FileSonic disables file sharing in wake of MegaUpload arrests


Injured Reserve
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Following the MegaUpload shutdown and indictments lat week, FileSonic, one of the Internet's most popular file-sharing services, has disabled its sharing functionality.

The service can "only be used to upload and retrieve files you have uploaded personally," according to a note posted on the site's home page. FileSonic also suspended its affiliates rewards program, which paid users when people downloaded their files.

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A Plastic Container
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JonJon;4390601 said:
Following the MegaUpload shutdown and indictments lat week, FileSonic, one of the Internet's most popular file-sharing services, has disabled its sharing functionality.

The service can "only be used to upload and retrieve files you have uploaded personally," according to a note posted on the site's home page. FileSonic also suspended its affiliates rewards program, which paid users when people downloaded their files.

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I expect other services to start doing similar things. We might start seeing the decline of the one click hosters.


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Probably only a matter of time before rapidshare, oron, fileserve, and hotfile self-censor too.


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bbgun;4390735 said:
Probably only a matter of time before rapidshare, oron, fileserve, and hotfile self-censor too.

they have to - and to be honest, maybe they should.


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Hoofbite;4391463 said:
No they shouldn't.

De facto SOPA is BS.

these site allow you to download at will.

how often do you go back and pay the artist at the core?

i hate SOPA with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, but i hate people thinking they're entitled to free videos, music, whatever - even more.

i hate sopa.

i hate pirate more. they made SOPA, not the government.


rock music matters
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Hoofbite;4391463 said:
No they shouldn't.

De facto SOPA is BS.

let me ask you this -

why do you use a filesonic or megaupload?

if you can't answer that you need to back away.

if you can, i want to know what you get from it - legally.



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iceberg;4391537 said:
these site allow you to download at will.

how often do you go back and pay the artist at the core?

i hate SOPA with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, but i hate people thinking they're entitled to free videos, music, whatever - even more.

i hate sopa.

i hate pirate more. they made SOPA, not the government.

You hate SOPA more?


More than piracy you hate a free pass to censor any website?

You do realize that CZ could have been shut down had SOPA passed?


A Plastic Container
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iceberg;4391537 said:
these site allow you to download at will.

how often do you go back and pay the artist at the core?

i hate SOPA with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, but i hate people thinking they're entitled to free videos, music, whatever - even more.

i hate sopa.

i hate pirate more. they made SOPA, not the government.
Take a look at this:


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tupperware;4391553 said:

I have a very good friend who pirates games, he rarely if ever pirates movies or books, but he basically pirates every game that comes out. I finally confronted him about it one day, asking him how he could do that to the people that put so much hard work into making these games. The way he explained it was simple but very persuasive.

He said "because it's the only way I can try it out before I buyt it.". Think about it, there is almost nothing else on the planet that once you but it, it's yours and there is NOTHING you can do about it. You got game makers out there making "shovelware" just making anything they can do have something on the shelves, and then charging full price for it. You can listen to reviews to get a general idea about a game but that isn't foolproof. You can try on clothes, you can test drive cars, you can take bad food back, you can take back merchandise bought virtually anywhere but a media store for any number of reasons. With games/movies/music, once you buy it, it's yours. Now, I'll admit that the reason the rules are that way is because of piracy, you could buy it, copy it onto a HD and then return it. But that is the vast minority that would be doing that, especially with the encryptions they put on stuff. There is simply no way to know how good or bad a game is gonna be without cost. You could rent it first, but the price of doing that is going through the roof and makes a $60 game cost $68. If he likes a game and plans to continue playing it, he goes and buys it. If the game is bad or not interesting, he deletes it and moves on.

Not a bad justification for an illegal act, but a justification nonetheless.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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iceberg;4391537 said:
these site allow you to download at will.

how often do you go back and pay the artist at the core?

i hate SOPA with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, but i hate people thinking they're entitled to free videos, music, whatever - even more.

i hate sopa.

i hate pirate more. they made SOPA, not the government.

agreed. the internet isn't a playground where people have free reign to do whatever they want on it.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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couchscout;4391623 said:
I have a very good friend who pirates games, he rarely if ever pirates movies or books, but he basically pirates every game that comes out. I finally confronted him about it one day, asking him how he could do that to the people that put so much hard work into making these games. The way he explained it was simple but very persuasive.

He said "because it's the only way I can try it out before I buyt it.". Think about it, there is almost nothing else on the planet that once you but it, it's yours and there is NOTHING you can do about it. You got game makers out there making "shovelware" just making anything they can do have something on the shelves, and then charging full price for it. You can listen to reviews to get a general idea about a game but that isn't foolproof. You can try on clothes, you can test drive cars, you can take bad food back, you can take back merchandise bought virtually anywhere but a media store for any number of reasons. With games/movies/music, once you buy it, it's yours. Now, I'll admit that the reason the rules are that way is because of piracy, you could buy it, copy it onto a HD and then return it. But that is the vast minority that would be doing that, especially with the encryptions they put on stuff. There is simply no way to know how good or bad a game is gonna be without cost. You could rent it first, but the price of doing that is going through the roof and makes a $60 game cost $68. If he likes a game and plans to continue playing it, he goes and buys it. If the game is bad or not interesting, he deletes it and moves on.

