(Ya,it would be of the most lame of lamest threads ever allowed, were it not for a feller in seeking an edge of circumnavigations of the frontera fence line,,, kinda' like my all time T.V. portrayed casing-liner of Robert Duvall as Col. Augustus McCray in the timeless adage: "a man that won't cheat fer' a POKE don't want one bad enough",,,er ,,,ya know(Glad nobody cheatsanymore)
Sez' MR.Cow-sexer,,,Cows are secksy
soothes the hurtwhere the dirt
Ha ha ha!!!Gophers& holes inthegroundtoo!,,,
stops the squirtunder her skirt
*nobly spoken as only the learnered may*soothes the hurt
(Ya,it would be of the most lame of lamest threads ever allowed, were it not for a feller in seeking an edge of circumnavigations of the frontera fence line,,, kinda' like my all time T.V. portrayed casing-liner of Robert Duvall as Col. Augustus McCray in the timeless adage: "a man that won't cheat fer' a POKE don't want one bad enough",,,er ,,,ya know
making it swellyTravails the BELLY,,,
like It's Alive!!!momentarily monthly stretching
ready to drivelike It's Alive!!!