to Emmitt and others, but Favre was the biggest culprit.

His running-around-on-the-field antics after first-quarter Super Bowl TD pass screamed one thing ... "LOOK AT ME!"

If Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson are going to get crap for this kind of stuff then Favre should, too.
Dallas;2157798 said:
The Vikings are a real good team. Everyone is talking about them. If Favre were to go there then you would see a lot of media penciling them into the Super Bowl like they are for Dallas.

I also feel that Dallas is the better team. Im not scared of any Vikings. Bring it.

I will take our team against that team every day of the week. especially their secondary.

They could be the team that slips this year. I kind of think they will.
Chief;2157833 said:


People like to attach the "no taking the helmet off on the field" rule to Emmitt and others, but Favre was the biggest culprit.

His running-around-on-the-field antics after first-quarter Super Bowl TD pass screamed on thing ... "LOOK AT ME!"

If Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson are going to get crap for this kind of stuff then Favre should, too.

Wow, just wow.

A little bitter are you. Come on!
Romo2Owens4six;2157823 said:
yes brett can veto a trade, but you don't have to worry about a trade offer from the packers to the vikings, lions or bears;)

Then I guess they'll have to be happy paying him $12 million to sit on the bench and breathe down Aaron Rodgers' neck.

Do you see what I'm saying? Favre holds all the cards, not the Packers.
THUMPER;2157786 said:
Did anyone not expect this when he announced his "retirement" a few months ago? The guy may hold a ton of records and be a media darling but he is a jerk IMO.

I think that sums up the reason for dislike right there. All that and he is not a Cowboy.
cowboys2233;2157841 said:
Then I guess they'll have to be happy paying him $12 million to sit on the bench and breathe down Aaron Rodgers' neck.

Do you see what I'm saying? Favre holds all the cards, not the Packers.
he doesn't with NFC north teams. they are not going to trade him to a division rival.

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