FBI’s Steve Jobs file: He will ‘distort reality... to achieve his goals’

ROUSH8692;4412938 said:
And by you judging someone youve probably never met, so are you sir...

You're kidding right? You are judged by your actions. I didn't have to know Jobs, his actions were like a bullhorn in my ear. Not to mention, people that did know him say the same damn thing.

ABQCOWBOY;4413405 said:
There is nothing that says you have to know somebody to form an opinion on them. We judge figures in history based on far less information then we have about Jobs, regardless of knowing him personally or not. Just a thought.

Youre right.

And what you just wrote defines ignorance in my book....

Im not saying youre ignorant, but anyone that judges someone they dont know, is ignorant. I agree figures in history are judged on far less, but JFK for instance was banging Marilyn Monroe and probably killed her, yet the ignorant people consider him the best president ever. Do research before you regurgitate someone elses opinion.

People love throwing rocks at shiny things... In this case, shiny dead things. Its pathetic.
ROUSH8692;4414033 said:
Youre right.

And what you just wrote defines ignorance in my book....

Im not saying youre ignorant, but anyone that judges someone they dont know, is ignorant. I agree figures in history are judged on far less, but JFK for instance was banging Marilyn Monroe and probably killed her, yet the ignorant people consider him the best president ever. Do research before you regurgitate someone elses opinion.

People love throwing rocks at shiny things... In this case, shiny dead things. Its pathetic.

So because I didn't know Hitler, I'm ignorant of what type of person he is?

Whoops, you're logic just took a kick to the nuts. :rolleyes:
ROUSH8692;4414033 said:
Im not saying youre ignorant, but anyone that judges someone they dont know, is ignorant. I agree figures in history are judged on far less, but JFK for instance was banging Marilyn Monroe and probably killed her, yet the ignorant people consider him the best president ever. Do research before you regurgitate someone elses opinion.

Where did that come from? I have never heard that out there theory. The killing part, not the other part.
Kangaroo;4412886 said:
How did he do anything to change I had a Blackberry the first smart phone way before the iphone all the iphone did was make it hip for the non corporate people to have one. Did a great job on the touch screen interface but touch screen has been around a long time.

You are right. He was a hack who did nothing. All of us on this forum have done more than Jobs in terms of changing the world.
joseephuss;4414105 said:
Where did that come from? I have never heard that out there theory. The killing part, not the other part.

Yeah the banging part, yes, there is now the newest thing about him banging his 19 year old intern. I still don't see how he was not a great president,just because he had that weakness.
CowboyWay;4414135 said:
You are right. He was a hack who did nothing. All of us on this forum have done more than Jobs in terms of changing the world.


Him who form wheel change nothing. I use rock long before he form it into widely utilized commodity.

Sam I Am;4414045 said:
So because I didn't know Hitler, I'm ignorant of what type of person he is?

Whoops, you're logic just took a kick to the nuts. :rolleyes:

"Your" english just took one, as well.

There are few examples like the one you used here, btw. There are many people who are wrongfully judged everyday by people who don't have enough understanding to make such judgements.

Take the Joe Paterno issue. There are many, many people i've seen that seem to have it all figured out. They come out saying, "Oh, he knew all along what was going on and that all these kids were being raped and he just sat there and let it happen, and blah blah blah..".

Its completely bogus and irrational, yet people believe it and blast the man's character even though he spent basically he entire life giving back to his community and teaching and mentoring young people, doing all he could to help them grow into strong, wise men and women.

Does any of us know what exactly he knew was going on? Hell no, but that doesn't stop most from acting like they have it all figured out and condemning the man.

Everyone thinks they are a hero when they arn't the ones faced with the difficult decisions to make.

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