Not a bad justification for an illegal act, but a justification nonetheless.

Does he REALLY go buy the game if he already has a full copy of it? I find that hard to believe to be honest.


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ajk23az;4391628 said:
Does he REALLY go buy the game if he already has a full copy of it? I find that hard to believe to be honest.

No, he does actually. I've seen his computer game cases, he has like 15 of them with a couple hundred DVD's a piece in them. All legit games. He simply uses the ability to pirate games as a way to test drive them before making a decision to buy.

Also, you should check out the link posted above my post. Piracy is NOT a bad thing for the people being pirated, it actually works out in their favor the overwhelming vast majority of the time. Despite that being proven over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, people refuse to believe it.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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couchscout;4391637 said:
No, he does actually. I've seen his computer game cases, he has like 15 of them with a couple hundred DVD's a piece in them. All legit games. He simply uses the ability to pirate games as a way to test drive them before making a decision to buy.

Also, you should check out the link posted above my post. Piracy is NOT a bad thing for the people being pirated, it actually works out in their favor the overwhelming vast majority of the time. Despite that being proven over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, people refuse to believe it.

I can agree to that in a way. Pirating CAN be good for movies, songs, poems, etc, that aren't that well known but for the big companies it is bad almost always.

I have a friend that downloads movies ( a lot of movies) and gives me his hard drive to watch some of these movies and I can honestly say that it has kept me from going to them in a theater quite a few times.


A Plastic Container
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Exactly right and I'm the same way. I pirated company of heroes before buying it. I pirated Lion OSX before buying it (Yes, I actually bought it from the App store). I've pirated dozens of games I've bought over the years. The thing is, I would not buy a game I could not try. Half the time, the Demo doesn't even give you a good enough idea and some games simply never have demos.

The majority of people out there would not have bought your game if they couldn't have pirated to try it first. There are very few people out there willing to buy games who would not buy a game if it was a good game after they sat and played it.

Some pirates will pirate games and not pay for them even if they're good games. Yes, it is not right nor legal. However, when you sit back and take the broader look at things you realize that the gained sales of those able to try your games first is simply a positive. Those pirating your game and still not willing to pay wouldn't have paid anyway.

This is less about individual acts and more of a way to view piracy. I think a company should embrace it. Find ways to give additional benefits and services to the legitimate copies. Things pirated versions won't contain (Games like Starcraft 2, WoW, which need access to the BNet servers for the real experience). Shoving your game full of DRM only hurts the paying customers and rarely stops the pirates anyway.


Injured Reserve
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I know plenty people that buy black market dvd's for $5, and if they really like the movie, go out and buy the real thing for their collection. So I agree pirating is a good form of advertising.


Injured Reserve
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tupperware;4391650 said:
Exactly right and I'm the same way. I pirated company of heroes before buying it. I pirated Lion OSX before buying it (Yes, I actually bought it from the App store). I've pirated dozens of games I've bought over the years. The thing is, I would not buy a game I could not try. Half the time, the Demo doesn't even give you a good enough idea and some games simply never have demos.

The majority of people out there would not have bought your game if they couldn't have pirated to try it first. There are very few people out there willing to buy games who would not buy a game if it was a good game after they sat and played it.

Some pirates will pirate games and not pay for them even if they're good games. Yes, it is not right nor legal. However, when you sit back and take the broader look at things you realize that the gained sales of those able to try your games first is simply a positive. Those pirating your game and still not willing to pay wouldn't have paid anyway.

This is less about individual acts and more of a way to view piracy. I think a company should embrace it. Find ways to give additional benefits and services to the legitimate copies. Things pirated versions won't contain (Games like Starcraft 2, WoW, which need access to the BNet servers for the real experience). Shoving your game full of DRM only hurts the paying customers and rarely stops the pirates anyway.
I agree with you. And also keep in mind that those who pirate and don't buy generally have no intention of buying in the first place, so the copyright owners aren't really losing any money.


rock music matters
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Hoofbite;4391549 said:
You hate SOPA more?


More than piracy you hate a free pass to censor any website?

You do realize that CZ could have been shut down had SOPA passed?

i hate sopa and what the government is *trying* to do here. yes, i fully realize cbz will likely be shut down if it passed. so would my site. i'm not sure why my saying i hate it means you think i support the results.

most people i know who use those services are downloading just about anything and everything for free. should they be allowed to?

that's the debate.


rock music matters
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JonJon;4391660 said:
I agree with you. And also keep in mind that those who pirate and don't buy generally have no intention of buying in the first place, so the copyright owners aren't really losing any money.

this is jacked up logic. if you have no intention to buy it, don't steal is because of that.


rock music matters
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JonJon;4391654 said:
I know plenty people that buy black market dvd's for $5, and if they really like the movie, go out and buy the real thing for their collection. So I agree pirating is a good form of advertising.

why not "test it out" on netflix or blockbuster for $5 and not worry about "stealing it" only to "buy it" if you like it?